johnmart19 ff3a6e6b06 sdm660-common: device: Import to FCM
* Also build

hwservicemanager: Since is not
registered, trying to start it as a lazy HAL.
CodecServiceRegistrant: Preferred Codec2 store is defaulted to
CodecServiceRegistrant: Software Codec2 service created and registered.
libc    : Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to
"": error code:
hwservicemanager: Tried to start as a lazy
service, but was unable to. Usually this happens when a service is not
installed, but if the service is intended to be used as a lazy service,
then it may be configured incorrectly.

Signed-off-by: pix106 <>
2023-03-20 07:59:33 +01:00

119 lines
3.9 KiB

<compatibility-matrix version="2.0" type="device">
<hal format="hidl" optional="false">
<hal format="hidl" optional="true">
<hal format="hidl" optional="false">
<hal format="hidl" optional="false">
<hal format="hidl" optional="false">
<hal format="hidl" optional="false">
<hal format="hidl" optional="false">
<hal format="hidl" optional="false">
<hal format="hidl" optional="true">
<hal format="hidl" optional="true">
<hal format="hidl" optional="true">
<hal format="hidl" optional="true">
<hal format="native" optional="false">
netutils-wrapper should only list a single version x.0.
netutils-wrapper next version has less functionalities than
previous versions, so unlike a HAL, netutils-wrapper are not
backwards compatible. Hence the major version must be bumped for
each update.
Vendor code should switch to (x+1).0 completely before when the
requirement is updated here.