/* Copyright (c) 2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation, nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "LocSvc_GnssAdapter" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define RAD2DEG (180.0 / M_PI) #define PROCESS_NAME_ENGINE_SERVICE "engine-service" using namespace loc_core; /* Method to fetch status cb from loc_net_iface library */ typedef AgpsCbInfo& (*LocAgpsGetAgpsCbInfo)(LocAgpsOpenResultCb openResultCb, LocAgpsCloseResultCb closeResultCb, void* userDataPtr); static void agpsOpenResultCb (bool isSuccess, AGpsExtType agpsType, const char* apn, AGpsBearerType bearerType, void* userDataPtr); static void agpsCloseResultCb (bool isSuccess, AGpsExtType agpsType, void* userDataPtr); GnssAdapter::GnssAdapter() : LocAdapterBase(0, LocDualContext::getLocFgContext(NULL, NULL, LocDualContext::mLocationHalName, false), true, nullptr), mEngHubProxy(new EngineHubProxyBase()), mLocPositionMode(), mGnssSvIdUsedInPosition(), mGnssSvIdUsedInPosAvail(false), mControlCallbacks(), mPowerVoteId(0), mNmeaMask(0), mGnssSvIdConfig(), mGnssSvTypeConfig(), mGnssSvTypeConfigCb(nullptr), mNiData(), mAgpsManager(), mAgpsCbInfo(), mOdcpiRequestCb(nullptr), mOdcpiRequestActive(false), mOdcpiInjectedPositionCount(0), mSystemStatus(SystemStatus::getInstance(mMsgTask)), mServerUrl(":"), mXtraObserver(mSystemStatus->getOsObserver(), mMsgTask) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: Constructor %p", __func__, this); mLocPositionMode.mode = LOC_POSITION_MODE_INVALID; pthread_condattr_t condAttr; pthread_condattr_init(&condAttr); pthread_condattr_setclock(&condAttr, CLOCK_MONOTONIC); pthread_cond_init(&mNiData.session.tCond, &condAttr); pthread_cond_init(&mNiData.sessionEs.tCond, &condAttr); pthread_condattr_destroy(&condAttr); /* Set ATL open/close callbacks */ AgpsAtlOpenStatusCb atlOpenStatusCb = [this](int handle, int isSuccess, char* apn, uint32_t apnLen, AGpsBearerType bearerType, AGpsExtType agpsType, LocApnTypeMask mask) { mLocApi->atlOpenStatus( handle, isSuccess, apn, apnLen, bearerType, agpsType, mask); }; AgpsAtlCloseStatusCb atlCloseStatusCb = [this](int handle, int isSuccess) { mLocApi->atlCloseStatus(handle, isSuccess); }; mAgpsManager.registerATLCallbacks(atlOpenStatusCb, atlCloseStatusCb); readConfigCommand(); initDefaultAgpsCommand(); initEngHubProxyCommand(); } void GnssAdapter::setControlCallbacksCommand(LocationControlCallbacks& controlCallbacks) { struct MsgSetControlCallbacks : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; const LocationControlCallbacks mControlCallbacks; inline MsgSetControlCallbacks(GnssAdapter& adapter, LocationControlCallbacks& controlCallbacks) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mControlCallbacks(controlCallbacks) {} inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.setControlCallbacks(mControlCallbacks); } }; sendMsg(new MsgSetControlCallbacks(*this, controlCallbacks)); } void GnssAdapter::convertOptions(LocPosMode& out, const TrackingOptions& trackingOptions) { switch (trackingOptions.mode) { case GNSS_SUPL_MODE_MSB: out.mode = LOC_POSITION_MODE_MS_BASED; break; case GNSS_SUPL_MODE_MSA: out.mode = LOC_POSITION_MODE_MS_ASSISTED; break; default: out.mode = LOC_POSITION_MODE_STANDALONE; break; } out.share_position = true; out.min_interval = trackingOptions.minInterval; out.powerMode = trackingOptions.powerMode; out.timeBetweenMeasurements = trackingOptions.tbm; } void GnssAdapter::convertLocation(Location& out, const UlpLocation& ulpLocation, const GpsLocationExtended& locationExtended, const LocPosTechMask techMask) { memset(&out, 0, sizeof(Location)); out.size = sizeof(Location); if (LOC_GPS_LOCATION_HAS_LAT_LONG & ulpLocation.gpsLocation.flags) { out.flags |= LOCATION_HAS_LAT_LONG_BIT; out.latitude = ulpLocation.gpsLocation.latitude; out.longitude = ulpLocation.gpsLocation.longitude; } if (LOC_GPS_LOCATION_HAS_ALTITUDE & ulpLocation.gpsLocation.flags) { out.flags |= LOCATION_HAS_ALTITUDE_BIT; out.altitude = ulpLocation.gpsLocation.altitude; } if (LOC_GPS_LOCATION_HAS_SPEED & ulpLocation.gpsLocation.flags) { out.flags |= LOCATION_HAS_SPEED_BIT; out.speed = ulpLocation.gpsLocation.speed; } if (LOC_GPS_LOCATION_HAS_BEARING & ulpLocation.gpsLocation.flags) { out.flags |= LOCATION_HAS_BEARING_BIT; out.bearing = ulpLocation.gpsLocation.bearing; } if (LOC_GPS_LOCATION_HAS_ACCURACY & ulpLocation.gpsLocation.flags) { out.flags |= LOCATION_HAS_ACCURACY_BIT; out.accuracy = ulpLocation.gpsLocation.accuracy; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_VERT_UNC & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= LOCATION_HAS_VERTICAL_ACCURACY_BIT; out.verticalAccuracy = locationExtended.vert_unc; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_SPEED_UNC & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= LOCATION_HAS_SPEED_ACCURACY_BIT; out.speedAccuracy = locationExtended.speed_unc; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_BEARING_UNC & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= LOCATION_HAS_BEARING_ACCURACY_BIT; out.bearingAccuracy = locationExtended.bearing_unc; } out.timestamp = ulpLocation.gpsLocation.timestamp; if (LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_SATELLITE & techMask) { out.techMask |= LOCATION_TECHNOLOGY_GNSS_BIT; } if (LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_CELLID & techMask) { out.techMask |= LOCATION_TECHNOLOGY_CELL_BIT; } if (LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_WIFI & techMask) { out.techMask |= LOCATION_TECHNOLOGY_WIFI_BIT; } if (LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_SENSORS & techMask) { out.techMask |= LOCATION_TECHNOLOGY_SENSORS_BIT; } if (LOC_GPS_LOCATION_HAS_SPOOF_MASK & ulpLocation.gpsLocation.flags) { out.flags |= LOCATION_HAS_SPOOF_MASK; out.spoofMask = ulpLocation.gpsLocation.spoof_mask; } } void GnssAdapter::convertLocationInfo(GnssLocationInfoNotification& out, const GpsLocationExtended& locationExtended) { out.size = sizeof(GnssLocationInfoNotification); if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_ALTITUDE_MEAN_SEA_LEVEL & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GNSS_LOCATION_INFO_ALTITUDE_MEAN_SEA_LEVEL_BIT; out.altitudeMeanSeaLevel = locationExtended.altitudeMeanSeaLevel; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_DOP & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GNSS_LOCATION_INFO_DOP_BIT; out.pdop = locationExtended.pdop; out.hdop = locationExtended.hdop; out.vdop = locationExtended.vdop; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_EXT_DOP & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GNSS_LOCATION_INFO_EXT_DOP_BIT; out.gdop = locationExtended.extDOP.GDOP; out.tdop = locationExtended.extDOP.TDOP; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_MAG_DEV & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GNSS_LOCATION_INFO_MAGNETIC_DEVIATION_BIT; out.magneticDeviation = locationExtended.magneticDeviation; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_HOR_RELIABILITY & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GNSS_LOCATION_INFO_HOR_RELIABILITY_BIT; switch (locationExtended.horizontal_reliability) { case LOC_RELIABILITY_VERY_LOW: out.horReliability = LOCATION_RELIABILITY_VERY_LOW; break; case LOC_RELIABILITY_LOW: out.horReliability = LOCATION_RELIABILITY_LOW; break; case LOC_RELIABILITY_MEDIUM: out.horReliability = LOCATION_RELIABILITY_MEDIUM; break; case LOC_RELIABILITY_HIGH: out.horReliability = LOCATION_RELIABILITY_HIGH; break; default: out.horReliability = LOCATION_RELIABILITY_NOT_SET; break; } } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_VERT_RELIABILITY & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GNSS_LOCATION_INFO_VER_RELIABILITY_BIT; switch (locationExtended.vertical_reliability) { case LOC_RELIABILITY_VERY_LOW: out.verReliability = LOCATION_RELIABILITY_VERY_LOW; break; case LOC_RELIABILITY_LOW: out.verReliability = LOCATION_RELIABILITY_LOW; break; case LOC_RELIABILITY_MEDIUM: out.verReliability = LOCATION_RELIABILITY_MEDIUM; break; case LOC_RELIABILITY_HIGH: out.verReliability = LOCATION_RELIABILITY_HIGH; break; default: out.verReliability = LOCATION_RELIABILITY_NOT_SET; break; } } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_HOR_ELIP_UNC_MAJOR & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GNSS_LOCATION_INFO_HOR_ACCURACY_ELIP_SEMI_MAJOR_BIT; out.horUncEllipseSemiMajor = locationExtended.horUncEllipseSemiMajor; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_HOR_ELIP_UNC_MINOR & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GNSS_LOCATION_INFO_HOR_ACCURACY_ELIP_SEMI_MINOR_BIT; out.horUncEllipseSemiMinor = locationExtended.horUncEllipseSemiMinor; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_HOR_ELIP_UNC_AZIMUTH & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GNSS_LOCATION_INFO_HOR_ACCURACY_ELIP_AZIMUTH_BIT; out.horUncEllipseOrientAzimuth = locationExtended.horUncEllipseOrientAzimuth; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_GNSS_SV_USED_DATA & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GNSS_LOCATION_INFO_GNSS_SV_USED_DATA_BIT; out.svUsedInPosition.gpsSvUsedIdsMask = locationExtended.gnss_sv_used_ids.gps_sv_used_ids_mask; out.svUsedInPosition.gloSvUsedIdsMask = locationExtended.gnss_sv_used_ids.glo_sv_used_ids_mask; out.svUsedInPosition.galSvUsedIdsMask = locationExtended.gnss_sv_used_ids.gal_sv_used_ids_mask; out.svUsedInPosition.bdsSvUsedIdsMask = locationExtended.gnss_sv_used_ids.bds_sv_used_ids_mask; out.svUsedInPosition.qzssSvUsedIdsMask = locationExtended.gnss_sv_used_ids.qzss_sv_used_ids_mask; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_NAV_SOLUTION_MASK & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GNSS_LOCATION_INFO_NAV_SOLUTION_MASK_BIT; out.navSolutionMask = locationExtended.navSolutionMask; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_POS_TECH_MASK & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_POS_TECH_MASK; out.posTechMask = locationExtended.tech_mask; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_POS_DYNAMICS_DATA & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_POS_DYNAMICS_DATA; if (locationExtended.bodyFrameData.bodyFrameDatamask & LOCATION_NAV_DATA_HAS_LONG_ACCEL_BIT) { out.bodyFrameData.bodyFrameDataMask |= LOCATION_NAV_DATA_HAS_LONG_ACCEL_BIT; } if (locationExtended.bodyFrameData.bodyFrameDatamask & LOCATION_NAV_DATA_HAS_LAT_ACCEL_BIT) { out.bodyFrameData.bodyFrameDataMask |= LOCATION_NAV_DATA_HAS_LAT_ACCEL_BIT; } if (locationExtended.bodyFrameData.bodyFrameDatamask & LOCATION_NAV_DATA_HAS_VERT_ACCEL_BIT) { out.bodyFrameData.bodyFrameDataMask |= LOCATION_NAV_DATA_HAS_VERT_ACCEL_BIT; } if (locationExtended.bodyFrameData.bodyFrameDatamask & LOCATION_NAV_DATA_HAS_YAW_RATE_BIT) { out.bodyFrameData.bodyFrameDataMask |= LOCATION_NAV_DATA_HAS_YAW_RATE_BIT; } if (locationExtended.bodyFrameData.bodyFrameDatamask & LOCATION_NAV_DATA_HAS_PITCH_BIT) { out.bodyFrameData.bodyFrameDataMask |= LOCATION_NAV_DATA_HAS_PITCH_BIT; } out.bodyFrameData.longAccel = locationExtended.bodyFrameData.longAccel; out.bodyFrameData.latAccel = locationExtended.bodyFrameData.latAccel; out.bodyFrameData.vertAccel = locationExtended.bodyFrameData.vertAccel; out.bodyFrameData.yawRate = locationExtended.bodyFrameData.yawRate; out.bodyFrameData.pitch = locationExtended.bodyFrameData.pitch; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_GPS_TIME & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_GPS_TIME; out.gnssSystemTime.gnssSystemTimeSrc = locationExtended.gnssSystemTime.gnssSystemTimeSrc; out.gnssSystemTime.u = locationExtended.gnssSystemTime.u; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_NORTH_VEL & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_NORTH_VEL; out.northVelocity = locationExtended.northVelocity; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_EAST_VEL & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_EAST_VEL; out.eastVelocity = locationExtended.eastVelocity; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_UP_VEL & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_UP_VEL; out.upVelocity = locationExtended.upVelocity; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_NORTH_VEL_UNC & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_NORTH_VEL_UNC; out.northVelocityStdDeviation = locationExtended.northVelocityStdDeviation; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_EAST_VEL_UNC & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_EAST_VEL_UNC; out.eastVelocityStdDeviation = locationExtended.eastVelocityStdDeviation; } if (GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_UP_VEL_UNC & locationExtended.flags) { out.flags |= GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_UP_VEL_UNC; out.upVelocityStdDeviation = locationExtended.upVelocityStdDeviation; } } inline uint32_t GnssAdapter::convertGpsLock(const GnssConfigGpsLock gpsLock) { switch (gpsLock) { case GNSS_CONFIG_GPS_LOCK_MO: return 1; case GNSS_CONFIG_GPS_LOCK_NI: return 2; case GNSS_CONFIG_GPS_LOCK_MO_AND_NI: return 3; case GNSS_CONFIG_GPS_LOCK_NONE: default: return 0; } } inline GnssConfigGpsLock GnssAdapter::convertGpsLock(const uint32_t gpsLock) { switch (gpsLock) { case 1: return GNSS_CONFIG_GPS_LOCK_MO; case 2: return GNSS_CONFIG_GPS_LOCK_NI; case 3: return GNSS_CONFIG_GPS_LOCK_MO_AND_NI; case 0: default: return GNSS_CONFIG_GPS_LOCK_NONE; } } inline uint32_t GnssAdapter::convertSuplVersion(const GnssConfigSuplVersion suplVersion) { switch (suplVersion) { case GNSS_CONFIG_SUPL_VERSION_2_0_0: return 0x00020000; case GNSS_CONFIG_SUPL_VERSION_2_0_2: return 0x00020002; case GNSS_CONFIG_SUPL_VERSION_1_0_0: default: return 0x00010000; } } inline uint32_t GnssAdapter::convertLppProfile(const GnssConfigLppProfile lppProfile) { switch (lppProfile) { case GNSS_CONFIG_LPP_PROFILE_USER_PLANE: return 1; case GNSS_CONFIG_LPP_PROFILE_CONTROL_PLANE: return 2; case GNSS_CONFIG_LPP_PROFILE_USER_PLANE_AND_CONTROL_PLANE: return 3; case GNSS_CONFIG_LPP_PROFILE_RRLP_ON_LTE: default: return 0; } } uint32_t GnssAdapter::convertLppeCp(const GnssConfigLppeControlPlaneMask lppeControlPlaneMask) { uint32_t mask = 0; if (GNSS_CONFIG_LPPE_CONTROL_PLANE_DBH_BIT & lppeControlPlaneMask) { mask |= (1<<0); } if (GNSS_CONFIG_LPPE_CONTROL_PLANE_WLAN_AP_MEASUREMENTS_BIT & lppeControlPlaneMask) { mask |= (1<<1); } if (GNSS_CONFIG_LPPE_CONTROL_PLANE_SRN_AP_MEASUREMENTS_BIT & lppeControlPlaneMask) { mask |= (1<<2); } if (GNSS_CONFIG_LPPE_CONTROL_PLANE_SENSOR_BARO_MEASUREMENTS_BIT & lppeControlPlaneMask) { mask |= (1<<3); } return mask; } uint32_t GnssAdapter::convertLppeUp(const GnssConfigLppeUserPlaneMask lppeUserPlaneMask) { uint32_t mask = 0; if (GNSS_CONFIG_LPPE_USER_PLANE_DBH_BIT & lppeUserPlaneMask) { mask |= (1<<0); } if (GNSS_CONFIG_LPPE_USER_PLANE_WLAN_AP_MEASUREMENTS_BIT & lppeUserPlaneMask) { mask |= (1<<1); } if (GNSS_CONFIG_LPPE_USER_PLANE_SRN_AP_MEASUREMENTS_BIT & lppeUserPlaneMask) { mask |= (1<<2); } if (GNSS_CONFIG_LPPE_USER_PLANE_SENSOR_BARO_MEASUREMENTS_BIT & lppeUserPlaneMask) { mask |= (1<<3); } return mask; } uint32_t GnssAdapter::convertAGloProt(const GnssConfigAGlonassPositionProtocolMask aGloPositionProtocolMask) { uint32_t mask = 0; if (GNSS_CONFIG_RRC_CONTROL_PLANE_BIT & aGloPositionProtocolMask) { mask |= (1<<0); } if (GNSS_CONFIG_RRLP_USER_PLANE_BIT & aGloPositionProtocolMask) { mask |= (1<<1); } if (GNSS_CONFIG_LLP_USER_PLANE_BIT & aGloPositionProtocolMask) { mask |= (1<<2); } if (GNSS_CONFIG_LLP_CONTROL_PLANE_BIT & aGloPositionProtocolMask) { mask |= (1<<3); } return mask; } uint32_t GnssAdapter::convertEP4ES(const GnssConfigEmergencyPdnForEmergencySupl emergencyPdnForEmergencySupl) { switch (emergencyPdnForEmergencySupl) { case GNSS_CONFIG_EMERGENCY_PDN_FOR_EMERGENCY_SUPL_YES: return 1; case GNSS_CONFIG_EMERGENCY_PDN_FOR_EMERGENCY_SUPL_NO: default: return 0; } } uint32_t GnssAdapter::convertSuplEs(const GnssConfigSuplEmergencyServices suplEmergencyServices) { switch (suplEmergencyServices) { case GNSS_CONFIG_SUPL_EMERGENCY_SERVICES_YES: return 1; case GNSS_CONFIG_SUPL_EMERGENCY_SERVICES_NO: default: return 0; } } uint32_t GnssAdapter::convertSuplMode(const GnssConfigSuplModeMask suplModeMask) { uint32_t mask = 0; if (GNSS_CONFIG_SUPL_MODE_MSB_BIT & suplModeMask) { mask |= (1<<0); } if (GNSS_CONFIG_SUPL_MODE_MSA_BIT & suplModeMask) { mask |= (1<<1); } return mask; } void GnssAdapter::readConfigCommand() { LOC_LOGD("%s]: ", __func__); struct MsgReadConfig : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter* mAdapter; ContextBase& mContext; inline MsgReadConfig(GnssAdapter* adapter, ContextBase& context) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mContext(context) {} inline virtual void proc() const { // reads config into mContext->mGps_conf mContext.readConfig(); } }; if (mContext != NULL) { sendMsg(new MsgReadConfig(this, *mContext)); } } void GnssAdapter::setSuplHostServer(const char* server, int port) { if (ContextBase::mGps_conf.AGPS_CONFIG_INJECT) { char serverUrl[MAX_URL_LEN] = {}; int32_t length = -1; const char noHost[] = "NONE"; if ((NULL == server) || (server[0] == 0) || (strncasecmp(noHost, server, sizeof(noHost)) == 0)) { serverUrl[0] = '\0'; length = 0; } else if (port > 0) { length = snprintf(serverUrl, sizeof(serverUrl), "%s:%u", server, port); } if (length >= 0 && strncasecmp(getServerUrl().c_str(), serverUrl, sizeof(serverUrl)) != 0) { setServerUrl(serverUrl); } } } void GnssAdapter::setConfigCommand() { LOC_LOGD("%s]: ", __func__); struct MsgSetConfig : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; LocApiBase& mApi; inline MsgSetConfig(GnssAdapter& adapter, LocApiBase& api) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api) {} inline virtual void proc() const { // set nmea mask type uint32_t mask = 0; if (NMEA_PROVIDER_MP == ContextBase::mGps_conf.NMEA_PROVIDER) { mask |= LOC_NMEA_ALL_GENERAL_SUPPORTED_MASK; } if (ContextBase::isFeatureSupported(LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_DEBUG_NMEA_V02)) { mask |= LOC_NMEA_MASK_DEBUG_V02; } mAdapter.mNmeaMask= mask; std::string oldServerUrl = mAdapter.getServerUrl(); mAdapter.setSuplHostServer(ContextBase::mGps_conf.SUPL_HOST, ContextBase::mGps_conf.SUPL_PORT); // inject the configurations into modem GnssAdapter& adapter = mAdapter; loc_gps_cfg_s gpsConf = ContextBase::mGps_conf; loc_sap_cfg_s_type sapConf = ContextBase::mSap_conf; mApi.sendMsg(new LocApiMsg( [&adapter, gpsConf, sapConf, oldServerUrl] () { std::string serverUrl = adapter.getServerUrl(); int serverUrlLen = serverUrl.length(); if (gpsConf.AGPS_CONFIG_INJECT) { adapter.mLocApi->setSUPLVersionSync( adapter.mLocApi->convertSuplVersion(gpsConf.SUPL_VER)); adapter.mLocApi->setLPPConfigSync( adapter.mLocApi->convertLppProfile(gpsConf.LPP_PROFILE)); adapter.mLocApi->setAGLONASSProtocolSync( gpsConf.A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT); } if ((serverUrlLen !=0) && (oldServerUrl.compare(serverUrl) != 0)) { LocationError locErr = adapter.mLocApi->setServerSync(serverUrl.c_str(), serverUrlLen); if (locErr != LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS) { LOC_LOGE("%s]:Error while setting SUPL_HOST server:%s", __func__, serverUrl.c_str()); } } adapter.mLocApi->setSensorControlConfigSync(sapConf.SENSOR_USAGE, sapConf.SENSOR_PROVIDER); adapter.mLocApi->setLPPeProtocolCpSync( adapter.mLocApi->convertLppeCp(gpsConf.LPPE_CP_TECHNOLOGY)); adapter.mLocApi->setLPPeProtocolUpSync( adapter.mLocApi->convertLppeUp(gpsConf.LPPE_UP_TECHNOLOGY)); // set nmea mask type uint32_t mask = 0; if (NMEA_PROVIDER_MP == gpsConf.NMEA_PROVIDER) { mask |= LOC_NMEA_ALL_GENERAL_SUPPORTED_MASK; } if (ContextBase::isFeatureSupported(LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_DEBUG_NMEA_V02)) { mask |= LOC_NMEA_MASK_DEBUG_V02; } if (mask != 0) { adapter.mLocApi->setNMEATypesSync(mask); } adapter.mLocApi->setXtraVersionCheckSync(gpsConf.XTRA_VERSION_CHECK); if (sapConf.GYRO_BIAS_RANDOM_WALK_VALID || sapConf.ACCEL_RANDOM_WALK_SPECTRAL_DENSITY_VALID || sapConf.ANGLE_RANDOM_WALK_SPECTRAL_DENSITY_VALID || sapConf.RATE_RANDOM_WALK_SPECTRAL_DENSITY_VALID || sapConf.VELOCITY_RANDOM_WALK_SPECTRAL_DENSITY_VALID ) { adapter.mLocApi->setSensorPropertiesSync( sapConf.GYRO_BIAS_RANDOM_WALK_VALID, sapConf.GYRO_BIAS_RANDOM_WALK, sapConf.ACCEL_RANDOM_WALK_SPECTRAL_DENSITY_VALID, sapConf.ACCEL_RANDOM_WALK_SPECTRAL_DENSITY, sapConf.ANGLE_RANDOM_WALK_SPECTRAL_DENSITY_VALID, sapConf.ANGLE_RANDOM_WALK_SPECTRAL_DENSITY, sapConf.RATE_RANDOM_WALK_SPECTRAL_DENSITY_VALID, sapConf.RATE_RANDOM_WALK_SPECTRAL_DENSITY, sapConf.VELOCITY_RANDOM_WALK_SPECTRAL_DENSITY_VALID, sapConf.VELOCITY_RANDOM_WALK_SPECTRAL_DENSITY); } adapter.mLocApi->setSensorPerfControlConfigSync( sapConf.SENSOR_CONTROL_MODE, sapConf.SENSOR_ACCEL_SAMPLES_PER_BATCH, sapConf.SENSOR_ACCEL_BATCHES_PER_SEC, sapConf.SENSOR_GYRO_SAMPLES_PER_BATCH, sapConf.SENSOR_GYRO_BATCHES_PER_SEC, sapConf.SENSOR_ACCEL_SAMPLES_PER_BATCH_HIGH, sapConf.SENSOR_ACCEL_BATCHES_PER_SEC_HIGH, sapConf.SENSOR_GYRO_SAMPLES_PER_BATCH_HIGH, sapConf.SENSOR_GYRO_BATCHES_PER_SEC_HIGH, sapConf.SENSOR_ALGORITHM_CONFIG_MASK); } )); } }; sendMsg(new MsgSetConfig(*this, *mLocApi)); } uint32_t* GnssAdapter::gnssUpdateConfigCommand(GnssConfig config) { // count the number of bits set GnssConfigFlagsMask flagsCopy = config.flags; size_t count = 0; while (flagsCopy > 0) { if (flagsCopy & 1) { count++; } flagsCopy >>= 1; } std::string idsString = "["; uint32_t* ids = NULL; if (count > 0) { ids = new uint32_t[count]; if (ids == nullptr) { LOC_LOGE("%s] new allocation failed, fatal error.", __func__); return nullptr; } for (size_t i=0; i < count; ++i) { ids[i] = generateSessionId(); IF_LOC_LOGD { idsString += std::to_string(ids[i]) + " "; } } } idsString += "]"; LOC_LOGD("%s]: ids %s flags 0x%X", __func__, idsString.c_str(), config.flags); struct MsgGnssUpdateConfig : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; LocApiBase& mApi; GnssConfig mConfig; size_t mCount; uint32_t* mIds; inline MsgGnssUpdateConfig(GnssAdapter& adapter, LocApiBase& api, GnssConfig config, uint32_t* ids, size_t count) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api), mConfig(config), mCount(count), mIds(ids) {} inline virtual ~MsgGnssUpdateConfig() { delete [] mIds; } inline virtual void proc() const { GnssAdapter& adapter = mAdapter; size_t countOfConfigs = mCount; GnssConfig gnssConfigRequested = mConfig; GnssConfig gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate = mConfig; std::string oldServerUrl = mAdapter.getServerUrl(); std::vector sessionIds; sessionIds.assign(mIds, mIds + mCount); std::vector errs(mCount, LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS); int index = 0; if (gnssConfigRequested.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_GPS_LOCK_VALID_BIT) { index++; uint32_t newGpsLock = mAdapter.convertGpsLock(gnssConfigRequested.gpsLock); ContextBase::mGps_conf.GPS_LOCK = newGpsLock; if (0 == ContextBase::mGps_conf.GPS_LOCK) { ContextBase::mGps_conf.GPS_LOCK = 3; } if (0 != mAdapter.getPowerVoteId()) { gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.flags &= ~(GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_GPS_LOCK_VALID_BIT); } } if (gnssConfigRequested.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_SUPL_VERSION_VALID_BIT) { index++; uint32_t newSuplVersion = mAdapter.convertSuplVersion(gnssConfigRequested.suplVersion); if (newSuplVersion != ContextBase::mGps_conf.SUPL_VER && ContextBase::mGps_conf.AGPS_CONFIG_INJECT) { ContextBase::mGps_conf.SUPL_VER = newSuplVersion; } else { gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.flags &= ~(GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_SUPL_VERSION_VALID_BIT); } } if (gnssConfigRequested.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_SET_ASSISTANCE_DATA_VALID_BIT) { index++; if (GNSS_ASSISTANCE_TYPE_SUPL == mConfig.assistanceServer.type) { mAdapter.setSuplHostServer(mConfig.assistanceServer.hostName, mConfig.assistanceServer.port); } else if (GNSS_ASSISTANCE_TYPE_C2K != mConfig.assistanceServer.type) { LOC_LOGE("%s]: Not a valid gnss assistance type %u", __func__, mConfig.assistanceServer.type); errs.at(index) = LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.flags &= ~(GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_SET_ASSISTANCE_DATA_VALID_BIT); } } if (gnssConfigRequested.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_LPP_PROFILE_VALID_BIT) { index++; uint32_t newLppProfile = mAdapter.convertLppProfile(gnssConfigRequested.lppProfile); if (newLppProfile != ContextBase::mGps_conf.LPP_PROFILE && ContextBase::mGps_conf.AGPS_CONFIG_INJECT) { ContextBase::mGps_conf.LPP_PROFILE = newLppProfile; } else { gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.flags &= ~(GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_LPP_PROFILE_VALID_BIT); } } if (gnssConfigRequested.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_LPPE_CONTROL_PLANE_VALID_BIT) { index++; uint32_t newLppeControlPlaneMask = mAdapter.convertLppeCp(gnssConfigRequested.lppeControlPlaneMask); if (newLppeControlPlaneMask != ContextBase::mGps_conf.LPPE_CP_TECHNOLOGY) { ContextBase::mGps_conf.LPPE_CP_TECHNOLOGY = newLppeControlPlaneMask; } else { gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.flags &= ~(GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_LPPE_CONTROL_PLANE_VALID_BIT); } } if (gnssConfigRequested.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_LPPE_USER_PLANE_VALID_BIT) { index++; uint32_t newLppeUserPlaneMask = mAdapter.convertLppeUp(gnssConfigRequested.lppeUserPlaneMask); if (newLppeUserPlaneMask != ContextBase::mGps_conf.LPPE_UP_TECHNOLOGY) { ContextBase::mGps_conf.LPPE_UP_TECHNOLOGY = newLppeUserPlaneMask; } else { gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.flags &= ~(GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_LPPE_USER_PLANE_VALID_BIT); } } if (gnssConfigRequested.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_AGLONASS_POSITION_PROTOCOL_VALID_BIT) { index++; uint32_t newAGloProtMask = mAdapter.convertAGloProt(gnssConfigRequested.aGlonassPositionProtocolMask); if (newAGloProtMask != ContextBase::mGps_conf.A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT && ContextBase::mGps_conf.AGPS_CONFIG_INJECT) { ContextBase::mGps_conf.A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT = newAGloProtMask; } else { gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.flags &= ~(GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_AGLONASS_POSITION_PROTOCOL_VALID_BIT); } } if (gnssConfigRequested.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_EM_PDN_FOR_EM_SUPL_VALID_BIT) { index++; uint32_t newEP4ES = mAdapter.convertEP4ES( gnssConfigRequested.emergencyPdnForEmergencySupl); if (newEP4ES != ContextBase::mGps_conf.USE_EMERGENCY_PDN_FOR_EMERGENCY_SUPL) { ContextBase::mGps_conf.USE_EMERGENCY_PDN_FOR_EMERGENCY_SUPL = newEP4ES; } } if (gnssConfigRequested.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_SUPL_EM_SERVICES_BIT) { index++; uint32_t newSuplEs = mAdapter.convertSuplEs( gnssConfigRequested.suplEmergencyServices); if (newSuplEs != ContextBase::mGps_conf.SUPL_ES) { ContextBase::mGps_conf.SUPL_ES = newSuplEs; } } if (gnssConfigRequested.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_SUPL_MODE_BIT) { index++; uint32_t newSuplMode = mAdapter.convertSuplMode(gnssConfigRequested.suplModeMask); if (newSuplMode != ContextBase::mGps_conf.SUPL_MODE) { ContextBase::mGps_conf.SUPL_MODE = newSuplMode; mAdapter.broadcastCapabilities(mAdapter.getCapabilities()); } } LocApiCollectiveResponse *configCollectiveResponse = new LocApiCollectiveResponse( *adapter.getContext(), [&adapter, sessionIds, countOfConfigs] (std::vector errs) { std::vector ids(sessionIds); adapter.reportResponse(countOfConfigs, errs.data(), ids.data()); }); mApi.sendMsg(new LocApiMsg( [&adapter, gnssConfigRequested, gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate, countOfConfigs, configCollectiveResponse, errs, oldServerUrl] () { size_t index = 0; LocationError err = LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; std::vector errsList(errs); std::string serverUrl = adapter.getServerUrl(); int serverUrlLen = serverUrl.length(); if (gnssConfigRequested.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_GPS_LOCK_VALID_BIT) { if (gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_GPS_LOCK_VALID_BIT) { err = adapter.mLocApi->setGpsLockSync(gnssConfigRequested.gpsLock); if (index < countOfConfigs) { errsList[index] = err; } } } if (gnssConfigRequested.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_SET_ASSISTANCE_DATA_VALID_BIT) { index++; if (gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_SET_ASSISTANCE_DATA_VALID_BIT) { if (gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.assistanceServer.type == GNSS_ASSISTANCE_TYPE_SUPL) { if ((serverUrlLen != 0) && (oldServerUrl.compare(serverUrl) !=0)) { err = adapter.mLocApi->setServerSync( serverUrl.c_str(), serverUrlLen); errsList[index] = err; } } else if (gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.assistanceServer.type == GNSS_ASSISTANCE_TYPE_C2K) { struct in_addr addr; struct hostent* hp; bool resolveAddrSuccess = true; hp = gethostbyname( gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.assistanceServer.hostName); if (hp != NULL) { /* DNS OK */ memcpy(&addr, hp->h_addr_list[0], hp->h_length); } else { /* Try IP representation */ if (inet_aton( gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.assistanceServer.hostName, &addr) == 0) { /* IP not valid */ LOC_LOGE("%s]: hostname '%s' cannot be resolved ", __func__, gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.assistanceServer.hostName); errsList[index] = LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { resolveAddrSuccess = false; } } if (resolveAddrSuccess) { unsigned int ip = htonl(addr.s_addr); err = adapter.mLocApi->setServerSync(ip, gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.assistanceServer.port, LOC_AGPS_CDMA_PDE_SERVER); errsList[index] = err; } } } } if (gnssConfigRequested.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_SUPL_VERSION_VALID_BIT) { index++; if (gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_SUPL_VERSION_VALID_BIT) { err = adapter.mLocApi->setSUPLVersionSync(gnssConfigRequested.suplVersion); if (index < countOfConfigs) { errsList[index] = err; } } } if (gnssConfigRequested.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_LPP_PROFILE_VALID_BIT) { index++; if (gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_LPP_PROFILE_VALID_BIT) { err = adapter.mLocApi->setLPPConfigSync(gnssConfigRequested.lppProfile); if (index < countOfConfigs) { errsList[index] = err; } } } if (gnssConfigRequested.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_LPPE_CONTROL_PLANE_VALID_BIT) { index++; if (gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_LPPE_CONTROL_PLANE_VALID_BIT) { err = adapter.mLocApi->setLPPeProtocolCpSync( gnssConfigRequested.lppeControlPlaneMask); if (index < countOfConfigs) { errsList[index] = err; } } } if (gnssConfigRequested.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_LPPE_USER_PLANE_VALID_BIT) { index++; if (gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_LPPE_USER_PLANE_VALID_BIT) { err = adapter.mLocApi->setLPPeProtocolUpSync( gnssConfigRequested.lppeUserPlaneMask); if (index < countOfConfigs) { errsList[index] = err; } } } if (gnssConfigRequested.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_AGLONASS_POSITION_PROTOCOL_VALID_BIT) { index++; if (gnssConfigNeedEngineUpdate.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_AGLONASS_POSITION_PROTOCOL_VALID_BIT) { err = adapter.mLocApi->setAGLONASSProtocolSync( gnssConfigRequested.aGlonassPositionProtocolMask); if (index < countOfConfigs) { errsList[index] = err; } } } if (gnssConfigRequested.flags & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_BLACKLISTED_SV_IDS_BIT) { index++; // Check if feature is supported if (!ContextBase::isFeatureSupported( LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_CONSTELLATION_ENABLEMENT_V02)) { LOC_LOGe("Feature constellation enablement not supported."); err = LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } else { // Send the SV ID Config to Modem err = adapter.gnssSvIdConfigUpdateSync(gnssConfigRequested.blacklistedSvIds); if (LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS != err) { LOC_LOGe("Failed to send config to modem, err %d", err); } } if (index < countOfConfigs) { errsList[index] = err; } } configCollectiveResponse->returnToSender(errsList); })); } }; if (NULL != ids) { sendMsg(new MsgGnssUpdateConfig(*this, *mLocApi, config, ids, count)); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s]: No GNSS config items to update", __func__); } return ids; } void GnssAdapter::gnssSvIdConfigUpdate(const std::vector& blacklistedSvIds) { // Clear the existing config memset(&mGnssSvIdConfig, 0, sizeof(GnssSvIdConfig)); // Convert the sv id lists to masks convertToGnssSvIdConfig(blacklistedSvIds, mGnssSvIdConfig); // Now send to Modem gnssSvIdConfigUpdate(); } void GnssAdapter::gnssSvIdConfigUpdate() { LOC_LOGd("blacklist bds 0x%" PRIx64 ", glo 0x%" PRIx64 ", qzss 0x%" PRIx64 ", gal 0x%" PRIx64, mGnssSvIdConfig.bdsBlacklistSvMask, mGnssSvIdConfig.gloBlacklistSvMask, mGnssSvIdConfig.qzssBlacklistSvMask, mGnssSvIdConfig.galBlacklistSvMask); // Now set required blacklisted SVs mLocApi->setBlacklistSv(mGnssSvIdConfig); } LocationError GnssAdapter::gnssSvIdConfigUpdateSync(const std::vector& blacklistedSvIds) { // Clear the existing config memset(&mGnssSvIdConfig, 0, sizeof(GnssSvIdConfig)); // Convert the sv id lists to masks convertToGnssSvIdConfig(blacklistedSvIds, mGnssSvIdConfig); // Now send to Modem return gnssSvIdConfigUpdateSync(); } LocationError GnssAdapter::gnssSvIdConfigUpdateSync() { LOC_LOGd("blacklist bds 0x%" PRIx64 ", glo 0x%" PRIx64 ", qzss 0x%" PRIx64 ", gal 0x%" PRIx64, mGnssSvIdConfig.bdsBlacklistSvMask, mGnssSvIdConfig.gloBlacklistSvMask, mGnssSvIdConfig.qzssBlacklistSvMask, mGnssSvIdConfig.galBlacklistSvMask); // Now set required blacklisted SVs return mLocApi->setBlacklistSvSync(mGnssSvIdConfig); } uint32_t* GnssAdapter::gnssGetConfigCommand(GnssConfigFlagsMask configMask) { // count the number of bits set GnssConfigFlagsMask flagsCopy = configMask; size_t count = 0; while (flagsCopy > 0) { if (flagsCopy & 1) { count++; } flagsCopy >>= 1; } std::string idsString = "["; uint32_t* ids = NULL; if (count > 0) { ids = new uint32_t[count]; if (nullptr == ids) { LOC_LOGe("new allocation failed, fatal error."); return nullptr; } for (size_t i=0; i < count; ++i) { ids[i] = generateSessionId(); IF_LOC_LOGD { idsString += std::to_string(ids[i]) + " "; } } } idsString += "]"; LOC_LOGd("ids %s flags 0x%X", idsString.c_str(), configMask); struct MsgGnssGetConfig : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; LocApiBase& mApi; GnssConfigFlagsMask mConfigMask; uint32_t* mIds; size_t mCount; inline MsgGnssGetConfig(GnssAdapter& adapter, LocApiBase& api, GnssConfigFlagsMask configMask, uint32_t* ids, size_t count) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api), mConfigMask(configMask), mIds(ids), mCount(count) {} inline virtual ~MsgGnssGetConfig() { delete[] mIds; } inline virtual void proc() const { LocationError* errs = new LocationError[mCount]; LocationError err = LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; uint32_t index = 0; if (nullptr == errs) { LOC_LOGE("%s] new allocation failed, fatal error.", __func__); return; } if (mConfigMask & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_GPS_LOCK_VALID_BIT) { if (index < mCount) { errs[index++] = LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } if (mConfigMask & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_SUPL_VERSION_VALID_BIT) { if (index < mCount) { errs[index++] = LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } if (mConfigMask & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_SET_ASSISTANCE_DATA_VALID_BIT) { if (index < mCount) { errs[index++] = LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } if (mConfigMask & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_LPP_PROFILE_VALID_BIT) { if (index < mCount) { errs[index++] = LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } if (mConfigMask & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_LPPE_CONTROL_PLANE_VALID_BIT) { if (index < mCount) { errs[index++] = LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } if (mConfigMask & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_LPPE_USER_PLANE_VALID_BIT) { if (index < mCount) { errs[index++] = LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } if (mConfigMask & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_AGLONASS_POSITION_PROTOCOL_VALID_BIT) { if (index < mCount) { errs[index++] = LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } if (mConfigMask & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_EM_PDN_FOR_EM_SUPL_VALID_BIT) { if (index < mCount) { errs[index++] = LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } if (mConfigMask & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_SUPL_EM_SERVICES_BIT) { if (index < mCount) { errs[index++] = LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } if (mConfigMask & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_SUPL_MODE_BIT) { err = LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; if (index < mCount) { errs[index++] = LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } if (mConfigMask & GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_BLACKLISTED_SV_IDS_BIT) { // Check if feature is supported if (!ContextBase::isFeatureSupported( LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_CONSTELLATION_ENABLEMENT_V02)) { LOC_LOGe("Feature not supported."); err = LOCATION_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } else { // Send request to Modem to fetch the config mApi.getBlacklistSv(); err = LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; } if (index < mCount) { errs[index++] = err; } } mAdapter.reportResponse(index, errs, mIds); delete[] errs; } }; if (NULL != ids) { sendMsg(new MsgGnssGetConfig(*this, *mLocApi, configMask, ids, count)); } else { LOC_LOGe("No GNSS config items to Get"); } return ids; } void GnssAdapter::convertToGnssSvIdConfig( const std::vector& blacklistedSvIds, GnssSvIdConfig& config) { config.size = sizeof(GnssSvIdConfig); // Empty vector => Clear any previous blacklisted SVs if (0 == blacklistedSvIds.size()) { config.gloBlacklistSvMask = 0; config.bdsBlacklistSvMask = 0; config.qzssBlacklistSvMask = 0; config.galBlacklistSvMask = 0; } else { // Parse the vector and convert SV IDs to mask values for (GnssSvIdSource source : blacklistedSvIds) { uint64_t* svMaskPtr = NULL; GnssSvId initialSvId = 0; switch(source.constellation) { case GNSS_SV_TYPE_GLONASS: svMaskPtr = &config.gloBlacklistSvMask; initialSvId = GNSS_SV_CONFIG_GLO_INITIAL_SV_ID; break; case GNSS_SV_TYPE_BEIDOU: svMaskPtr = &config.bdsBlacklistSvMask; initialSvId = GNSS_SV_CONFIG_BDS_INITIAL_SV_ID; break; case GNSS_SV_TYPE_QZSS: svMaskPtr = &config.qzssBlacklistSvMask; initialSvId = GNSS_SV_CONFIG_QZSS_INITIAL_SV_ID; break; case GNSS_SV_TYPE_GALILEO: svMaskPtr = &config.galBlacklistSvMask; initialSvId = GNSS_SV_CONFIG_GAL_INITIAL_SV_ID; break; default: break; } if (NULL == svMaskPtr) { LOC_LOGe("Invalid constellation %d", source.constellation); } else { // SV ID 0 = All SV IDs if (0 == source.svId) { *svMaskPtr = GNSS_SV_CONFIG_ALL_BITS_ENABLED_MASK; } else if (source.svId < initialSvId || source.svId >= initialSvId + 64) { LOC_LOGe("Invalid sv id %d for sv type %d", source.svId, source.constellation); } else { *svMaskPtr |= (1 << (source.svId - initialSvId)); } } } } } void GnssAdapter::convertFromGnssSvIdConfig( const GnssSvIdConfig& svConfig, GnssConfig& config) { // Convert blacklisted SV mask values to vectors if (svConfig.bdsBlacklistSvMask) { convertGnssSvIdMaskToList( svConfig.bdsBlacklistSvMask, config.blacklistedSvIds, GNSS_SV_CONFIG_BDS_INITIAL_SV_ID, GNSS_SV_TYPE_BEIDOU); config.flags |= GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_BLACKLISTED_SV_IDS_BIT; } if (svConfig.galBlacklistSvMask) { convertGnssSvIdMaskToList( svConfig.galBlacklistSvMask, config.blacklistedSvIds, GNSS_SV_CONFIG_GAL_INITIAL_SV_ID, GNSS_SV_TYPE_GALILEO); config.flags |= GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_BLACKLISTED_SV_IDS_BIT; } if (svConfig.gloBlacklistSvMask) { convertGnssSvIdMaskToList( svConfig.gloBlacklistSvMask, config.blacklistedSvIds, GNSS_SV_CONFIG_GLO_INITIAL_SV_ID, GNSS_SV_TYPE_GLONASS); config.flags |= GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_BLACKLISTED_SV_IDS_BIT; } if (svConfig.qzssBlacklistSvMask) { convertGnssSvIdMaskToList( svConfig.qzssBlacklistSvMask, config.blacklistedSvIds, GNSS_SV_CONFIG_QZSS_INITIAL_SV_ID, GNSS_SV_TYPE_QZSS); config.flags |= GNSS_CONFIG_FLAGS_BLACKLISTED_SV_IDS_BIT; } } void GnssAdapter::convertGnssSvIdMaskToList( uint64_t svIdMask, std::vector& svIds, GnssSvId initialSvId, GnssSvType svType) { GnssSvIdSource source = {}; source.size = sizeof(GnssSvIdSource); source.constellation = svType; // SV ID 0 => All SV IDs in mask if (GNSS_SV_CONFIG_ALL_BITS_ENABLED_MASK == svIdMask) { source.svId = 0; svIds.push_back(source); return; } // Convert each bit in svIdMask to vector entry uint32_t bitNumber = 0; while (svIdMask > 0) { if (svIdMask & 0x1) { source.svId = bitNumber + initialSvId; svIds.push_back(source); } bitNumber++; svIdMask >>= 1; } } void GnssAdapter::reportGnssSvIdConfigEvent(const GnssSvIdConfig& config) { struct MsgReportGnssSvIdConfig : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; const GnssSvIdConfig mConfig; inline MsgReportGnssSvIdConfig(GnssAdapter& adapter, const GnssSvIdConfig& config) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mConfig(config) {} inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.reportGnssSvIdConfig(mConfig); } }; sendMsg(new MsgReportGnssSvIdConfig(*this, config)); } void GnssAdapter::reportGnssSvIdConfig(const GnssSvIdConfig& svIdConfig) { GnssConfig config = {}; config.size = sizeof(GnssConfig); // Invoke control clients config callback if (nullptr != mControlCallbacks.gnssConfigCb && svIdConfig.size == sizeof(GnssSvIdConfig)) { convertFromGnssSvIdConfig(svIdConfig, config); LOC_LOGd("blacklist bds 0x%" PRIx64 ", glo 0x%" PRIx64 ", qzss 0x%" PRIx64 ", gal 0x%" PRIx64, svIdConfig.bdsBlacklistSvMask, svIdConfig.gloBlacklistSvMask, svIdConfig.qzssBlacklistSvMask, svIdConfig.galBlacklistSvMask); mControlCallbacks.gnssConfigCb(config); } else { LOC_LOGe("Failed to report, size %d", (uint32_t)config.size); } } void GnssAdapter::gnssUpdateSvTypeConfigCommand(GnssSvTypeConfig config) { struct MsgGnssUpdateSvTypeConfig : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter* mAdapter; LocApiBase* mApi; GnssSvTypeConfig mConfig; inline MsgGnssUpdateSvTypeConfig( GnssAdapter* adapter, LocApiBase* api, GnssSvTypeConfig& config) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api), mConfig(config) {} inline virtual void proc() const { // Check if feature is supported if (!ContextBase::isFeatureSupported( LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_CONSTELLATION_ENABLEMENT_V02)) { LOC_LOGe("Feature not supported."); } else { // Send update request to modem mAdapter->gnssSvTypeConfigUpdate(mConfig); } } }; sendMsg(new MsgGnssUpdateSvTypeConfig(this, mLocApi, config)); } void GnssAdapter::gnssSvTypeConfigUpdate(const GnssSvTypeConfig& config) { gnssSetSvTypeConfig(config); gnssSvTypeConfigUpdate(); } void GnssAdapter::gnssSvTypeConfigUpdate() { LOC_LOGd("constellations blacklisted 0x%" PRIx64 ", enabled 0x%" PRIx64, mGnssSvTypeConfig.blacklistedSvTypesMask, mGnssSvTypeConfig.enabledSvTypesMask); if (mGnssSvTypeConfig.size == sizeof(mGnssSvTypeConfig)) { GnssSvIdConfig blacklistConfig = {}; // Revert to previously blacklisted SVs for each enabled constellation blacklistConfig = mGnssSvIdConfig; // Blacklist all SVs for each disabled constellation if (mGnssSvTypeConfig.blacklistedSvTypesMask) { if (mGnssSvTypeConfig.blacklistedSvTypesMask & GNSS_SV_TYPES_MASK_GLO_BIT) { blacklistConfig.gloBlacklistSvMask = GNSS_SV_CONFIG_ALL_BITS_ENABLED_MASK; } if (mGnssSvTypeConfig.blacklistedSvTypesMask & GNSS_SV_TYPES_MASK_BDS_BIT) { blacklistConfig.bdsBlacklistSvMask = GNSS_SV_CONFIG_ALL_BITS_ENABLED_MASK; } if (mGnssSvTypeConfig.blacklistedSvTypesMask & GNSS_SV_TYPES_MASK_QZSS_BIT) { blacklistConfig.qzssBlacklistSvMask = GNSS_SV_CONFIG_ALL_BITS_ENABLED_MASK; } if (mGnssSvTypeConfig.blacklistedSvTypesMask & GNSS_SV_TYPES_MASK_GAL_BIT) { blacklistConfig.galBlacklistSvMask = GNSS_SV_CONFIG_ALL_BITS_ENABLED_MASK; } } // Send blacklist info mLocApi->setBlacklistSv(blacklistConfig); // Send only enabled constellation config if (mGnssSvTypeConfig.enabledSvTypesMask) { GnssSvTypeConfig svTypeConfig = {sizeof(GnssSvTypeConfig), 0, 0}; svTypeConfig.enabledSvTypesMask = mGnssSvTypeConfig.enabledSvTypesMask; mLocApi->setConstellationControl(svTypeConfig); } } else { LOC_LOGE("Invalid GnssSvTypeConfig size"); } } void GnssAdapter::gnssGetSvTypeConfigCommand(GnssSvTypeConfigCallback callback) { struct MsgGnssGetSvTypeConfig : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter* mAdapter; LocApiBase* mApi; GnssSvTypeConfigCallback mCallback; inline MsgGnssGetSvTypeConfig( GnssAdapter* adapter, LocApiBase* api, GnssSvTypeConfigCallback callback) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api), mCallback(callback) {} inline virtual void proc() const { if (!ContextBase::isFeatureSupported( LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_CONSTELLATION_ENABLEMENT_V02)) { LOC_LOGe("Feature not supported."); } else { // Save the callback mAdapter->gnssSetSvTypeConfigCallback(mCallback); // Send GET request to modem mApi->getConstellationControl(); } } }; sendMsg(new MsgGnssGetSvTypeConfig(this, mLocApi, callback)); } void GnssAdapter::gnssResetSvTypeConfigCommand() { struct MsgGnssResetSvTypeConfig : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter* mAdapter; LocApiBase* mApi; inline MsgGnssResetSvTypeConfig( GnssAdapter* adapter, LocApiBase* api) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api) {} inline virtual void proc() const { if (!ContextBase::isFeatureSupported( LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_CONSTELLATION_ENABLEMENT_V02)) { LOC_LOGe("Feature not supported."); } else { // Reset constellation config mAdapter->gnssSetSvTypeConfig({sizeof(GnssSvTypeConfig), 0, 0}); // Re-enforce SV blacklist config mAdapter->gnssSvIdConfigUpdate(); // Send reset request to modem mApi->resetConstellationControl(); } } }; sendMsg(new MsgGnssResetSvTypeConfig(this, mLocApi)); } void GnssAdapter::reportGnssSvTypeConfigEvent(const GnssSvTypeConfig& config) { struct MsgReportGnssSvTypeConfig : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; const GnssSvTypeConfig mConfig; inline MsgReportGnssSvTypeConfig(GnssAdapter& adapter, const GnssSvTypeConfig& config) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mConfig(config) {} inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.reportGnssSvTypeConfig(mConfig); } }; sendMsg(new MsgReportGnssSvTypeConfig(*this, config)); } void GnssAdapter::reportGnssSvTypeConfig(const GnssSvTypeConfig& config) { // Invoke Get SV Type Callback if (NULL != mGnssSvTypeConfigCb && config.size == sizeof(GnssSvTypeConfig)) { LOC_LOGd("constellations blacklisted 0x%" PRIx64 ", enabled 0x%" PRIx64, config.blacklistedSvTypesMask, config.enabledSvTypesMask); mGnssSvTypeConfigCb(config); } else { LOC_LOGe("Failed to report, size %d", (uint32_t)config.size); } } void GnssAdapter::deleteAidingData(const GnssAidingData &data, uint32_t sessionId) { mLocApi->deleteAidingData(data, new LocApiResponse(*getContext(), [this, sessionId] (LocationError err) { reportResponse(err, sessionId); })); } uint32_t GnssAdapter::gnssDeleteAidingDataCommand(GnssAidingData& data) { uint32_t sessionId = generateSessionId(); LOC_LOGD("%s]: id %u", __func__, sessionId); struct MsgDeleteAidingData : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; uint32_t mSessionId; GnssAidingData mData; inline MsgDeleteAidingData(GnssAdapter& adapter, uint32_t sessionId, GnssAidingData& data) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mSessionId(sessionId), mData(data) {} inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.deleteAidingData(mData, mSessionId); SystemStatus* s = mAdapter.getSystemStatus(); if ((nullptr != s) && (mData.deleteAll)) { s->setDefaultGnssEngineStates(); } mAdapter.mEngHubProxy->gnssDeleteAidingData(mData); } }; sendMsg(new MsgDeleteAidingData(*this, sessionId, data)); return sessionId; } void GnssAdapter::gnssUpdateXtraThrottleCommand(const bool enabled) { LOC_LOGD("%s] enabled:%d", __func__, enabled); struct UpdateXtraThrottleMsg : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; const bool mEnabled; inline UpdateXtraThrottleMsg(GnssAdapter& adapter, const bool enabled) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mEnabled(enabled) {} inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.mXtraObserver.updateXtraThrottle(mEnabled); } }; sendMsg(new UpdateXtraThrottleMsg(*this, enabled)); } void GnssAdapter::injectLocationCommand(double latitude, double longitude, float accuracy) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: latitude %8.4f longitude %8.4f accuracy %8.4f", __func__, latitude, longitude, accuracy); struct MsgInjectLocation : public LocMsg { LocApiBase& mApi; ContextBase& mContext; double mLatitude; double mLongitude; float mAccuracy; inline MsgInjectLocation(LocApiBase& api, ContextBase& context, double latitude, double longitude, float accuracy) : LocMsg(), mApi(api), mContext(context), mLatitude(latitude), mLongitude(longitude), mAccuracy(accuracy) {} inline virtual void proc() const { mApi.injectPosition(mLatitude, mLongitude, mAccuracy); } }; sendMsg(new MsgInjectLocation(*mLocApi, *mContext, latitude, longitude, accuracy)); } void GnssAdapter::injectTimeCommand(int64_t time, int64_t timeReference, int32_t uncertainty) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: time %lld timeReference %lld uncertainty %d", __func__, (long long)time, (long long)timeReference, uncertainty); struct MsgInjectTime : public LocMsg { LocApiBase& mApi; ContextBase& mContext; int64_t mTime; int64_t mTimeReference; int32_t mUncertainty; inline MsgInjectTime(LocApiBase& api, ContextBase& context, int64_t time, int64_t timeReference, int32_t uncertainty) : LocMsg(), mApi(api), mContext(context), mTime(time), mTimeReference(timeReference), mUncertainty(uncertainty) {} inline virtual void proc() const { mApi.setTime(mTime, mTimeReference, mUncertainty); } }; sendMsg(new MsgInjectTime(*mLocApi, *mContext, time, timeReference, uncertainty)); } void GnssAdapter::addClientCommand(LocationAPI* client, const LocationCallbacks& callbacks) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: client %p", __func__, client); struct MsgAddClient : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; LocationAPI* mClient; const LocationCallbacks mCallbacks; inline MsgAddClient(GnssAdapter& adapter, LocationAPI* client, const LocationCallbacks& callbacks) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mClient(client), mCallbacks(callbacks) {} inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.saveClient(mClient, mCallbacks); } }; sendMsg(new MsgAddClient(*this, client, callbacks)); } void GnssAdapter::removeClientCommand(LocationAPI* client) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: client %p", __func__, client); struct MsgRemoveClient : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; LocationAPI* mClient; inline MsgRemoveClient(GnssAdapter& adapter, LocationAPI* client) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mClient(client) {} inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.stopClientSessions(mClient); mAdapter.eraseClient(mClient); } }; sendMsg(new MsgRemoveClient(*this, client)); } void GnssAdapter::stopClientSessions(LocationAPI* client) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: client %p", __func__, client); for (auto it = mTrackingSessions.begin(); it != mTrackingSessions.end();) { if (client == it->first.client) { stopTrackingMultiplex(it->first.client, it->first.id); it = mTrackingSessions.erase(it); continue; } ++it; // increment only when not erasing an iterator } } void GnssAdapter::updateClientsEventMask() { LOC_API_ADAPTER_EVENT_MASK_T mask = 0; for (auto it=mClientData.begin(); it != mClientData.end(); ++it) { if (it->second.trackingCb != nullptr || it->second.gnssLocationInfoCb != nullptr) { mask |= LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_PARSED_POSITION_REPORT; } if (it->second.gnssNiCb != nullptr) { mask |= LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_NI_NOTIFY_VERIFY_REQUEST; } if (it->second.gnssSvCb != nullptr) { mask |= LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_SATELLITE_REPORT; } if ((it->second.gnssNmeaCb != nullptr) && (mNmeaMask)) { mask |= LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_NMEA_1HZ_REPORT; } if (it->second.gnssMeasurementsCb != nullptr) { mask |= LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_GNSS_MEASUREMENT; } } /* ** For Automotive use cases we need to enable MEASUREMENT and POLY ** when QDR is enabled (e.g.: either enabled via conf file or ** engine hub is loaded successfully). ** Note: this need to be called from msg queue thread. */ if((1 == ContextBase::mGps_conf.EXTERNAL_DR_ENABLED) || (true == initEngHubProxy())) { mask |= LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_GNSS_MEASUREMENT; mask |= LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_GNSS_SV_POLYNOMIAL_REPORT; mask |= LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_PARSED_UNPROPAGATED_POSITION_REPORT; LOC_LOGD("%s]: Auto usecase, Enable MEAS/POLY - mask 0x%" PRIx64 "", __func__, mask); } if (mAgpsCbInfo.statusV4Cb != NULL) { mask |= LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_LOCATION_SERVER_REQUEST; } // Add ODCPI handling if (nullptr != mOdcpiRequestCb) { mask |= LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_REQUEST_WIFI; } updateEvtMask(mask, LOC_REGISTRATION_MASK_SET); } void GnssAdapter::handleEngineUpEvent() { LOC_LOGD("%s]: ", __func__); struct MsgHandleEngineUpEvent : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; inline MsgHandleEngineUpEvent(GnssAdapter& adapter) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter) {} virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.broadcastCapabilities(mAdapter.getCapabilities()); // restart sessions mAdapter.restartSessions(); mAdapter.gnssSvIdConfigUpdate(); mAdapter.gnssSvTypeConfigUpdate(); } }; readConfigCommand(); setConfigCommand(); sendMsg(new MsgHandleEngineUpEvent(*this)); } void GnssAdapter::restartSessions() { LOC_LOGD("%s]: ", __func__); if (mTrackingSessions.empty()) { return; } // get the LocationOptions that has the smallest interval, which should be the active one TrackingOptions smallestIntervalOptions = {}; // size is zero until set for the first time TrackingOptions highestPowerTrackingOptions = {}; for (auto it = mTrackingSessions.begin(); it != mTrackingSessions.end(); ++it) { // size of zero means we havent set it yet if (0 == smallestIntervalOptions.size || it->second.minInterval < smallestIntervalOptions.minInterval) { smallestIntervalOptions = it->second; } GnssPowerMode powerMode = it->second.powerMode; // Size of zero means we havent set it yet if (0 == highestPowerTrackingOptions.size || (GNSS_POWER_MODE_INVALID != powerMode && powerMode < highestPowerTrackingOptions.powerMode)) { highestPowerTrackingOptions = it->second; } } LocPosMode locPosMode = {}; highestPowerTrackingOptions.setLocationOptions(smallestIntervalOptions); convertOptions(locPosMode, highestPowerTrackingOptions); mLocApi->startFix(locPosMode, nullptr); } void GnssAdapter::requestCapabilitiesCommand(LocationAPI* client) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: ", __func__); struct MsgRequestCapabilities : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; LocationAPI* mClient; inline MsgRequestCapabilities(GnssAdapter& adapter, LocationAPI* client) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mClient(client) {} inline virtual void proc() const { LocationCallbacks callbacks = mAdapter.getClientCallbacks(mClient); if (callbacks.capabilitiesCb == nullptr) { LOC_LOGE("%s]: capabilitiesCb is NULL", __func__); return; } LocationCapabilitiesMask mask = mAdapter.getCapabilities(); callbacks.capabilitiesCb(mask); } }; if (ContextBase::isEngineCapabilitiesKnown()) { sendMsg(new MsgRequestCapabilities(*this, client)); } } LocationCapabilitiesMask GnssAdapter::getCapabilities() { LocationCapabilitiesMask mask = 0; uint32_t carrierCapabilities = ContextBase::getCarrierCapabilities(); // time based tracking always supported mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_TIME_BASED_TRACKING_BIT; // geofence always supported mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_GEOFENCE_BIT; if (carrierCapabilities & LOC_GPS_CAPABILITY_MSB) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_GNSS_MSB_BIT; } if (LOC_GPS_CAPABILITY_MSA & carrierCapabilities) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_GNSS_MSA_BIT; } if (ContextBase::isMessageSupported(LOC_API_ADAPTER_MESSAGE_DISTANCE_BASE_LOCATION_BATCHING)) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_TIME_BASED_BATCHING_BIT | LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_DISTANCE_BASED_BATCHING_BIT; } if (ContextBase::isMessageSupported(LOC_API_ADAPTER_MESSAGE_DISTANCE_BASE_TRACKING)) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_DISTANCE_BASED_TRACKING_BIT; } if (ContextBase::isMessageSupported(LOC_API_ADAPTER_MESSAGE_OUTDOOR_TRIP_BATCHING)) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_OUTDOOR_TRIP_BATCHING_BIT; } if (ContextBase::gnssConstellationConfig()) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_GNSS_MEASUREMENTS_BIT; } if (ContextBase::isFeatureSupported(LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_DEBUG_NMEA_V02)) { mask |= LOCATION_CAPABILITIES_DEBUG_NMEA_BIT; } return mask; } void GnssAdapter::broadcastCapabilities(LocationCapabilitiesMask mask) { for (auto clientData : mClientData) { if (nullptr != clientData.second.capabilitiesCb) { clientData.second.capabilitiesCb(mask); } } } LocationCallbacks GnssAdapter::getClientCallbacks(LocationAPI* client) { LocationCallbacks callbacks = {}; auto it = mClientData.find(client); if (it != mClientData.end()) { callbacks = it->second; } return callbacks; } void GnssAdapter::saveClient(LocationAPI* client, const LocationCallbacks& callbacks) { mClientData[client] = callbacks; updateClientsEventMask(); } void GnssAdapter::eraseClient(LocationAPI* client) { auto it = mClientData.find(client); if (it != mClientData.end()) { mClientData.erase(it); } updateClientsEventMask(); } bool GnssAdapter::hasTrackingCallback(LocationAPI* client) { auto it = mClientData.find(client); return (it != mClientData.end() && (it->second.trackingCb || it->second.gnssLocationInfoCb)); } bool GnssAdapter::hasMeasurementsCallback(LocationAPI* client) { auto it = mClientData.find(client); return (it != mClientData.end() && it->second.gnssMeasurementsCb); } bool GnssAdapter::isTrackingSession(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId) { LocationSessionKey key(client, sessionId); return (mTrackingSessions.find(key) != mTrackingSessions.end()); } void GnssAdapter::saveTrackingSession(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId, const TrackingOptions& trackingOptions) { LocationSessionKey key(client, sessionId); mTrackingSessions[key] = trackingOptions; } void GnssAdapter::eraseTrackingSession(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId) { LocationSessionKey key(client, sessionId); auto itr = mTrackingSessions.find(key); if (itr != mTrackingSessions.end()) { mTrackingSessions.erase(itr); } } bool GnssAdapter::setLocPositionMode(const LocPosMode& mode) { if (!mLocPositionMode.equals(mode)) { mLocPositionMode = mode; return true; } else { return false; } } void GnssAdapter::reportResponse(LocationAPI* client, LocationError err, uint32_t sessionId) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: client %p id %u err %u", __func__, client, sessionId, err); auto it = mClientData.find(client); if (it != mClientData.end() && it->second.responseCb != nullptr) { it->second.responseCb(err, sessionId); } else { LOC_LOGW("%s]: client %p id %u not found in data", __func__, client, sessionId); } } void GnssAdapter::reportResponse(LocationError err, uint32_t sessionId) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: id %u err %u", __func__, sessionId, err); if (mControlCallbacks.size > 0 && mControlCallbacks.responseCb != nullptr) { mControlCallbacks.responseCb(err, sessionId); } else { LOC_LOGW("%s]: control client response callback not found", __func__); } } void GnssAdapter::reportResponse(size_t count, LocationError* errs, uint32_t* ids) { IF_LOC_LOGD { std::string idsString = "["; std::string errsString = "["; if (NULL != ids && NULL != errs) { for (size_t i=0; i < count; ++i) { idsString += std::to_string(ids[i]) + " "; errsString += std::to_string(errs[i]) + " "; } } idsString += "]"; errsString += "]"; LOC_LOGD("%s]: ids %s errs %s", __func__, idsString.c_str(), errsString.c_str()); } if (mControlCallbacks.size > 0 && mControlCallbacks.collectiveResponseCb != nullptr) { mControlCallbacks.collectiveResponseCb(count, errs, ids); } else { LOC_LOGW("%s]: control client callback not found", __func__); } } uint32_t GnssAdapter::startTrackingCommand(LocationAPI* client, TrackingOptions& options) { uint32_t sessionId = generateSessionId(); LOC_LOGD("%s]: client %p id %u minInterval %u minDistance %u mode %u powermode %u tbm %u", __func__, client, sessionId, options.minInterval, options.minDistance, options.mode, options.powerMode, options.tbm); struct MsgStartTracking : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; LocApiBase& mApi; LocationAPI* mClient; uint32_t mSessionId; mutable TrackingOptions mTrackingOptions; inline MsgStartTracking(GnssAdapter& adapter, LocApiBase& api, LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId, TrackingOptions trackingOptions) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api), mClient(client), mSessionId(sessionId), mTrackingOptions(trackingOptions) {} inline virtual void proc() const { LocationError err = LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!mAdapter.hasTrackingCallback(mClient) && !mAdapter.hasMeasurementsCallback(mClient)) { err = LOCATION_ERROR_CALLBACK_MISSING; } else if (0 == mTrackingOptions.size) { err = LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { if (GNSS_POWER_MODE_INVALID != mTrackingOptions.powerMode && !ContextBase::isFeatureSupported(LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_AGPM_V02)) { LOC_LOGv("Ignoring power mode, feature not supported."); mTrackingOptions.powerMode = GNSS_POWER_MODE_INVALID; } if (ContextBase::isFeatureSupported(LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_AGPM_V02) && GNSS_POWER_MODE_M4 == mTrackingOptions.powerMode && mTrackingOptions.tbm > TRACKING_TBM_THRESHOLD_MILLIS) { LOC_LOGd("TBM (%d) > %d Falling back to M2 power mode", mTrackingOptions.tbm, TRACKING_TBM_THRESHOLD_MILLIS); mTrackingOptions.powerMode = GNSS_POWER_MODE_M2; } // Api doesn't support multiple clients for time based tracking, so mutiplex bool reportToClientWithNoWait = mAdapter.startTrackingMultiplex(mClient, mSessionId, mTrackingOptions); mAdapter.saveTrackingSession(mClient, mSessionId, mTrackingOptions); if (reportToClientWithNoWait) { mAdapter.reportResponse(mClient, LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS, mSessionId); } } } }; sendMsg(new MsgStartTracking(*this, *mLocApi, client, sessionId, options)); return sessionId; } bool GnssAdapter::startTrackingMultiplex(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId, const TrackingOptions& options) { bool reportToClientWithNoWait = true; if (mTrackingSessions.empty()) { startTracking(client, sessionId, options); // need to wait for QMI callback reportToClientWithNoWait = false; } else { // find the smallest interval and powerMode TrackingOptions multiplexedOptions = {}; // size is 0 until set for the first time GnssPowerMode multiplexedPowerMode = GNSS_POWER_MODE_INVALID; for (auto it = mTrackingSessions.begin(); it != mTrackingSessions.end(); ++it) { // if not set or there is a new smallest interval, then set the new interval if (0 == multiplexedOptions.size || it->second.minInterval < multiplexedOptions.minInterval) { multiplexedOptions = it->second; } // if session is not the one we are updating and either powerMode // is not set or there is a new smallest powerMode, then set the new powerMode if (GNSS_POWER_MODE_INVALID == multiplexedPowerMode || it->second.powerMode < multiplexedPowerMode) { multiplexedPowerMode = it->second.powerMode; } } bool updateOptions = false; // if session we are starting has smaller interval then next smallest if (options.minInterval < multiplexedOptions.minInterval) { multiplexedOptions.minInterval = options.minInterval; updateOptions = true; } // if session we are starting has smaller powerMode then next smallest if (options.powerMode < multiplexedPowerMode) { multiplexedOptions.powerMode = options.powerMode; updateOptions = true; } if (updateOptions) { // restart time based tracking with the newly updated options startTracking(client, sessionId, multiplexedOptions); // need to wait for QMI callback reportToClientWithNoWait = false; } // else part: no QMI call is made, need to report back to client right away } return reportToClientWithNoWait; } void GnssAdapter::startTracking(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId, const TrackingOptions& trackingOptions) { LocPosMode locPosMode = {}; convertOptions(locPosMode, trackingOptions); // inform engine hub that GNSS session is about to start mEngHubProxy->gnssSetFixMode(locPosMode); mEngHubProxy->gnssStartFix(); mLocApi->startFix(locPosMode, new LocApiResponse(*getContext(), [this, client, sessionId] (LocationError err) { if (LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS != err) { eraseTrackingSession(client, sessionId); } reportResponse(client, err, sessionId); } )); } void GnssAdapter::updateTracking(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId, const TrackingOptions& updatedOptions, const TrackingOptions& oldOptions) { LocPosMode locPosMode = {}; convertOptions(locPosMode, updatedOptions); // inform engine hub that GNSS session is about to start mEngHubProxy->gnssSetFixMode(locPosMode); mEngHubProxy->gnssStartFix(); mLocApi->startFix(locPosMode, new LocApiResponse(*getContext(), [this, client, sessionId, oldOptions] (LocationError err) { if (LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS != err) { // restore the old LocationOptions saveTrackingSession(client, sessionId, oldOptions); } reportResponse(client, err, sessionId); } )); } void GnssAdapter::setPositionModeCommand(LocPosMode& locPosMode) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: min_interval %u mode %u", __func__, locPosMode.min_interval, locPosMode.mode); struct MsgSetPositionMode : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; LocApiBase& mApi; LocPosMode mLocPosMode; inline MsgSetPositionMode(GnssAdapter& adapter, LocApiBase& api, LocPosMode& locPosMode) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api), mLocPosMode(locPosMode) {} inline virtual void proc() const { // saves the mode in adapter to be used when startTrackingCommand is called from ULP if (mAdapter.setLocPositionMode(mLocPosMode)) { mAdapter.mEngHubProxy->gnssSetFixMode(mLocPosMode); mApi.setPositionMode(mLocPosMode); } } }; sendMsg(new MsgSetPositionMode(*this, *mLocApi, locPosMode)); } void GnssAdapter::updateTrackingOptionsCommand(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t id, TrackingOptions& options) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: client %p id %u minInterval %u mode %u", __func__, client, id, options.minInterval, options.mode); struct MsgUpdateTracking : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; LocApiBase& mApi; LocationAPI* mClient; uint32_t mSessionId; mutable TrackingOptions mTrackingOptions; inline MsgUpdateTracking(GnssAdapter& adapter, LocApiBase& api, LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId, TrackingOptions trackingOptions) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api), mClient(client), mSessionId(sessionId), mTrackingOptions(trackingOptions) {} inline virtual void proc() const { if (mAdapter.isTrackingSession(mClient, mSessionId)) { LocationError err = LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; if (0 == mTrackingOptions.size) { err = LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { if (GNSS_POWER_MODE_INVALID != mTrackingOptions.powerMode && !ContextBase::isFeatureSupported(LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_AGPM_V02)) { LOC_LOGv("Ignoring power mode, feature not supported."); mTrackingOptions.powerMode = GNSS_POWER_MODE_INVALID; } if (ContextBase::isFeatureSupported(LOC_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_AGPM_V02) && GNSS_POWER_MODE_M4 == mTrackingOptions.powerMode && mTrackingOptions.tbm > TRACKING_TBM_THRESHOLD_MILLIS) { LOC_LOGd("TBM (%d) > %d Falling back to M2 power mode", mTrackingOptions.tbm, TRACKING_TBM_THRESHOLD_MILLIS); mTrackingOptions.powerMode = GNSS_POWER_MODE_M2; } // Api doesn't support multiple clients for time based tracking, so mutiplex bool reportToClientWithNoWait = mAdapter.updateTrackingMultiplex(mClient, mSessionId, mTrackingOptions); mAdapter.saveTrackingSession(mClient, mSessionId, mTrackingOptions); if (reportToClientWithNoWait) { mAdapter.reportResponse(mClient, err, mSessionId); } } } // we do not reportResponse for the case where there is no existing tracking session // for the client and id being used, since updateTrackingCommand can be sent to both // GnssAdapter & FlpAdapter by LocationAPI and we want to avoid incorrect error response } }; sendMsg(new MsgUpdateTracking(*this, *mLocApi, client, id, options)); } bool GnssAdapter::updateTrackingMultiplex(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t id, const TrackingOptions& trackingOptions) { bool reportToClientWithNoWait = true; LocationSessionKey key(client, id); // get the session we are updating auto it = mTrackingSessions.find(key); // cache the clients existing LocationOptions TrackingOptions oldOptions = it->second; // if session we are updating exists and the minInterval or powerMode has changed if (it != mTrackingSessions.end() && (it->second.minInterval != trackingOptions.minInterval || it->second.powerMode != trackingOptions.powerMode)) { // find the smallest interval and powerMode, other than the session we are updating TrackingOptions multiplexedOptions = {}; // size is 0 until set for the first time GnssPowerMode multiplexedPowerMode = GNSS_POWER_MODE_INVALID; for (auto it2 = mTrackingSessions.begin(); it2 != mTrackingSessions.end(); ++it2) { // if session is not the one we are updating and either interval // is not set or there is a new smallest interval, then set the new interval if (it2->first != key && (0 == multiplexedOptions.size || it2->second.minInterval < multiplexedOptions.minInterval)) { multiplexedOptions = it2->second; } // if session is not the one we are updating and either powerMode // is not set or there is a new smallest powerMode, then set the new powerMode if (it2->first != key && (GNSS_POWER_MODE_INVALID == multiplexedPowerMode || it2->second.powerMode < multiplexedPowerMode)) { multiplexedPowerMode = it2->second.powerMode; } // else part: no QMI call is made, need to report back to client right away } bool updateOptions = false; // if session we are updating has smaller interval then next smallest if (trackingOptions.minInterval < multiplexedOptions.minInterval) { multiplexedOptions.minInterval = trackingOptions.minInterval; updateOptions = true; } // if session we are updating has smaller powerMode then next smallest if (trackingOptions.powerMode < multiplexedPowerMode) { multiplexedOptions.powerMode = trackingOptions.powerMode; updateOptions = true; } // if only one session exists, then tracking should be updated with it if (1 == mTrackingSessions.size()) { multiplexedOptions = trackingOptions; updateOptions = true; } if (updateOptions) { // restart time based tracking with the newly updated options updateTracking(client, id, multiplexedOptions, oldOptions); // need to wait for QMI callback reportToClientWithNoWait = false; } } return reportToClientWithNoWait; } void GnssAdapter::stopTrackingCommand(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t id) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: client %p id %u", __func__, client, id); struct MsgStopTracking : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; LocApiBase& mApi; LocationAPI* mClient; uint32_t mSessionId; inline MsgStopTracking(GnssAdapter& adapter, LocApiBase& api, LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api), mClient(client), mSessionId(sessionId) {} inline virtual void proc() const { if (mAdapter.isTrackingSession(mClient, mSessionId)) { // Api doesn't support multiple clients for time based tracking, so mutiplex bool reportToClientWithNoWait = mAdapter.stopTrackingMultiplex(mClient, mSessionId); mAdapter.eraseTrackingSession(mClient, mSessionId); if (reportToClientWithNoWait) { mAdapter.reportResponse(mClient, LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS, mSessionId); } } // we do not reportResponse for the case where there is no existing tracking session // for the client and id being used, since stopTrackingCommand can be sent to both // GnssAdapter & FlpAdapter by LocationAPI and we want to avoid incorrect error response } }; sendMsg(new MsgStopTracking(*this, *mLocApi, client, id)); } bool GnssAdapter::stopTrackingMultiplex(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t id) { bool reportToClientWithNoWait = true; if (1 == mTrackingSessions.size()) { stopTracking(client, id); // need to wait for QMI callback reportToClientWithNoWait = false; } else { LocationSessionKey key(client, id); // get the session we are stopping auto it = mTrackingSessions.find(key); if (it != mTrackingSessions.end()) { // find the smallest interval and powerMode, other than the session we are stopping TrackingOptions multiplexedOptions = {}; // size is 0 until set for the first time GnssPowerMode multiplexedPowerMode = GNSS_POWER_MODE_INVALID; for (auto it2 = mTrackingSessions.begin(); it2 != mTrackingSessions.end(); ++it2) { // if session is not the one we are stopping and either interval // is not set or there is a new smallest interval, then set the new interval if (it2->first != key && (0 == multiplexedOptions.size || it2->second.minInterval < multiplexedOptions.minInterval)) { multiplexedOptions = it2->second; } // if session is not the one we are stopping and either powerMode // is not set or there is a new smallest powerMode, then set the new powerMode if (it2->first != key && (GNSS_POWER_MODE_INVALID == multiplexedPowerMode || it2->second.powerMode < multiplexedPowerMode)) { multiplexedPowerMode = it2->second.powerMode; } } // if session we are stopping has smaller interval then next smallest or // if session we are stopping has smaller powerMode then next smallest if (it->second.minInterval < multiplexedOptions.minInterval || it->second.powerMode < multiplexedPowerMode) { multiplexedOptions.powerMode = multiplexedPowerMode; // restart time based tracking with the newly updated options startTracking(client, id, multiplexedOptions); // need to wait for QMI callback reportToClientWithNoWait = false; } // else part: no QMI call is made, need to report back to client right away } } return reportToClientWithNoWait; } void GnssAdapter::stopTracking(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t id) { // inform engine hub that GNSS session has stopped mEngHubProxy->gnssStopFix(); mLocApi->stopFix(new LocApiResponse(*getContext(), [this, client, id] (LocationError err) { reportResponse(client, err, id); })); } bool GnssAdapter::hasNiNotifyCallback(LocationAPI* client) { auto it = mClientData.find(client); return (it != mClientData.end() && it->second.gnssNiCb); } void GnssAdapter::gnssNiResponseCommand(LocationAPI* client, uint32_t id, GnssNiResponse response) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: client %p id %u response %u", __func__, client, id, response); struct MsgGnssNiResponse : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; LocationAPI* mClient; uint32_t mSessionId; GnssNiResponse mResponse; inline MsgGnssNiResponse(GnssAdapter& adapter, LocationAPI* client, uint32_t sessionId, GnssNiResponse response) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mClient(client), mSessionId(sessionId), mResponse(response) {} inline virtual void proc() const { NiData& niData = mAdapter.getNiData(); LocationError err = LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!mAdapter.hasNiNotifyCallback(mClient)) { err = LOCATION_ERROR_ID_UNKNOWN; } else { NiSession* pSession = NULL; if (mSessionId == niData.sessionEs.reqID && NULL != niData.sessionEs.rawRequest) { pSession = &niData.sessionEs; // ignore any SUPL NI non-Es session if a SUPL NI ES is accepted if (mResponse == GNSS_NI_RESPONSE_ACCEPT && NULL != niData.session.rawRequest) { pthread_mutex_lock(&niData.session.tLock); niData.session.resp = GNSS_NI_RESPONSE_IGNORE; niData.session.respRecvd = true; pthread_cond_signal(&niData.session.tCond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&niData.session.tLock); } } else if (mSessionId == niData.session.reqID && NULL != niData.session.rawRequest) { pSession = &niData.session; } if (pSession) { LOC_LOGI("%s]: gnssNiResponseCommand: send user mResponse %u for id %u", __func__, mResponse, mSessionId); pthread_mutex_lock(&pSession->tLock); pSession->resp = mResponse; pSession->respRecvd = true; pthread_cond_signal(&pSession->tCond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&pSession->tLock); } else { err = LOCATION_ERROR_ID_UNKNOWN; LOC_LOGE("%s]: gnssNiResponseCommand: id %u not an active session", __func__, mSessionId); } } mAdapter.reportResponse(mClient, err, mSessionId); } }; sendMsg(new MsgGnssNiResponse(*this, client, id, response)); } void GnssAdapter::gnssNiResponseCommand(GnssNiResponse response, void* rawRequest) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: response %u", __func__, response); struct MsgGnssNiResponse : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; LocApiBase& mApi; const GnssNiResponse mResponse; const void* mPayload; inline MsgGnssNiResponse(GnssAdapter& adapter, LocApiBase& api, const GnssNiResponse response, const void* rawRequest) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api), mResponse(response), mPayload(rawRequest) {} inline virtual ~MsgGnssNiResponse() { } inline virtual void proc() const { mApi.informNiResponse(mResponse, mPayload); } }; sendMsg(new MsgGnssNiResponse(*this, *mLocApi, response, rawRequest)); } uint32_t GnssAdapter::enableCommand(LocationTechnologyType techType) { uint32_t sessionId = generateSessionId(); LOC_LOGD("%s]: id %u techType %u", __func__, sessionId, techType); struct MsgEnableGnss : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; LocApiBase& mApi; ContextBase& mContext; uint32_t mSessionId; LocationTechnologyType mTechType; inline MsgEnableGnss(GnssAdapter& adapter, LocApiBase& api, ContextBase& context, uint32_t sessionId, LocationTechnologyType techType) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api), mContext(context), mSessionId(sessionId), mTechType(techType) {} inline virtual void proc() const { LocationError err = LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; uint32_t powerVoteId = mAdapter.getPowerVoteId(); if (mTechType != LOCATION_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE_GNSS) { err = LOCATION_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (powerVoteId > 0) { err = LOCATION_ERROR_ALREADY_STARTED; } else { mContext.modemPowerVote(true); mAdapter.setPowerVoteId(mSessionId); mApi.sendMsg(new LocApiMsg([&mApi = mApi] () { mApi.setGpsLockSync(GNSS_CONFIG_GPS_LOCK_NONE); })); mAdapter.mXtraObserver.updateLockStatus( mAdapter.convertGpsLock(GNSS_CONFIG_GPS_LOCK_NONE)); } mAdapter.reportResponse(err, mSessionId); } }; if (mContext != NULL) { sendMsg(new MsgEnableGnss(*this, *mLocApi, *mContext, sessionId, techType)); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s]: Context is NULL", __func__); } return sessionId; } void GnssAdapter::disableCommand(uint32_t id) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: id %u", __func__, id); struct MsgDisableGnss : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; LocApiBase& mApi; ContextBase& mContext; uint32_t mSessionId; inline MsgDisableGnss(GnssAdapter& adapter, LocApiBase& api, ContextBase& context, uint32_t sessionId) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mApi(api), mContext(context), mSessionId(sessionId) {} inline virtual void proc() const { LocationError err = LOCATION_ERROR_SUCCESS; uint32_t powerVoteId = mAdapter.getPowerVoteId(); if (powerVoteId != mSessionId) { err = LOCATION_ERROR_ID_UNKNOWN; } else { mContext.modemPowerVote(false); mAdapter.setPowerVoteId(0); GnssConfigGpsLock gpsLock = mAdapter.convertGpsLock(ContextBase::mGps_conf.GPS_LOCK); mApi.sendMsg(new LocApiMsg([&mApi = mApi,gpsLock] () { mApi.setGpsLockSync(gpsLock); })); mAdapter.mXtraObserver.updateLockStatus( mAdapter.convertGpsLock(ContextBase::mGps_conf.GPS_LOCK)); } mAdapter.reportResponse(err, mSessionId); } }; if (mContext != NULL) { sendMsg(new MsgDisableGnss(*this, *mLocApi, *mContext, id)); } } void GnssAdapter::reportPositionEvent(const UlpLocation& ulpLocation, const GpsLocationExtended& locationExtended, enum loc_sess_status status, LocPosTechMask techMask, bool fromEngineHub) { // if this event is called from QMI LOC API, then send report to engine hub // if sending is successful, we return as we will wait for final report from engine hub // if the position is called from engine hub, then send it out directly if (!fromEngineHub) { // report QMI position (both propagated and unpropagated) to engine hub, // and engine hub will be distributing it to the registered plugins mEngHubProxy->gnssReportPosition(ulpLocation, locationExtended, status); if (true == ulpLocation.unpropagatedPosition) { return; } // engine hub is loaded, do not report qmi position to client as // final position report should come from engine hub if (true == initEngHubProxy()){ return; } } // for all other cases: // case 1: fix is from engine hub, queue the msg // case 2: fix is not from engine hub, e.g. from QMI, and it is not an // unpropagated position and engine hub is not loaded, queue the msg // when message is queued, the position can be dispatched to requesting client struct MsgReportPosition : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; const UlpLocation mUlpLocation; const GpsLocationExtended mLocationExtended; loc_sess_status mStatus; LocPosTechMask mTechMask; inline MsgReportPosition(GnssAdapter& adapter, const UlpLocation& ulpLocation, const GpsLocationExtended& locationExtended, loc_sess_status status, LocPosTechMask techMask) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mUlpLocation(ulpLocation), mLocationExtended(locationExtended), mStatus(status), mTechMask(techMask) {} inline virtual void proc() const { // extract bug report info - this returns true if consumed by systemstatus SystemStatus* s = mAdapter.getSystemStatus(); if ((nullptr != s) && ((LOC_SESS_SUCCESS == mStatus) || (LOC_SESS_INTERMEDIATE == mStatus))){ s->eventPosition(mUlpLocation, mLocationExtended); } mAdapter.reportPosition(mUlpLocation, mLocationExtended, mStatus, mTechMask); } }; sendMsg(new MsgReportPosition(*this, ulpLocation, locationExtended, status, techMask)); } bool GnssAdapter::needReport(const UlpLocation& ulpLocation, enum loc_sess_status status, LocPosTechMask techMask) { bool reported = false; if (LOC_SESS_SUCCESS == status) { // this is a final fix LocPosTechMask mask = LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_SATELLITE | LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_SENSORS | LOC_POS_TECH_MASK_HYBRID; // it is a Satellite fix or a sensor fix reported = (mask & techMask); } else if (LOC_SESS_INTERMEDIATE == status && LOC_SESS_INTERMEDIATE == ContextBase::mGps_conf.INTERMEDIATE_POS) { // this is a intermediate fix and we accepte intermediate // it is NOT the case that // there is inaccuracy; and // we care about inaccuracy; and // the inaccuracy exceeds our tolerance reported = !((ulpLocation.gpsLocation.flags & LOC_GPS_LOCATION_HAS_ACCURACY) && (ContextBase::mGps_conf.ACCURACY_THRES != 0) && (ulpLocation.gpsLocation.accuracy > ContextBase::mGps_conf.ACCURACY_THRES)); } return reported; } void GnssAdapter::reportPosition(const UlpLocation& ulpLocation, const GpsLocationExtended& locationExtended, enum loc_sess_status status, LocPosTechMask techMask) { bool reported = needReport(ulpLocation, status, techMask); if (reported) { if (locationExtended.flags & GPS_LOCATION_EXTENDED_HAS_GNSS_SV_USED_DATA) { mGnssSvIdUsedInPosAvail = true; mGnssSvIdUsedInPosition = locationExtended.gnss_sv_used_ids; } for (auto it=mClientData.begin(); it != mClientData.end(); ++it) { if (nullptr != it->second.gnssLocationInfoCb) { GnssLocationInfoNotification locationInfo = {}; convertLocationInfo(locationInfo, locationExtended); convertLocation(locationInfo.location, ulpLocation, locationExtended, techMask); it->second.gnssLocationInfoCb(locationInfo); } else if (nullptr != it->second.trackingCb) { Location location = {}; convertLocation(location, ulpLocation, locationExtended, techMask); it->second.trackingCb(location); } } } if (NMEA_PROVIDER_AP == ContextBase::mGps_conf.NMEA_PROVIDER && !mTrackingSessions.empty()) { /*Only BlankNMEA sentence needs to be processed and sent, if both lat, long is 0 & horReliability is not set. */ bool blank_fix = ((0 == ulpLocation.gpsLocation.latitude) && (0 == ulpLocation.gpsLocation.longitude) && (LOC_RELIABILITY_NOT_SET == locationExtended.horizontal_reliability)); uint8_t generate_nmea = (reported && status != LOC_SESS_FAILURE && !blank_fix); std::vector nmeaArraystr; loc_nmea_generate_pos(ulpLocation, locationExtended, generate_nmea, nmeaArraystr); for (auto sentence : nmeaArraystr) { reportNmea(sentence.c_str(), sentence.length()); } } } void GnssAdapter::reportSvEvent(const GnssSvNotification& svNotify, bool fromEngineHub) { if (!fromEngineHub) { mEngHubProxy->gnssReportSv(svNotify); if (true == initEngHubProxy()){ return; } } struct MsgReportSv : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; const GnssSvNotification mSvNotify; inline MsgReportSv(GnssAdapter& adapter, const GnssSvNotification& svNotify) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mSvNotify(svNotify) {} inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.reportSv((GnssSvNotification&)mSvNotify); } }; sendMsg(new MsgReportSv(*this, svNotify)); } void GnssAdapter::reportSv(GnssSvNotification& svNotify) { int numSv = svNotify.count; int16_t gnssSvId = 0; uint64_t svUsedIdMask = 0; for (int i=0; i < numSv; i++) { svUsedIdMask = 0; gnssSvId = svNotify.gnssSvs[i].svId; switch (svNotify.gnssSvs[i].type) { case GNSS_SV_TYPE_GPS: if (mGnssSvIdUsedInPosAvail) { svUsedIdMask = mGnssSvIdUsedInPosition.gps_sv_used_ids_mask; } break; case GNSS_SV_TYPE_GLONASS: if (mGnssSvIdUsedInPosAvail) { svUsedIdMask = mGnssSvIdUsedInPosition.glo_sv_used_ids_mask; } break; case GNSS_SV_TYPE_BEIDOU: if (mGnssSvIdUsedInPosAvail) { svUsedIdMask = mGnssSvIdUsedInPosition.bds_sv_used_ids_mask; } break; case GNSS_SV_TYPE_GALILEO: if (mGnssSvIdUsedInPosAvail) { svUsedIdMask = mGnssSvIdUsedInPosition.gal_sv_used_ids_mask; } break; case GNSS_SV_TYPE_QZSS: if (mGnssSvIdUsedInPosAvail) { svUsedIdMask = mGnssSvIdUsedInPosition.qzss_sv_used_ids_mask; } // QZSS SV id's need to reported as it is to framework, since // framework expects it as it is. See GnssStatus.java. // SV id passed to here by LocApi is 1-based. svNotify.gnssSvs[i].svId += (QZSS_SV_PRN_MIN - 1); break; default: svUsedIdMask = 0; break; } // If SV ID was used in previous position fix, then set USED_IN_FIX // flag, else clear the USED_IN_FIX flag. if (svUsedIdMask & (1 << (gnssSvId - 1))) { svNotify.gnssSvs[i].gnssSvOptionsMask |= GNSS_SV_OPTIONS_USED_IN_FIX_BIT; } } for (auto it=mClientData.begin(); it != mClientData.end(); ++it) { if (nullptr != it->second.gnssSvCb) { it->second.gnssSvCb(svNotify); } } if (NMEA_PROVIDER_AP == ContextBase::mGps_conf.NMEA_PROVIDER && !mTrackingSessions.empty()) { std::vector nmeaArraystr; loc_nmea_generate_sv(svNotify, nmeaArraystr); for (auto sentence : nmeaArraystr) { reportNmea(sentence.c_str(), sentence.length()); } } mGnssSvIdUsedInPosAvail = false; } void GnssAdapter::reportNmeaEvent(const char* nmea, size_t length) { if (!loc_nmea_is_debug(nmea, length)) { mEngHubProxy->gnssReportNmea(nmea); } struct MsgReportNmea : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; const char* mNmea; size_t mLength; inline MsgReportNmea(GnssAdapter& adapter, const char* nmea, size_t length) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mNmea(new char[length+1]), mLength(length) { if (mNmea == nullptr) { LOC_LOGE("%s] new allocation failed, fatal error.", __func__); return; } strlcpy((char*)mNmea, nmea, length+1); } inline virtual ~MsgReportNmea() { delete[] mNmea; } inline virtual void proc() const { // extract bug report info - this returns true if consumed by systemstatus bool ret = false; SystemStatus* s = mAdapter.getSystemStatus(); if (nullptr != s) { ret = s->setNmeaString(mNmea, mLength); } if (false == ret) { // forward NMEA message to upper layer mAdapter.reportNmea(mNmea, mLength); } } }; sendMsg(new MsgReportNmea(*this, nmea, length)); } void GnssAdapter::reportNmea(const char* nmea, size_t length) { GnssNmeaNotification nmeaNotification = {}; nmeaNotification.size = sizeof(GnssNmeaNotification); struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, (struct timezone *) NULL); int64_t now = tv.tv_sec * 1000LL + tv.tv_usec / 1000; nmeaNotification.timestamp = now; nmeaNotification.nmea = nmea; nmeaNotification.length = length; for (auto it=mClientData.begin(); it != mClientData.end(); ++it) { if (nullptr != it->second.gnssNmeaCb) { it->second.gnssNmeaCb(nmeaNotification); } } } bool GnssAdapter::requestNiNotifyEvent(const GnssNiNotification ¬ify, const void* data) { LOC_LOGI("%s]: notif_type: %d, timeout: %d, default_resp: %d" "requestor_id: %s (encoding: %d) text: %s text (encoding: %d) extras: %s", __func__, notify.type, notify.timeout, notify.timeoutResponse, notify.requestor, notify.requestorEncoding, notify.message, notify.messageEncoding, notify.extras); struct MsgReportNiNotify : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; const GnssNiNotification mNotify; const void* mData; inline MsgReportNiNotify(GnssAdapter& adapter, const GnssNiNotification& notify, const void* data) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mNotify(notify), mData(data) {} inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.requestNiNotify(mNotify, mData); } }; sendMsg(new MsgReportNiNotify(*this, notify, data)); return true; } static void* niThreadProc(void *args) { NiSession* pSession = (NiSession*)args; int rc = 0; /* return code from pthread calls */ struct timespec present_time; struct timespec expire_time; pthread_mutex_lock(&pSession->tLock); /* Calculate absolute expire time */ clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &present_time); expire_time.tv_sec = present_time.tv_sec + pSession->respTimeLeft; expire_time.tv_nsec = present_time.tv_nsec; LOC_LOGD("%s]: time out set for abs time %ld with delay %d sec", __func__, (long)expire_time.tv_sec, pSession->respTimeLeft); while (!pSession->respRecvd) { rc = pthread_cond_timedwait(&pSession->tCond, &pSession->tLock, &expire_time); if (rc == ETIMEDOUT) { pSession->resp = GNSS_NI_RESPONSE_NO_RESPONSE; LOC_LOGD("%s]: time out after valting for specified time. Ret Val %d", __func__, rc); break; } } LOC_LOGD("%s]: Java layer has sent us a user response and return value from " "pthread_cond_timedwait = %d pSession->resp is %u", __func__, rc, pSession->resp); pSession->respRecvd = false; /* Reset the user response flag for the next session*/ // adding this check to support modem restart, in which case, we need the thread // to exit without calling sending data. We made sure that rawRequest is NULL in // loc_eng_ni_reset_on_engine_restart() GnssAdapter* adapter = pSession->adapter; GnssNiResponse resp; void* rawRequest = NULL; bool sendResponse = false; if (NULL != pSession->rawRequest) { if (pSession->resp != GNSS_NI_RESPONSE_IGNORE) { resp = pSession->resp; rawRequest = pSession->rawRequest; sendResponse = true; } else { free(pSession->rawRequest); } pSession->rawRequest = NULL; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&pSession->tLock); pSession->respTimeLeft = 0; pSession->reqID = 0; if (sendResponse) { adapter->gnssNiResponseCommand(resp, rawRequest); } return NULL; } bool GnssAdapter::requestNiNotify(const GnssNiNotification& notify, const void* data) { NiSession* pSession = NULL; gnssNiCallback gnssNiCb = nullptr; for (auto it=mClientData.begin(); it != mClientData.end(); ++it) { if (nullptr != it->second.gnssNiCb) { gnssNiCb = it->second.gnssNiCb; break; } } if (nullptr == gnssNiCb) { EXIT_LOG(%s, "no clients with gnssNiCb."); return false; } if (notify.type == GNSS_NI_TYPE_EMERGENCY_SUPL) { if (NULL != mNiData.sessionEs.rawRequest) { LOC_LOGI("%s]: supl es NI in progress, new supl es NI ignored, type: %d", __func__, notify.type); if (NULL != data) { free((void*)data); } } else { pSession = &mNiData.sessionEs; } } else { if (NULL != mNiData.session.rawRequest || NULL != mNiData.sessionEs.rawRequest) { LOC_LOGI("%s]: supl NI in progress, new supl NI ignored, type: %d", __func__, notify.type); if (NULL != data) { free((void*)data); } } else { pSession = &mNiData.session; } } if (pSession) { /* Save request */ pSession->rawRequest = (void*)data; pSession->reqID = ++mNiData.reqIDCounter; pSession->adapter = this; int sessionId = pSession->reqID; /* For robustness, spawn a thread at this point to timeout to clear up the notification * status, even though the OEM layer in java does not do so. **/ pSession->respTimeLeft = 5 + (notify.timeout != 0 ? notify.timeout : LOC_NI_NO_RESPONSE_TIME); int rc = 0; rc = pthread_create(&pSession->thread, NULL, niThreadProc, pSession); if (rc) { LOC_LOGE("%s]: Loc NI thread is not created.", __func__); } rc = pthread_detach(pSession->thread); if (rc) { LOC_LOGE("%s]: Loc NI thread is not detached.", __func__); } if (nullptr != gnssNiCb) { gnssNiCb(sessionId, notify); } } return true; } void GnssAdapter::reportGnssMeasurementDataEvent(const GnssMeasurementsNotification& measurements, int msInWeek) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: ", __func__); struct MsgReportGnssMeasurementData : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; GnssMeasurementsNotification mMeasurementsNotify; inline MsgReportGnssMeasurementData(GnssAdapter& adapter, const GnssMeasurementsNotification& measurements, int msInWeek) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mMeasurementsNotify(measurements) { if (-1 != msInWeek) { mAdapter.getAgcInformation(mMeasurementsNotify, msInWeek); } } inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.reportGnssMeasurementData(mMeasurementsNotify); } }; sendMsg(new MsgReportGnssMeasurementData(*this, measurements, msInWeek)); } void GnssAdapter::reportGnssMeasurementData(const GnssMeasurementsNotification& measurements) { for (auto it=mClientData.begin(); it != mClientData.end(); ++it) { if (nullptr != it->second.gnssMeasurementsCb) { it->second.gnssMeasurementsCb(measurements); } } } void GnssAdapter::reportSvMeasurementEvent(GnssSvMeasurementSet &svMeasurementSet) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: ", __func__); mEngHubProxy->gnssReportSvMeasurement(svMeasurementSet); } void GnssAdapter::reportSvPolynomialEvent(GnssSvPolynomial &svPolynomial) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: ", __func__); mEngHubProxy->gnssReportSvPolynomial(svPolynomial); } bool GnssAdapter::requestOdcpiEvent(OdcpiRequestInfo& request) { LOC_LOGd("ODCPI request: type %d, tbf %d, isEmergency %d", request.type, request.tbfMillis, request.isEmergencyMode); struct MsgRequestOdcpi : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; OdcpiRequestInfo mOdcpiRequest; inline MsgRequestOdcpi(GnssAdapter& adapter, OdcpiRequestInfo& request) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mOdcpiRequest(request) {} inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.requestOdcpi(mOdcpiRequest); } }; sendMsg(new MsgRequestOdcpi(*this, request)); return true; } void GnssAdapter::requestOdcpi(const OdcpiRequestInfo& request) { if (nullptr != mOdcpiRequestCb) { mOdcpiInjectedPositionCount = 0; if (ODCPI_REQUEST_TYPE_START == request.type) { mOdcpiRequestCb(request); mOdcpiRequestActive = true; } else { mOdcpiRequestActive = false; } } else { LOC_LOGe("ODCPI request not supported"); } } void GnssAdapter::initOdcpiCommand(const OdcpiRequestCallback& callback) { struct MsgInitOdcpi : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; OdcpiRequestCallback mOdcpiCb; inline MsgInitOdcpi(GnssAdapter& adapter, const OdcpiRequestCallback& callback) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mOdcpiCb(callback) {} inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.initOdcpi(mOdcpiCb); } }; sendMsg(new MsgInitOdcpi(*this, callback)); } void GnssAdapter::initOdcpi(const OdcpiRequestCallback& callback) { mOdcpiRequestCb = callback; /* Register for WIFI request */ updateEvtMask(LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_REQUEST_WIFI, LOC_REGISTRATION_MASK_ENABLED); } void GnssAdapter::injectOdcpiCommand(const Location& location) { struct MsgInjectOdcpi : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; Location mLocation; inline MsgInjectOdcpi(GnssAdapter& adapter, const Location& location) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mLocation(location) {} inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.injectOdcpi(mLocation); } }; sendMsg(new MsgInjectOdcpi(*this, location)); } void GnssAdapter::injectOdcpi(const Location& location) { mLocApi->injectPosition(location, true); if (mOdcpiRequestActive) { mOdcpiInjectedPositionCount++; if (mOdcpiInjectedPositionCount >= ODCPI_INJECTED_POSITION_COUNT_PER_REQUEST) { mOdcpiRequestActive = false; mOdcpiInjectedPositionCount = 0; } } } void GnssAdapter::initDefaultAgps() { LOC_LOGD("%s]: ", __func__); void *handle = nullptr; if ((handle = dlopen("libloc_net_iface.so", RTLD_NOW)) == nullptr) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: libloc_net_iface.so not found !", __func__); return; } LocAgpsGetAgpsCbInfo getAgpsCbInfo = (LocAgpsGetAgpsCbInfo) dlsym(handle, "LocNetIfaceAgps_getAgpsCbInfo"); if (getAgpsCbInfo == nullptr) { LOC_LOGE("%s]: Failed to get method LocNetIfaceAgps_getStatusCb", __func__); return; } AgpsCbInfo& cbInfo = getAgpsCbInfo(agpsOpenResultCb, agpsCloseResultCb, this); if (cbInfo.statusV4Cb == nullptr) { LOC_LOGE("%s]: statusV4Cb is nullptr!", __func__); return; } initAgps(cbInfo); } void GnssAdapter::initDefaultAgpsCommand() { LOC_LOGD("%s]: ", __func__); struct MsgInitDefaultAgps : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter& mAdapter; inline MsgInitDefaultAgps(GnssAdapter& adapter) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter) { } inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter.initDefaultAgps(); } }; sendMsg(new MsgInitDefaultAgps(*this)); } /* INIT LOC AGPS MANAGER */ void GnssAdapter::initAgps(const AgpsCbInfo& cbInfo) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: mAgpsCbInfo.cbPriority - %d; cbInfo.cbPriority - %d", __func__, mAgpsCbInfo.cbPriority, cbInfo.cbPriority) if (!((ContextBase::mGps_conf.CAPABILITIES & LOC_GPS_CAPABILITY_MSB) || (ContextBase::mGps_conf.CAPABILITIES & LOC_GPS_CAPABILITY_MSA))) { return; } if (mAgpsCbInfo.cbPriority > cbInfo.cbPriority) { return; } else { mAgpsCbInfo = cbInfo; mAgpsManager.registerFrameworkStatusCallback((AgnssStatusIpV4Cb)cbInfo.statusV4Cb); mAgpsManager.createAgpsStateMachines(); /* Register for AGPS event mask */ updateEvtMask(LOC_API_ADAPTER_BIT_LOCATION_SERVER_REQUEST, LOC_REGISTRATION_MASK_ENABLED); } } void GnssAdapter::initAgpsCommand(const AgpsCbInfo& cbInfo){ LOC_LOGI("GnssAdapter::initAgpsCommand"); /* Message to initialize AGPS module */ struct AgpsMsgInit: public LocMsg { const AgpsCbInfo mCbInfo; GnssAdapter& mAdapter; inline AgpsMsgInit(const AgpsCbInfo& cbInfo, GnssAdapter& adapter) : LocMsg(), mCbInfo(cbInfo), mAdapter(adapter) { LOC_LOGV("AgpsMsgInit"); } inline virtual void proc() const { LOC_LOGV("AgpsMsgInit::proc()"); mAdapter.initAgps(mCbInfo); } }; /* Send message to initialize AGPS Manager */ sendMsg(new AgpsMsgInit(cbInfo, *this)); } /* GnssAdapter::requestATL * Method triggered in QMI thread as part of handling below message: * eQMI_LOC_SERVER_REQUEST_OPEN_V02 * Triggers the AGPS state machine to setup AGPS call for below WWAN types: * eQMI_LOC_WWAN_TYPE_INTERNET_V02 * eQMI_LOC_WWAN_TYPE_AGNSS_V02 * eQMI_LOC_WWAN_TYPE_AGNSS_EMERGENCY_V02 */ bool GnssAdapter::requestATL(int connHandle, LocAGpsType agpsType, LocApnTypeMask apnTypeMask){ LOC_LOGI("GnssAdapter::requestATL handle=%d agpsType=0x%X apnTypeMask=0x%X", connHandle, agpsType, apnTypeMask); sendMsg( new AgpsMsgRequestATL( &mAgpsManager, connHandle, (AGpsExtType)agpsType, apnTypeMask)); return true; } /* GnssAdapter::releaseATL * Method triggered in QMI thread as part of handling below message: * eQMI_LOC_SERVER_REQUEST_CLOSE_V02 * Triggers teardown of an existing AGPS call */ bool GnssAdapter::releaseATL(int connHandle){ LOC_LOGI("GnssAdapter::releaseATL"); /* Release SUPL/INTERNET/SUPL_ES ATL */ struct AgpsMsgReleaseATL: public LocMsg { AgpsManager* mAgpsManager; int mConnHandle; inline AgpsMsgReleaseATL(AgpsManager* agpsManager, int connHandle) : LocMsg(), mAgpsManager(agpsManager), mConnHandle(connHandle) { LOC_LOGV("AgpsMsgReleaseATL"); } inline virtual void proc() const { LOC_LOGV("AgpsMsgReleaseATL::proc()"); mAgpsManager->releaseATL(mConnHandle); } }; sendMsg( new AgpsMsgReleaseATL(&mAgpsManager, connHandle)); return true; } void GnssAdapter::dataConnOpenCommand( AGpsExtType agpsType, const char* apnName, int apnLen, AGpsBearerType bearerType){ LOC_LOGI("GnssAdapter::frameworkDataConnOpen"); struct AgpsMsgAtlOpenSuccess: public LocMsg { AgpsManager* mAgpsManager; AGpsExtType mAgpsType; char* mApnName; int mApnLen; AGpsBearerType mBearerType; inline AgpsMsgAtlOpenSuccess(AgpsManager* agpsManager, AGpsExtType agpsType, const char* apnName, int apnLen, AGpsBearerType bearerType) : LocMsg(), mAgpsManager(agpsManager), mAgpsType(agpsType), mApnName( new char[apnLen + 1]), mApnLen(apnLen), mBearerType(bearerType) { LOC_LOGV("AgpsMsgAtlOpenSuccess"); if (mApnName == nullptr) { LOC_LOGE("%s] new allocation failed, fatal error.", __func__); return; } memcpy(mApnName, apnName, apnLen); mApnName[apnLen] = 0; } inline ~AgpsMsgAtlOpenSuccess() { delete[] mApnName; } inline virtual void proc() const { LOC_LOGV("AgpsMsgAtlOpenSuccess::proc()"); mAgpsManager->reportAtlOpenSuccess(mAgpsType, mApnName, mApnLen, mBearerType); } }; sendMsg( new AgpsMsgAtlOpenSuccess( &mAgpsManager, agpsType, apnName, apnLen, bearerType)); } void GnssAdapter::dataConnClosedCommand(AGpsExtType agpsType){ LOC_LOGI("GnssAdapter::frameworkDataConnClosed"); struct AgpsMsgAtlClosed: public LocMsg { AgpsManager* mAgpsManager; AGpsExtType mAgpsType; inline AgpsMsgAtlClosed(AgpsManager* agpsManager, AGpsExtType agpsType) : LocMsg(), mAgpsManager(agpsManager), mAgpsType(agpsType) { LOC_LOGV("AgpsMsgAtlClosed"); } inline virtual void proc() const { LOC_LOGV("AgpsMsgAtlClosed::proc()"); mAgpsManager->reportAtlClosed(mAgpsType); } }; sendMsg( new AgpsMsgAtlClosed(&mAgpsManager, (AGpsExtType)agpsType)); } void GnssAdapter::dataConnFailedCommand(AGpsExtType agpsType){ LOC_LOGI("GnssAdapter::frameworkDataConnFailed"); struct AgpsMsgAtlOpenFailed: public LocMsg { AgpsManager* mAgpsManager; AGpsExtType mAgpsType; inline AgpsMsgAtlOpenFailed(AgpsManager* agpsManager, AGpsExtType agpsType) : LocMsg(), mAgpsManager(agpsManager), mAgpsType(agpsType) { LOC_LOGV("AgpsMsgAtlOpenFailed"); } inline virtual void proc() const { LOC_LOGV("AgpsMsgAtlOpenFailed::proc()"); mAgpsManager->reportAtlOpenFailed(mAgpsType); } }; sendMsg( new AgpsMsgAtlOpenFailed(&mAgpsManager, (AGpsExtType)agpsType)); } void GnssAdapter::convertSatelliteInfo(std::vector& out, const GnssSvType& in_constellation, const SystemStatusReports& in) { uint64_t sv_mask = 0ULL; uint32_t svid_min = 0; uint32_t svid_num = 0; uint32_t svid_idx = 0; uint64_t eph_health_good_mask = 0ULL; uint64_t eph_health_bad_mask = 0ULL; uint64_t server_perdiction_available_mask = 0ULL; float server_perdiction_age = 0.0f; // set constellationi based parameters switch (in_constellation) { case GNSS_SV_TYPE_GPS: svid_min = GNSS_BUGREPORT_GPS_MIN; svid_num = GPS_NUM; svid_idx = 0; if (!in.mSvHealth.empty()) { eph_health_good_mask = in.mSvHealth.back().mGpsGoodMask; eph_health_bad_mask = in.mSvHealth.back().mGpsBadMask; } if (!in.mXtra.empty()) { server_perdiction_available_mask = in.mXtra.back().mGpsXtraValid; server_perdiction_age = (float)(in.mXtra.back().mGpsXtraAge); } break; case GNSS_SV_TYPE_GLONASS: svid_min = GNSS_BUGREPORT_GLO_MIN; svid_num = GLO_NUM; svid_idx = GPS_NUM; if (!in.mSvHealth.empty()) { eph_health_good_mask = in.mSvHealth.back().mGloGoodMask; eph_health_bad_mask = in.mSvHealth.back().mGloBadMask; } if (!in.mXtra.empty()) { server_perdiction_available_mask = in.mXtra.back().mGloXtraValid; server_perdiction_age = (float)(in.mXtra.back().mGloXtraAge); } break; case GNSS_SV_TYPE_QZSS: svid_min = GNSS_BUGREPORT_QZSS_MIN; svid_num = QZSS_NUM; svid_idx = GPS_NUM+GLO_NUM+BDS_NUM+GAL_NUM; if (!in.mSvHealth.empty()) { eph_health_good_mask = in.mSvHealth.back().mQzssGoodMask; eph_health_bad_mask = in.mSvHealth.back().mQzssBadMask; } if (!in.mXtra.empty()) { server_perdiction_available_mask = in.mXtra.back().mQzssXtraValid; server_perdiction_age = (float)(in.mXtra.back().mQzssXtraAge); } break; case GNSS_SV_TYPE_BEIDOU: svid_min = GNSS_BUGREPORT_BDS_MIN; svid_num = BDS_NUM; svid_idx = GPS_NUM+GLO_NUM; if (!in.mSvHealth.empty()) { eph_health_good_mask = in.mSvHealth.back().mBdsGoodMask; eph_health_bad_mask = in.mSvHealth.back().mBdsBadMask; } if (!in.mXtra.empty()) { server_perdiction_available_mask = in.mXtra.back().mBdsXtraValid; server_perdiction_age = (float)(in.mXtra.back().mBdsXtraAge); } break; case GNSS_SV_TYPE_GALILEO: svid_min = GNSS_BUGREPORT_GAL_MIN; svid_num = GAL_NUM; svid_idx = GPS_NUM+GLO_NUM+BDS_NUM; if (!in.mSvHealth.empty()) { eph_health_good_mask = in.mSvHealth.back().mGalGoodMask; eph_health_bad_mask = in.mSvHealth.back().mGalBadMask; } if (!in.mXtra.empty()) { server_perdiction_available_mask = in.mXtra.back().mGalXtraValid; server_perdiction_age = (float)(in.mXtra.back().mGalXtraAge); } break; default: return; } // extract each sv info from systemstatus report for(uint32_t i=0; igetReport(reports, true); r.size = sizeof(r); // location block r.mLocation.size = sizeof(r.mLocation); if(!reports.mLocation.empty() && reports.mLocation.back().mValid) { r.mLocation.mValid = true; r.mLocation.mLocation.latitude = reports.mLocation.back().mLocation.gpsLocation.latitude; r.mLocation.mLocation.longitude = reports.mLocation.back().mLocation.gpsLocation.longitude; r.mLocation.mLocation.altitude = reports.mLocation.back().mLocation.gpsLocation.altitude; r.mLocation.mLocation.speed = (double)(reports.mLocation.back().mLocation.gpsLocation.speed); r.mLocation.mLocation.bearing = (double)(reports.mLocation.back().mLocation.gpsLocation.bearing); r.mLocation.mLocation.accuracy = (double)(reports.mLocation.back().mLocation.gpsLocation.accuracy); r.mLocation.verticalAccuracyMeters = reports.mLocation.back().mLocationEx.vert_unc; r.mLocation.speedAccuracyMetersPerSecond = reports.mLocation.back().mLocationEx.speed_unc; r.mLocation.bearingAccuracyDegrees = reports.mLocation.back().mLocationEx.bearing_unc; r.mLocation.mUtcReported = reports.mLocation.back().mUtcReported; } else if(!reports.mBestPosition.empty() && reports.mBestPosition.back().mValid) { r.mLocation.mValid = true; r.mLocation.mLocation.latitude = (double)(reports.mBestPosition.back().mBestLat) * RAD2DEG; r.mLocation.mLocation.longitude = (double)(reports.mBestPosition.back().mBestLon) * RAD2DEG; r.mLocation.mLocation.altitude = reports.mBestPosition.back().mBestAlt; r.mLocation.mLocation.accuracy = (double)(reports.mBestPosition.back().mBestHepe); r.mLocation.mUtcReported = reports.mBestPosition.back().mUtcReported; } else { r.mLocation.mValid = false; } if (r.mLocation.mValid) { LOC_LOGV("getDebugReport - lat=%f lon=%f alt=%f speed=%f", r.mLocation.mLocation.latitude, r.mLocation.mLocation.longitude, r.mLocation.mLocation.altitude, r.mLocation.mLocation.speed); } // time block r.mTime.size = sizeof(r.mTime); if(!reports.mTimeAndClock.empty() && reports.mTimeAndClock.back().mTimeValid) { r.mTime.mValid = true; r.mTime.timeEstimate = (((int64_t)(reports.mTimeAndClock.back().mGpsWeek)*7 + GNSS_UTC_TIME_OFFSET)*24*60*60 - (int64_t)(reports.mTimeAndClock.back().mLeapSeconds))*1000ULL + (int64_t)(reports.mTimeAndClock.back().mGpsTowMs); r.mTime.timeUncertaintyNs = ((float)(reports.mTimeAndClock.back().mTimeUnc) + (float)(reports.mTimeAndClock.back().mLeapSecUnc))*1000.0f; r.mTime.frequencyUncertaintyNsPerSec = (float)(reports.mTimeAndClock.back().mClockFreqBiasUnc); LOC_LOGV("getDebugReport - timeestimate=%" PRIu64 " unc=%f frequnc=%f", r.mTime.timeEstimate, r.mTime.timeUncertaintyNs, r.mTime.frequencyUncertaintyNsPerSec); } else { r.mTime.mValid = false; } // satellite info block convertSatelliteInfo(r.mSatelliteInfo, GNSS_SV_TYPE_GPS, reports); convertSatelliteInfo(r.mSatelliteInfo, GNSS_SV_TYPE_GLONASS, reports); convertSatelliteInfo(r.mSatelliteInfo, GNSS_SV_TYPE_QZSS, reports); convertSatelliteInfo(r.mSatelliteInfo, GNSS_SV_TYPE_BEIDOU, reports); convertSatelliteInfo(r.mSatelliteInfo, GNSS_SV_TYPE_GALILEO, reports); LOC_LOGV("getDebugReport - satellite=%zu", r.mSatelliteInfo.size()); return true; } /* get AGC information from system status and fill it */ void GnssAdapter::getAgcInformation(GnssMeasurementsNotification& measurements, int msInWeek) { SystemStatus* systemstatus = getSystemStatus(); if (nullptr != systemstatus) { SystemStatusReports reports = {}; systemstatus->getReport(reports, true); if ((!reports.mRfAndParams.empty()) && (!reports.mTimeAndClock.empty()) && reports.mTimeAndClock.back().mTimeValid && (abs(msInWeek - (int)reports.mTimeAndClock.back().mGpsTowMs) < 2000)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < measurements.count; i++) { switch (measurements.measurements[i].svType) { case GNSS_SV_TYPE_GPS: case GNSS_SV_TYPE_QZSS: measurements.measurements[i].agcLevelDb = reports.mRfAndParams.back().mAgcGps; measurements.measurements[i].flags |= GNSS_MEASUREMENTS_DATA_AUTOMATIC_GAIN_CONTROL_BIT; break; case GNSS_SV_TYPE_GALILEO: measurements.measurements[i].agcLevelDb = reports.mRfAndParams.back().mAgcGal; measurements.measurements[i].flags |= GNSS_MEASUREMENTS_DATA_AUTOMATIC_GAIN_CONTROL_BIT; break; case GNSS_SV_TYPE_GLONASS: measurements.measurements[i].agcLevelDb = reports.mRfAndParams.back().mAgcGlo; measurements.measurements[i].flags |= GNSS_MEASUREMENTS_DATA_AUTOMATIC_GAIN_CONTROL_BIT; break; case GNSS_SV_TYPE_BEIDOU: measurements.measurements[i].agcLevelDb = reports.mRfAndParams.back().mAgcBds; measurements.measurements[i].flags |= GNSS_MEASUREMENTS_DATA_AUTOMATIC_GAIN_CONTROL_BIT; break; case GNSS_SV_TYPE_SBAS: case GNSS_SV_TYPE_UNKNOWN: default: break; } } } } } /* Callbacks registered with loc_net_iface library */ static void agpsOpenResultCb (bool isSuccess, AGpsExtType agpsType, const char* apn, AGpsBearerType bearerType, void* userDataPtr) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: ", __func__); if (userDataPtr == nullptr) { LOC_LOGE("%s]: userDataPtr is nullptr.", __func__); return; } if (apn == nullptr) { LOC_LOGE("%s]: apn is nullptr.", __func__); return; } GnssAdapter* adapter = (GnssAdapter*)userDataPtr; if (isSuccess) { adapter->dataConnOpenCommand(agpsType, apn, strlen(apn), bearerType); } else { adapter->dataConnFailedCommand(agpsType); } } static void agpsCloseResultCb (bool isSuccess, AGpsExtType agpsType, void* userDataPtr) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: ", __func__); if (userDataPtr == nullptr) { LOC_LOGE("%s]: userDataPtr is nullptr.", __func__); return; } GnssAdapter* adapter = (GnssAdapter*)userDataPtr; if (isSuccess) { adapter->dataConnClosedCommand(agpsType); } else { adapter->dataConnFailedCommand(agpsType); } } /* ==== Eng Hub Proxy ================================================================= */ /* ======== UTILITIES ================================================================= */ void GnssAdapter::initEngHubProxyCommand() { LOC_LOGD("%s]: ", __func__); struct MsgInitEngHubProxy : public LocMsg { GnssAdapter* mAdapter; inline MsgInitEngHubProxy(GnssAdapter* adapter) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter) {} inline virtual void proc() const { mAdapter->initEngHubProxy(); } }; sendMsg(new MsgInitEngHubProxy(this)); } bool GnssAdapter::initEngHubProxy() { static bool firstTime = true; static bool engHubLoadSuccessful = false; const char *error = nullptr; unsigned int processListLength = 0; loc_process_info_s_type* processInfoList = nullptr; do { // load eng hub only once if (firstTime == false) { break; } int rc = loc_read_process_conf(LOC_PATH_IZAT_CONF, &processListLength, &processInfoList); if (rc != 0) { LOC_LOGE("%s]: failed to parse conf file", __func__); break; } bool pluginDaemonEnabled = false; // go over the conf table to see whether any plugin daemon is enabled for (unsigned int i = 0; i < processListLength; i++) { if ((strncmp(processInfoList[i].name[0], PROCESS_NAME_ENGINE_SERVICE, strlen(PROCESS_NAME_ENGINE_SERVICE)) == 0) && (processInfoList[i].proc_status == ENABLED)) { pluginDaemonEnabled = true; break; } } // no plugin daemon is enabled for this platform, no need to load eng hub .so if (pluginDaemonEnabled == false) { break; } // load the engine hub .so, if the .so is not present // all EngHubProxyBase calls will turn into no-op. void *handle = nullptr; if ((handle = dlopen("libloc_eng_hub.so", RTLD_NOW)) == nullptr) { if ((error = dlerror()) != nullptr) { LOC_LOGE("%s]: libloc_eng_hub.so not found %s !", __func__, error); } break; } // prepare the callback functions // callback function for engine hub to report back position event GnssAdapterReportPositionEventCb reportPositionEventCb = [this](const UlpLocation& ulpLocation, const GpsLocationExtended& locationExtended, enum loc_sess_status status, LocPosTechMask techMask, bool fromEngineHub) { // report from engine hub on behalf of PPE will be treated as fromUlp reportPositionEvent(ulpLocation, locationExtended, status, techMask, fromEngineHub); }; // callback function for engine hub to report back sv event GnssAdapterReportSvEventCb reportSvEventCb = [this](const GnssSvNotification& svNotify, bool fromEngineHub) { reportSvEvent(svNotify, fromEngineHub); }; getEngHubProxyFn* getter = (getEngHubProxyFn*) dlsym(handle, "getEngHubProxy"); if(getter != nullptr) { EngineHubProxyBase* hubProxy = (*getter) (mMsgTask, mSystemStatus->getOsObserver(), reportPositionEventCb, reportSvEventCb); if (hubProxy != nullptr) { mEngHubProxy = hubProxy; engHubLoadSuccessful = true; } } else { LOC_LOGD("%s]: entered, did not find function", __func__); } LOC_LOGD("%s]: first time initialization %d, returned %d", __func__, firstTime, engHubLoadSuccessful); } while (0); if (processInfoList != nullptr) { free (processInfoList); processInfoList = nullptr; } firstTime = false; return engHubLoadSuccessful; }