- Adapted to Xiaomi SDM660 - Implemented with tilt sensor SQUASHED COMMITS: ----------------- * sdm845-common: Introduce raise to wake gesture - Highly inspired by iOS raise to wake * EvoX notes: - Adapted to OnePlus sdm845 - Strings will be added to packages/resources/devicesettings which is where all current strings are located * sdm845-common: doze: Add min interval for raise2wake - avoid having early wakeup * sd845-common: doze: raise2wake: Check proximity before wakeup - To avoid having unnecessary wakeups when phone inside the pocket * sdm845-common: doze: Enable pickup when raise to wake is toggled - This is needed in order for raise to wake to function properly. References: *f45b58b511
Co-authored-by: Nauval Rizky <enuma.alrizky@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: AnierinB <anierinb@evolution-x.org> Signed-off-by: Nauval Rizky <enuma.alrizky@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Joey Huab <joey@evolution-x.org> Signed-off-by: AnierinB <anierinb@evolution-x.org> Signed-off-by: OdSazib <odsazib@gmail.com>
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