/** * Copyright (C) 2019 The LineageOS Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * This file is generated by device/xiaomi/sdm660-common/setup-makefiles.sh */ soong_namespace { } cc_prebuilt_library_shared { name: "libantradio", owner: "xiaomi", strip: { none: true, }, target: { android_arm: { srcs: ["proprietary/lib/libantradio.so"], }, android_arm64: { srcs: ["proprietary/lib64/libantradio.so"], }, }, compile_multilib: "both", prefer: true, } cc_prebuilt_library_shared { name: "libthermalclient", owner: "xiaomi", strip: { none: true, }, target: { android_arm: { srcs: ["proprietary/vendor/lib/libthermalclient.so"], }, android_arm64: { srcs: ["proprietary/vendor/lib64/libthermalclient.so"], }, }, compile_multilib: "both", prefer: true, soc_specific: true, } cc_prebuilt_library_shared { name: "libtime_genoff", owner: "xiaomi", strip: { none: true, }, target: { android_arm: { srcs: ["proprietary/vendor/lib/libtime_genoff.so"], }, android_arm64: { srcs: ["proprietary/vendor/lib64/libtime_genoff.so"], }, }, compile_multilib: "both", prefer: true, soc_specific: true, } android_app_import { name: "SoterService", owner: "xiaomi", apk: "proprietary/app/SoterService/SoterService.apk", certificate: "platform", dex_preopt: { enabled: false, }, } android_app_import { name: "WfdService", owner: "xiaomi", apk: "proprietary/priv-app/WfdService/WfdService.apk", certificate: "platform", dex_preopt: { enabled: false, }, privileged: true, } android_app_import { name: "CneApp", owner: "xiaomi", apk: "proprietary/vendor/app/CneApp/CneApp.apk", certificate: "platform", dex_preopt: { enabled: false, }, soc_specific: true, } android_app_import { name: "IWlanService", owner: "xiaomi", apk: "proprietary/vendor/app/IWlanService/IWlanService.apk", certificate: "platform", dex_preopt: { enabled: false, }, soc_specific: true, } android_app_import { name: "TimeService", owner: "xiaomi", apk: "proprietary/vendor/app/TimeService/TimeService.apk", certificate: "platform", dex_preopt: { enabled: false, }, soc_specific: true, } android_app_import { name: "PowerOffAlarm", owner: "xiaomi", apk: "proprietary/product/app/PowerOffAlarm/PowerOffAlarm.apk", certificate: "platform", dex_preopt: { enabled: false, }, product_specific: true, } android_app_import { name: "QtiTelephonyService", owner: "xiaomi", apk: "proprietary/product/app/QtiTelephonyService/QtiTelephonyService.apk", certificate: "platform", dex_preopt: { enabled: false, }, product_specific: true, } android_app_import { name: "datastatusnotification", owner: "xiaomi", apk: "proprietary/product/app/datastatusnotification/datastatusnotification.apk", certificate: "platform", dex_preopt: { enabled: false, }, product_specific: true, } android_app_import { name: "imssettings", owner: "xiaomi", apk: "proprietary/product/app/imssettings/imssettings.apk", certificate: "platform", dex_preopt: { enabled: false, }, product_specific: true, } android_app_import { name: "dpmserviceapp", owner: "xiaomi", apk: "proprietary/product/priv-app/dpmserviceapp/dpmserviceapp.apk", certificate: "platform", dex_preopt: { enabled: false, }, privileged: true, product_specific: true, } android_app_import { name: "ims", owner: "xiaomi", apk: "proprietary/product/priv-app/ims/ims.apk", certificate: "platform", dex_preopt: { enabled: false, }, privileged: true, product_specific: true, } android_app_import { name: "qcrilmsgtunnel", owner: "xiaomi", apk: "proprietary/product/priv-app/qcrilmsgtunnel/qcrilmsgtunnel.apk", certificate: "platform", dex_preopt: { enabled: false, }, privileged: true, product_specific: true, } dex_import { name: "WfdCommon", owner: "xiaomi", jars: ["proprietary/framework/WfdCommon.jar"], }