Alcatraz323 c7ebb79d32 sdm660-common: properties: set ro.boot.wificountrycode to enable the 5g hotspot toggle
* In settings, it called "extends capatibility"
* packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/wifi/tether/ private boolean is5GhzBandSupported();

Signed-off-by: pix106 <>
2024-01-14 17:19:23 +01:00
odm.prop sdm660-common: props: Refactor all properties 2021-05-18 05:04:03 +06:00
system.prop sdm660-common: clear properties, clear BoardConfig, update surface api properties 2024-01-14 17:18:17 +01:00
system_ext.prop sdm660-common: properties: match up stock Radio configs 2023-06-24 08:40:47 +02:00
vendor.prop sdm660-common: properties: set ro.boot.wificountrycode to enable the 5g hotspot toggle 2024-01-14 17:19:23 +01:00