/* Copyright (c) 2013-2016, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "IPACM_Conntrack_NATApp.h" #include "IPACM_ConntrackClient.h" #ifdef FEATURE_IPACM_HAL #include "IPACM_OffloadManager.h" #endif #define INVALID_IP_ADDR 0x0 /* NatApp class Implementation */ NatApp *NatApp::pInstance = NULL; NatApp::NatApp() { max_entries = 0; cache = NULL; nat_table_hdl = 0; pub_ip_addr = 0; curCnt = 0; pALGPorts = NULL; nALGPort = 0; ct = NULL; ct_hdl = NULL; memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp)); } int NatApp::Init(void) { IPACM_Config *pConfig; int size = 0; pConfig = IPACM_Config::GetInstance(); if(pConfig == NULL) { IPACMERR("Unable to get Config instance\n"); return -1; } max_entries = pConfig->GetNatMaxEntries(); size = (sizeof(nat_table_entry) * max_entries); cache = (nat_table_entry *)malloc(size); if(cache == NULL) { IPACMERR("Unable to allocate memory for cache\n"); goto fail; } IPACMDBG("Allocated %d bytes for config manager nat cache\n", size); memset(cache, 0, size); nALGPort = pConfig->GetAlgPortCnt(); if(nALGPort > 0) { pALGPorts = (ipacm_alg *)malloc(sizeof(ipacm_alg) * nALGPort); if(pALGPorts == NULL) { IPACMERR("Unable to allocate memory for alg prots\n"); goto fail; } memset(pALGPorts, 0, sizeof(ipacm_alg) * nALGPort); if(pConfig->GetAlgPorts(nALGPort, pALGPorts) != 0) { IPACMERR("Unable to retrieve ALG prots\n"); goto fail; } IPACMDBG("Printing %d alg ports information\n", nALGPort); for(int cnt=0; cntInit()) { delete pInstance; return NULL; } } return pInstance; } /* NAT APP related object function definitions */ int NatApp::AddTable(uint32_t pub_ip) { int ret; int cnt = 0; ipa_nat_ipv4_rule nat_rule; IPACMDBG_H("%s() %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); /* Not reset the cache wait it timeout by destroy event */ #if 0 if (pub_ip != pub_ip_addr_pre) { IPACMDBG("Reset the cache because NAT-ipv4 different\n"); memset(cache, 0, sizeof(nat_table_entry) * max_entries); curCnt = 0; } #endif ret = ipa_nat_add_ipv4_tbl(pub_ip, max_entries, &nat_table_hdl); if(ret) { IPACMERR("unable to create nat table Error:%d\n", ret); return ret; } /* Add back the cached NAT-entry */ if (pub_ip == pub_ip_addr_pre) { IPACMDBG("Restore the cache to ipa NAT-table\n"); for(cnt = 0; cnt < max_entries; cnt++) { if(cache[cnt].private_ip !=0) { memset(&nat_rule, 0 , sizeof(nat_rule)); nat_rule.private_ip = cache[cnt].private_ip; nat_rule.target_ip = cache[cnt].target_ip; nat_rule.target_port = cache[cnt].target_port; nat_rule.private_port = cache[cnt].private_port; nat_rule.public_port = cache[cnt].public_port; nat_rule.protocol = cache[cnt].protocol; if(ipa_nat_add_ipv4_rule(nat_table_hdl, &nat_rule, &cache[cnt].rule_hdl) < 0) { IPACMERR("unable to add the rule delete from cache\n"); memset(&cache[cnt], 0, sizeof(cache[cnt])); curCnt--; continue; } cache[cnt].enabled = true; IPACMDBG("On wan-iface reset added below rule successfully\n"); iptodot("Private IP", nat_rule.private_ip); iptodot("Target IP", nat_rule.target_ip); IPACMDBG("Private Port:%d \t Target Port: %d\t", nat_rule.private_port, nat_rule.target_port); IPACMDBG("Public Port:%d\n", nat_rule.public_port); IPACMDBG("protocol: %d\n", nat_rule.protocol); } } } pub_ip_addr = pub_ip; return 0; } void NatApp::Reset() { int cnt = 0; nat_table_hdl = 0; pub_ip_addr = 0; /* NAT tbl deleted, reset enabled bit */ for(cnt = 0; cnt < max_entries; cnt++) { cache[cnt].enabled = false; } } int NatApp::DeleteTable(uint32_t pub_ip) { int ret; IPACMDBG_H("%s() %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); CHK_TBL_HDL(); if(pub_ip_addr != pub_ip) { IPACMDBG("Public ip address is not matching\n"); IPACMERR("unable to delete the nat table\n"); return -1; } ret = ipa_nat_del_ipv4_tbl(nat_table_hdl); if(ret) { IPACMERR("unable to delete nat table Error: %d\n", ret);; return ret; } pub_ip_addr_pre = pub_ip_addr; Reset(); return 0; } /* Check for duplicate entries */ bool NatApp::ChkForDup(const nat_table_entry *rule) { int cnt = 0; IPACMDBG("%s() %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); for(; cnt < max_entries; cnt++) { if(cache[cnt].private_ip == rule->private_ip && cache[cnt].target_ip == rule->target_ip && cache[cnt].private_port == rule->private_port && cache[cnt].target_port == rule->target_port && cache[cnt].protocol == rule->protocol) { log_nat(rule->protocol,rule->private_ip,rule->target_ip,rule->private_port,\ rule->target_port,"Duplicate Rule\n"); return true; } } return false; } /* Delete the entry from Nat table on connection close */ int NatApp::DeleteEntry(const nat_table_entry *rule) { int cnt = 0; IPACMDBG("%s() %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); log_nat(rule->protocol,rule->private_ip,rule->target_ip,rule->private_port,\ rule->target_port,"for deletion\n"); for(; cnt < max_entries; cnt++) { if(cache[cnt].private_ip == rule->private_ip && cache[cnt].target_ip == rule->target_ip && cache[cnt].private_port == rule->private_port && cache[cnt].target_port == rule->target_port && cache[cnt].protocol == rule->protocol) { if(cache[cnt].enabled == true) { if(ipa_nat_del_ipv4_rule(nat_table_hdl, cache[cnt].rule_hdl) < 0) { IPACMERR("%s() %d deletion failed\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } IPACMDBG_H("Deleted Nat entry(%d) Successfully\n", cnt); } else { IPACMDBG_H("Deleted Nat entry(%d) only from cache\n", cnt); } memset(&cache[cnt], 0, sizeof(cache[cnt])); curCnt--; break; } } return 0; } /* Add new entry to the nat table on new connection */ int NatApp::AddEntry(const nat_table_entry *rule) { int cnt = 0; ipa_nat_ipv4_rule nat_rule; IPACMDBG("%s() %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); CHK_TBL_HDL(); log_nat(rule->protocol,rule->private_ip,rule->target_ip,rule->private_port,\ rule->target_port,"for addition\n"); if(isAlgPort(rule->protocol, rule->private_port) || isAlgPort(rule->protocol, rule->target_port)) { IPACMERR("connection using ALG Port, ignore\n"); return -1; } if(rule->private_ip == 0 || rule->target_ip == 0 || rule->private_port == 0 || rule->target_port == 0 || rule->protocol == 0) { IPACMERR("Invalid Connection, ignoring it\n"); return 0; } if(!ChkForDup(rule)) { for(; cnt < max_entries; cnt++) { if(cache[cnt].private_ip == 0 && cache[cnt].target_ip == 0 && cache[cnt].private_port == 0 && cache[cnt].target_port == 0 && cache[cnt].protocol == 0) { break; } } if(max_entries == cnt) { IPACMERR("Error: Unable to add, reached maximum rules\n"); return -1; } else { memset(&nat_rule, 0, sizeof(nat_rule)); nat_rule.private_ip = rule->private_ip; nat_rule.target_ip = rule->target_ip; nat_rule.target_port = rule->target_port; nat_rule.private_port = rule->private_port; nat_rule.public_port = rule->public_port; nat_rule.protocol = rule->protocol; if(isPwrSaveIf(rule->private_ip) || isPwrSaveIf(rule->target_ip)) { IPACMDBG("Device is Power Save mode: Dont insert into nat table but cache\n"); cache[cnt].enabled = false; cache[cnt].rule_hdl = 0; } else { if(ipa_nat_add_ipv4_rule(nat_table_hdl, &nat_rule, &cache[cnt].rule_hdl) < 0) { IPACMERR("unable to add the rule\n"); return -1; } cache[cnt].enabled = true; } cache[cnt].private_ip = rule->private_ip; cache[cnt].target_ip = rule->target_ip; cache[cnt].target_port = rule->target_port; cache[cnt].private_port = rule->private_port; cache[cnt].protocol = rule->protocol; cache[cnt].timestamp = 0; cache[cnt].public_port = rule->public_port; cache[cnt].dst_nat = rule->dst_nat; curCnt++; } } else { IPACMERR("Duplicate rule. Ignore it\n"); return -1; } if(cache[cnt].enabled == true) { IPACMDBG_H("Added rule(%d) successfully\n", cnt); } else { IPACMDBG_H("Cached rule(%d) successfully\n", cnt); } return 0; } void NatApp::UpdateCTUdpTs(nat_table_entry *rule, uint32_t new_ts) { #ifdef FEATURE_IPACM_HAL IOffloadManager::ConntrackTimeoutUpdater::natTimeoutUpdate_t entry; IPACM_OffloadManager* OffloadMng; #endif iptodot("Private IP:", rule->private_ip); iptodot("Target IP:", rule->target_ip); IPACMDBG("Private Port: %d, Target Port: %d\n", rule->private_port, rule->target_port); #ifndef FEATURE_IPACM_HAL int ret; if(!ct_hdl) { ct_hdl = nfct_open(CONNTRACK, 0); if(!ct_hdl) { PERROR("nfct_open"); return; } } if(!ct) { ct = nfct_new(); if(!ct) { PERROR("nfct_new"); return; } } nfct_set_attr_u8(ct, ATTR_L3PROTO, AF_INET); if(rule->protocol == IPPROTO_UDP) { nfct_set_attr_u8(ct, ATTR_L4PROTO, rule->protocol); nfct_set_attr_u32(ct, ATTR_TIMEOUT, udp_timeout); } else { nfct_set_attr_u8(ct, ATTR_L4PROTO, rule->protocol); nfct_set_attr_u32(ct, ATTR_TIMEOUT, tcp_timeout); } if(rule->dst_nat == false) { nfct_set_attr_u32(ct, ATTR_IPV4_SRC, htonl(rule->private_ip)); nfct_set_attr_u16(ct, ATTR_PORT_SRC, htons(rule->private_port)); nfct_set_attr_u32(ct, ATTR_IPV4_DST, htonl(rule->target_ip)); nfct_set_attr_u16(ct, ATTR_PORT_DST, htons(rule->target_port)); IPACMDBG("dst nat is not set\n"); } else { nfct_set_attr_u32(ct, ATTR_IPV4_SRC, htonl(rule->target_ip)); nfct_set_attr_u16(ct, ATTR_PORT_SRC, htons(rule->target_port)); nfct_set_attr_u32(ct, ATTR_IPV4_DST, htonl(pub_ip_addr)); nfct_set_attr_u16(ct, ATTR_PORT_DST, htons(rule->public_port)); IPACMDBG("dst nat is set\n"); } iptodot("Source IP:", nfct_get_attr_u32(ct, ATTR_IPV4_SRC)); iptodot("Destination IP:", nfct_get_attr_u32(ct, ATTR_IPV4_DST)); IPACMDBG("Source Port: %d, Destination Port: %d\n", nfct_get_attr_u16(ct, ATTR_PORT_SRC), nfct_get_attr_u16(ct, ATTR_PORT_DST)); IPACMDBG("updating %d connection with time: %d\n", rule->protocol, nfct_get_attr_u32(ct, ATTR_TIMEOUT)); ret = nfct_query(ct_hdl, NFCT_Q_UPDATE, ct); if(ret == -1) { IPACMERR("unable to update time stamp"); DeleteEntry(rule); } else { rule->timestamp = new_ts; IPACMDBG("Updated time stamp successfully\n"); } #else if(rule->protocol == IPPROTO_UDP) { entry.proto = IOffloadManager::ConntrackTimeoutUpdater::UDP;; } else { entry.proto = IOffloadManager::ConntrackTimeoutUpdater::TCP; } if(rule->dst_nat == false) { entry.src.ipAddr = htonl(rule->private_ip); entry.src.port = rule->private_port; entry.dst.ipAddr = htonl(rule->target_ip); entry.dst.port = rule->target_port; IPACMDBG("dst nat is not set\n"); } else { entry.src.ipAddr = htonl(rule->target_ip); entry.src.port = rule->target_port; entry.dst.ipAddr = htonl(pub_ip_addr); entry.dst.port = rule->public_port; IPACMDBG("dst nat is set\n"); } iptodot("Source IP:", entry.src.ipAddr); iptodot("Destination IP:", entry.dst.ipAddr); IPACMDBG("Source Port: %d, Destination Port: %d\n", entry.src.port, entry.dst.port); OffloadMng = IPACM_OffloadManager::GetInstance(); if (OffloadMng->touInstance == NULL) { IPACMERR("OffloadMng->touInstance is NULL, can't forward to framework!\n"); } else { OffloadMng->touInstance->updateTimeout(entry); IPACMDBG("Updated time stamp successfully\n"); rule->timestamp = new_ts; } #endif return; } void NatApp::UpdateUDPTimeStamp() { int cnt; uint32_t ts; bool read_to = false; for(cnt = 0; cnt < max_entries; cnt++) { ts = 0; if(cache[cnt].enabled == true && (cache[cnt].private_ip != cache[cnt].public_ip)) { IPACMDBG("\n"); if(ipa_nat_query_timestamp(nat_table_hdl, cache[cnt].rule_hdl, &ts) < 0) { IPACMERR("unable to retrieve timeout for rule hanle: %d\n", cache[cnt].rule_hdl); continue; } if(cache[cnt].timestamp == ts) { IPACMDBG("No Change in Time Stamp: cahce:%d, ipahw:%d\n", cache[cnt].timestamp, ts); continue; } if (read_to == false) { read_to = true; Read_TcpUdp_Timeout(); } UpdateCTUdpTs(&cache[cnt], ts); } /* end of outer if */ } /* end of for loop */ } bool NatApp::isAlgPort(uint8_t proto, uint16_t port) { int cnt; for(cnt = 0; cnt < nALGPort; cnt++) { if(proto == pALGPorts[cnt].protocol && port == pALGPorts[cnt].port) { return true; } } return false; } bool NatApp::isPwrSaveIf(uint32_t ip_addr) { int cnt; for(cnt = 0; cnt < IPA_MAX_NUM_WIFI_CLIENTS; cnt++) { if(0 != PwrSaveIfs[cnt] && ip_addr == PwrSaveIfs[cnt]) { return true; } } return false; } int NatApp::UpdatePwrSaveIf(uint32_t client_lan_ip) { int cnt; IPACMDBG_H("Received IP address: 0x%x\n", client_lan_ip); if(client_lan_ip == INVALID_IP_ADDR) { IPACMERR("Invalid ip address received\n"); return -1; } /* check for duplicate events */ for(cnt = 0; cnt < IPA_MAX_NUM_WIFI_CLIENTS; cnt++) { if(PwrSaveIfs[cnt] == client_lan_ip) { IPACMDBG("The client 0x%x is already in power save\n", client_lan_ip); return 0; } } for(cnt = 0; cnt < IPA_MAX_NUM_WIFI_CLIENTS; cnt++) { if(PwrSaveIfs[cnt] == 0) { PwrSaveIfs[cnt] = client_lan_ip; break; } } for(cnt = 0; cnt < max_entries; cnt++) { if(cache[cnt].private_ip == client_lan_ip && cache[cnt].enabled == true) { if(ipa_nat_del_ipv4_rule(nat_table_hdl, cache[cnt].rule_hdl) < 0) { IPACMERR("unable to delete the rule\n"); continue; } cache[cnt].enabled = false; cache[cnt].rule_hdl = 0; } } return 0; } int NatApp::ResetPwrSaveIf(uint32_t client_lan_ip) { int cnt; ipa_nat_ipv4_rule nat_rule; IPACMDBG_H("Received ip address: 0x%x\n", client_lan_ip); if(client_lan_ip == INVALID_IP_ADDR) { IPACMERR("Invalid ip address received\n"); return -1; } for(cnt = 0; cnt < IPA_MAX_NUM_WIFI_CLIENTS; cnt++) { if(PwrSaveIfs[cnt] == client_lan_ip) { PwrSaveIfs[cnt] = 0; break; } } for(cnt = 0; cnt < max_entries; cnt++) { IPACMDBG("cache (%d): enable %d, ip 0x%x\n", cnt, cache[cnt].enabled, cache[cnt].private_ip); if(cache[cnt].private_ip == client_lan_ip && cache[cnt].enabled == false) { memset(&nat_rule, 0 , sizeof(nat_rule)); nat_rule.private_ip = cache[cnt].private_ip; nat_rule.target_ip = cache[cnt].target_ip; nat_rule.target_port = cache[cnt].target_port; nat_rule.private_port = cache[cnt].private_port; nat_rule.public_port = cache[cnt].public_port; nat_rule.protocol = cache[cnt].protocol; if(ipa_nat_add_ipv4_rule(nat_table_hdl, &nat_rule, &cache[cnt].rule_hdl) < 0) { IPACMERR("unable to add the rule delete from cache\n"); memset(&cache[cnt], 0, sizeof(cache[cnt])); curCnt--; continue; } cache[cnt].enabled = true; IPACMDBG("On power reset added below rule successfully\n"); iptodot("Private IP", nat_rule.private_ip); iptodot("Target IP", nat_rule.target_ip); IPACMDBG("Private Port:%d \t Target Port: %d\t", nat_rule.private_port, nat_rule.target_port); IPACMDBG("Public Port:%d\n", nat_rule.public_port); IPACMDBG("protocol: %d\n", nat_rule.protocol); } } return -1; } uint32_t NatApp::GetTableHdl(uint32_t in_ip_addr) { if(in_ip_addr == pub_ip_addr) { return nat_table_hdl; } return -1; } void NatApp::AddTempEntry(const nat_table_entry *new_entry) { int cnt; IPACMDBG("Received below Temp Nat entry\n"); iptodot("Private IP", new_entry->private_ip); iptodot("Target IP", new_entry->target_ip); IPACMDBG("Private Port: %d\t Target Port: %d\t", new_entry->private_port, new_entry->target_port); IPACMDBG("protocolcol: %d\n", new_entry->protocol); if(isAlgPort(new_entry->protocol, new_entry->private_port) || isAlgPort(new_entry->protocol, new_entry->target_port)) { IPACMDBG("connection using ALG Port. Dont insert into nat cache\n"); return; } if(ChkForDup(new_entry)) { return; } for(cnt=0; cntprivate_ip && temp[cnt].target_ip == new_entry->target_ip && temp[cnt].private_port == new_entry->private_port && temp[cnt].target_port == new_entry->target_port && temp[cnt].protocol == new_entry->protocol) { IPACMDBG("Received duplicate Temp entry\n"); return; } } for(cnt=0; cntprivate_ip); iptodot("Target IP", entry->target_ip); IPACMDBG("Private Port: %d\t Target Port: %d\n", entry->private_port, entry->target_port); IPACMDBG("protocol: %d\n", entry->protocol); for(cnt=0; cntprivate_ip && temp[cnt].target_ip == entry->target_ip && temp[cnt].private_port == entry->private_port && temp[cnt].target_port == entry->target_port && temp[cnt].protocol == entry->protocol) { memset(&temp[cnt], 0, sizeof(nat_table_entry)); IPACMDBG("Delete Temp Entry\n"); return; } } IPACMDBG("No Such Temp Entry exists\n"); return; } void NatApp::FlushTempEntries(uint32_t ip_addr, bool isAdd, bool isDummy) { int cnt; int ret; IPACMDBG_H("Received below with isAdd:%d ", isAdd); iptodot("IP Address: ", ip_addr); for(cnt=0; cntprivate_ip == 0 || rule->target_ip == 0 || rule->private_port == 0 || rule->target_port == 0 || rule->protocol == 0) { IPACMERR("Invalid Connection, ignoring it\n"); return; } if(!ChkForDup(rule)) { for(cnt=0; cnt < max_entries; cnt++) { if(cache[cnt].private_ip == 0 && cache[cnt].target_ip == 0 && cache[cnt].private_port == 0 && cache[cnt].target_port == 0 && cache[cnt].protocol == 0) { break; } } if(max_entries == cnt) { IPACMERR("Error: Unable to add, reached maximum rules\n"); return; } else { cache[cnt].enabled = false; cache[cnt].rule_hdl = 0; cache[cnt].private_ip = rule->private_ip; cache[cnt].target_ip = rule->target_ip; cache[cnt].target_port = rule->target_port; cache[cnt].private_port = rule->private_port; cache[cnt].protocol = rule->protocol; cache[cnt].timestamp = 0; cache[cnt].public_port = rule->public_port; cache[cnt].public_ip = rule->public_ip; cache[cnt].dst_nat = rule->dst_nat; curCnt++; } } else { IPACMERR("Duplicate rule. Ignore it\n"); return; } IPACMDBG("Cached rule(%d) successfully\n", cnt); return; } void NatApp::Read_TcpUdp_Timeout(void) { #ifdef FEATURE_IPACM_HAL tcp_timeout = 432000; udp_timeout = 180; IPACMDBG_H("udp timeout value: %d\n", udp_timeout); IPACMDBG_H("tcp timeout value: %d\n", tcp_timeout); #else FILE *udp_fd = NULL, *tcp_fd = NULL; /* Read UDP timeout value */ udp_fd = fopen(IPACM_UDP_FULL_FILE_NAME, "r"); if (udp_fd == NULL) { IPACMERR("unable to open %s\n", IPACM_UDP_FULL_FILE_NAME); goto fail; } if (fscanf(udp_fd, "%d", &udp_timeout) != 1) { IPACMERR("Error reading udp timeout\n"); } IPACMDBG_H("udp timeout value: %d\n", udp_timeout); /* Read TCP timeout value */ tcp_fd = fopen(IPACM_TCP_FULL_FILE_NAME, "r"); if (tcp_fd == NULL) { IPACMERR("unable to open %s\n", IPACM_TCP_FULL_FILE_NAME); goto fail; } if (fscanf(tcp_fd, "%d", &tcp_timeout) != 1) { IPACMERR("Error reading tcp timeout\n"); } IPACMDBG_H("tcp timeout value: %d\n", tcp_timeout); fail: if (udp_fd) { fclose(udp_fd); } if (tcp_fd) { fclose(tcp_fd); } #endif return; }