/* Copyright (c) 2017-2020 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef LOCATIONAPI_H #define LOCATIONAPI_H #include "ILocationAPI.h" class LocationAPI : public ILocationAPI { private: LocationAPI(); ~LocationAPI(); public: /* creates an instance to LocationAPI object. Will return NULL if mandatory parameters are invalid or if the maximum number of instances have been reached */ static LocationAPI* createInstance(LocationCallbacks&); /* destroy/cleans up the instance, which should be called when LocationControlAPI object is no longer needed. LocationControlAPI* returned from createInstance will no longer valid after destroy is called. If the caller allocates the memory for LocationControlCallbacks used in LocationControlAPI::createInstance, then the caller must ensure that the memory still remains valid until destroyCompleteCb is invoked. */ void destroy(locationApiDestroyCompleteCallback destroyCompleteCb=nullptr); void onRemoveClientCompleteCb (LocationAdapterTypeMask adapterType); /* updates/changes the callbacks that will be called. mandatory callbacks must be present for callbacks to be successfully updated no return value */ virtual void updateCallbacks(LocationCallbacks&) override; /* ================================== TRACKING ================================== */ /* startTracking starts a tracking session, which returns a session id that will be used by the other tracking APIs and also in the responseCallback to match command with response. locations are reported on the trackingCallback passed in createInstance periodically according to LocationOptions. responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if session was successfully started LOCATION_ERROR_ALREADY_STARTED if a startTracking session is already in progress LOCATION_ERROR_CALLBACK_MISSING if no trackingCallback was passed in createInstance LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if TrackingOptions parameter is invalid */ virtual uint32_t startTracking(TrackingOptions&) override; /* stopTracking stops a tracking session associated with id parameter. responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_ID_UNKNOWN if id is not associated with a tracking session */ virtual void stopTracking(uint32_t id) override; /* updateTrackingOptions changes the TrackingOptions of a tracking session associated with id responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if TrackingOptions parameters are invalid LOCATION_ERROR_ID_UNKNOWN if id is not associated with a tracking session */ virtual void updateTrackingOptions(uint32_t id, TrackingOptions&) override; /* ================================== BATCHING ================================== */ /* startBatching starts a batching session, which returns a session id that will be used by the other batching APIs and also in the responseCallback to match command with response. locations are reported on the batchingCallback passed in createInstance periodically according to LocationOptions. A batching session starts tracking on the low power processor and delivers them in batches by the batchingCallback when the batch is full or when getBatchedLocations is called. This allows for the processor that calls this API to sleep when the low power processor can batch locations in the backgroup and wake up the processor calling the API only when the batch is full, thus saving power responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if session was successful LOCATION_ERROR_ALREADY_STARTED if a startBatching session is already in progress LOCATION_ERROR_CALLBACK_MISSING if no batchingCallback was passed in createInstance LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if a parameter is invalid LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED if batching is not supported */ virtual uint32_t startBatching(BatchingOptions&) override; /* stopBatching stops a batching session associated with id parameter. responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_ID_UNKNOWN if id is not associated with batching session */ virtual void stopBatching(uint32_t id) override; /* updateBatchingOptions changes the BatchingOptions of a batching session associated with id responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if BatchingOptions parameters are invalid LOCATION_ERROR_ID_UNKNOWN if id is not associated with a batching session */ virtual void updateBatchingOptions(uint32_t id, BatchingOptions&) override; /* getBatchedLocations gets a number of locations that are currently stored/batched on the low power processor, delivered by the batchingCallback passed in createInstance. Location are then deleted from the batch stored on the low power processor. responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, will be followed by batchingCallback call LOCATION_ERROR_CALLBACK_MISSING if no batchingCallback was passed in createInstance LOCATION_ERROR_ID_UNKNOWN if id is not associated with a batching session */ virtual void getBatchedLocations(uint32_t id, size_t count) override; /* ================================== GEOFENCE ================================== */ /* addGeofences adds any number of geofences and returns an array of geofence ids that will be used by the other geofence APIs and also in the collectiveResponseCallback to match command with response. The geofenceBreachCallback will deliver the status of each geofence according to the GeofenceOption for each. The geofence id array returned will be valid until the collectiveResponseCallback is called and has returned. collectiveResponseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if session was successful LOCATION_ERROR_CALLBACK_MISSING if no geofenceBreachCallback LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if any parameters are invalid LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED if geofence is not supported */ virtual uint32_t* addGeofences(size_t count, GeofenceOption*, GeofenceInfo*) override; /* removeGeofences removes any number of geofences. Caller should delete ids array after removeGeofences returneds. collectiveResponseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_ID_UNKNOWN if id is not associated with a geofence session */ virtual void removeGeofences(size_t count, uint32_t* ids) override; /* modifyGeofences modifies any number of geofences. Caller should delete ids array after modifyGeofences returns. collectiveResponseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_ID_UNKNOWN if id is not associated with a geofence session LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if any parameters are invalid */ virtual void modifyGeofences(size_t count, uint32_t* ids, GeofenceOption* options) override; /* pauseGeofences pauses any number of geofences, which is similar to removeGeofences, only that they can be resumed at any time. Caller should delete ids array after pauseGeofences returns. collectiveResponseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_ID_UNKNOWN if id is not associated with a geofence session */ virtual void pauseGeofences(size_t count, uint32_t* ids) override; /* resumeGeofences resumes any number of geofences that are currently paused. Caller should delete ids array after resumeGeofences returns. collectiveResponseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_ID_UNKNOWN if id is not associated with a geofence session */ virtual void resumeGeofences(size_t count, uint32_t* ids) override; /* ================================== GNSS ====================================== */ /* gnssNiResponse is called in response to a gnssNiCallback. responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if session was successful LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if any parameters in GnssNiResponse are invalid LOCATION_ERROR_ID_UNKNOWN if id does not match a gnssNiCallback */ virtual void gnssNiResponse(uint32_t id, GnssNiResponse response) override; /* ================================== NETWORK PROVIDER =========================== */ /* enableNetworkProvider enables Network Provider */ virtual void enableNetworkProvider(); /* disableNetworkProvider disables Network Provider */ virtual void disableNetworkProvider(); /* startNetworkLocation start a single shot network location request */ virtual void startNetworkLocation(trackingCallback* callback); /* stopNetworkLocation stop any ongoing network location request */ virtual void stopNetworkLocation(trackingCallback* callback); }; typedef struct { size_t size; // set to sizeof(LocationControlCallbacks) responseCallback responseCb; // mandatory collectiveResponseCallback collectiveResponseCb; // mandatory gnssConfigCallback gnssConfigCb; // optional } LocationControlCallbacks; class LocationControlAPI : public ILocationControlAPI { private: LocationControlAPI(); ~LocationControlAPI(); public: /* creates an instance to LocationControlAPI object. Will return NULL if mandatory parameters are invalid or if the maximum number of instances have been reached. Only once instance allowed */ static LocationControlAPI* createInstance(LocationControlCallbacks&); /* destroy/cleans up the instance, which should be called when LocationControlAPI object is no longer needed. LocationControlAPI* returned from createInstance will no longer valid after destroy is called */ void destroy(); /* enable will enable specific location technology to be used for calculation locations and will effectively start a control session if call is successful, which returns a session id that will be returned in responseCallback to match command with response. The session id is also needed to call the disable command. This effect is global for all clients of LocationAPI responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_ALREADY_STARTED if an enable was already called for this techType LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if any parameters are invalid LOCATION_ERROR_GENERAL_FAILURE if failure for any other reason */ uint32_t enable(LocationTechnologyType techType); /* disable will disable specific location technology to be used for calculation locations and effectively ends the control session if call is successful. id parameter is the session id that was returned in enable responseCallback for techType. The session id is no longer valid after disable's responseCallback returns success. This effect is global for all clients of LocationAPI responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_ID_UNKNOWN if id was not returned from responseCallback from enable LOCATION_ERROR_GENERAL_FAILURE if failure for any other reason */ void disable(uint32_t id); /* gnssUpdateConfig updates the gnss specific configuration, which returns a session id array with an id for each of the bits set in GnssConfig.flags, order from low bits to high bits. The response for each config that is set will be returned in collectiveResponseCallback. The session id array returned will be valid until the collectiveResponseCallback is called and has returned. This effect is global for all clients of LocationAPI collectiveResponseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if session was successful LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if any other parameters are invalid LOCATION_ERROR_GENERAL_FAILURE if failure for any other reason PLEASE NOTE: It is caller's resposibility to FREE the memory of the return value. The memory must be freed by delete [].*/ virtual uint32_t* gnssUpdateConfig(const GnssConfig& config) override; /* gnssGetConfig fetches the current constellation and SV configuration on the GNSS engine. Returns a session id array with an id for each of the bits set in the mask parameter, order from low bits to high bits. Response is sent via the registered gnssConfigCallback. This effect is global for all clients of LocationAPI collectiveResponseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if session was successful LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if any parameter is invalid LOCATION_ERROR_CALLBACK_MISSING If no gnssConfigCallback was passed in createInstance LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED If read of requested configuration is not supported PLEASE NOTE: It is caller's resposibility to FREE the memory of the return value. The memory must be freed by delete [].*/ uint32_t* gnssGetConfig(GnssConfigFlagsMask mask); /* delete specific gnss aiding data for testing, which returns a session id that will be returned in responseCallback to match command with response. Only allowed in userdebug builds. This effect is global for all clients of LocationAPI responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if any parameters are invalid LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED if build is not userdebug */ virtual uint32_t gnssDeleteAidingData(GnssAidingData& data) override; /** @brief Configure the constellation and SVs to be used by the GNSS engine on modem. @param constellationEnablementConfig: configuration to enable/disable SV constellation to be used by SPE engine. When size in constellationEnablementConfig is set to 0, this indicates to reset SV constellation configuration to modem NV default. blacklistSvConfig: configuration to blacklist or unblacklist SVs used by SPE engine @return A session id that will be returned in responseCallback to match command with response. This effect is global for all clients of LocationAPI responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if any parameters are invalid */ virtual uint32_t configConstellations( const GnssSvTypeConfig& constellationEnablementConfig, const GnssSvIdConfig& blacklistSvConfig) override; /** @brief Configure the secondary band of constellations to be used by the GNSS engine on modem. @param secondaryBandConfig: configuration the secondary band usage for SPE engine @return A session id that will be returned in responseCallback to match command with response. This effect is global for all clients of LocationAPI responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if any parameters are invalid */ virtual uint32_t configConstellationSecondaryBand( const GnssSvTypeConfig& secondaryBandConfig) override; /** @brief Enable or disable the constrained time uncertainty feature. @param enable: true to enable the constrained time uncertainty feature and false to disable the constrainted time uncertainty feature. @param tuncThreshold: this specifies the time uncertainty threshold that gps engine need to maintain, in units of milli-seconds. Default is 0.0 meaning that modem default value of time uncertainty threshold will be used. This parameter is ignored when requesting to disable this feature. @param energyBudget: this specifies the power budget that gps engine is allowed to spend to maintain the time uncertainty. Default is 0 meaning that GPS engine is not constained by power budget and can spend as much power as needed. The parameter need to be specified in units of 0.1 milli watt second. This parameter is ignored requesting to disable this feature. @return A session id that will be returned in responseCallback to match command with response. This effect is global for all clients of LocationAPI responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if any parameters are invalid */ virtual uint32_t configConstrainedTimeUncertainty( bool enable, float tuncThreshold = 0.0, uint32_t energyBudget = 0) override; /** @brief Enable or disable position assisted clock estimator feature. @param enable: true to enable position assisted clock estimator and false to disable the position assisted clock estimator feature. @return A session id that will be returned in responseCallback to match command with response. This effect is global for all clients of LocationAPI responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if any parameters are invalid */ virtual uint32_t configPositionAssistedClockEstimator(bool enable) override; /** @brief Sets the lever arm parameters for the vehicle. @param configInfo: lever arm configuration info regarding below two types of lever arm info: a: GNSS Antenna w.r.t the origin at the IMU e.g.: inertial measurement unit. b: lever arm parameters regarding the OPF (output frame) w.r.t the origin (at the GPS Antenna). Vehicle manufacturers prefer the position output to be tied to a specific point in the vehicle rather than where the antenna is placed (midpoint of the rear axle is typical). Caller can choose types of lever arm info to configure via the leverMarkTypeMask. @return A session id that will be returned in responseCallback to match command with response. This effect is global for all clients of LocationAPI responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if any parameters are invalid */ virtual uint32_t configLeverArm(const LeverArmConfigInfo& configInfo) override; /** @brief Configure the robust location setting. @param enable: true to enable robust location and false to disable robust location. @param enableForE911: true to enable robust location when device is on E911 session and false to disable on E911 session. This parameter is only valid if robust location is enabled. @return A session id that will be returned in responseCallback to match command with response. This effect is global for all clients of LocationAPI responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if any parameters are invalid */ virtual uint32_t configRobustLocation(bool enable, bool enableForE911) override; /** @brief Config the minimal GPS week used by modem GNSS engine. @param minGpsWeek: minimal GPS week to be used by modem GNSS engine. @return A session id that will be returned in responseCallback to match command with response. This effect is global for all clients of LocationAPI responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if any parameters are invalid */ virtual uint32_t configMinGpsWeek(uint16_t minGpsWeek) override; /** @brief Configure the vehicle body-to-Sensor mount parameters and other parameters for dead reckoning position engine. @param dreConfig: vehicle body-to-Sensor mount angles and other parameters. @return A session id that will be returned in responseCallback to match command with response. This effect is global for all clients of LocationAPI responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if any parameters are invalid */ virtual uint32_t configDeadReckoningEngineParams( const DeadReckoningEngineConfig& dreConfig) override; /** @brief This API is used to instruct the specified engine to be in the pause/resume state. <br/> When the engine is placed in paused state, the engine will stop. If there is an on-going session, engine will no longer produce fixes. In the paused state, calling API to delete aiding data from the paused engine may not have effect. Request to delete Aiding data shall be issued after engine resume. <br/> Currently, only DRE engine will support pause/resume request. responseCb() will return not supported when request is made to pause/resume none-DRE engine. <br/> Request to pause/resume DRE engine can be made with or without an on-going session. With QDR engine, on resume, GNSS position & heading re-acquisition is needed for DR engine to engage. If DR engine is already in the requested state, the request will be no-op. <br/> @param engType: the engine that is instructed to change its run state. <br/> engState: the new engine run state that the engine is instructed to be in. <br/> @return A session id that will be returned in responseCallback to match command with response. This effect is global for all clients of LocationAPI responseCallback returns: LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS if successful LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if any parameters are invalid */ virtual uint32_t configEngineRunState(PositioningEngineMask engType, LocEngineRunState engState) override; /** @brief Set the EULA opt-in status from system user. This is used as consent to use network-based positioning. @param userConsnt: user agrees to use GTP service or not. @return A session id that will be returned in responseCallback to match command with response. */ virtual uint32_t setOptInStatus(bool userConsent); }; #endif /* LOCATIONAPI_H */