/* * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "powerhal-libperfmgr" #define ATRACE_TAG (ATRACE_TAG_POWER | ATRACE_TAG_HAL) #include <log/log.h> #include <processgroup/processgroup.h> #include <utils/Trace.h> #include "PowerSessionManager.h" namespace aidl { namespace google { namespace hardware { namespace power { namespace impl { namespace pixel { void PowerSessionManager::setHintManager(std::shared_ptr<HintManager> const &hint_manager) { // Only initialize hintmanager instance if hint is supported. if (hint_manager->IsHintSupported(kDisableBoostHintName)) { mHintManager = hint_manager; } } void PowerSessionManager::updateHintMode(const std::string &mode, bool enabled) { ALOGV("PowerSessionManager::updateHintMode: mode: %s, enabled: %d", mode.c_str(), enabled); if (enabled && mode.compare(0, 8, "REFRESH_") == 0) { if (mode.compare("REFRESH_120FPS") == 0) { mDisplayRefreshRate = 120; } else if (mode.compare("REFRESH_90FPS") == 0) { mDisplayRefreshRate = 90; } else if (mode.compare("REFRESH_60FPS") == 0) { mDisplayRefreshRate = 60; } } } int PowerSessionManager::getDisplayRefreshRate() { return mDisplayRefreshRate; } void PowerSessionManager::addPowerSession(PowerHintSession *session) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mLock); for (auto t : session->getTidList()) { if (mTidRefCountMap.find(t) == mTidRefCountMap.end()) { if (!SetTaskProfiles(t, {"ResetUclampGrp"})) { ALOGW("Failed to set ResetUclampGrp task profile for tid:%d", t); } else { mTidRefCountMap[t] = 1; } continue; } if (mTidRefCountMap[t] <= 0) { ALOGE("Error! Unexpected zero/negative RefCount:%d for tid:%d", mTidRefCountMap[t], t); continue; } mTidRefCountMap[t]++; } mSessions.insert(session); } void PowerSessionManager::removePowerSession(PowerHintSession *session) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mLock); for (auto t : session->getTidList()) { if (mTidRefCountMap.find(t) == mTidRefCountMap.end()) { ALOGE("Unexpected Error! Failed to look up tid:%d in TidRefCountMap", t); continue; } mTidRefCountMap[t]--; if (mTidRefCountMap[t] <= 0) { if (!SetTaskProfiles(t, {"NoResetUclampGrp"})) { ALOGW("Failed to set NoResetUclampGrp task profile for tid:%d", t); } mTidRefCountMap.erase(t); } } mSessions.erase(session); } std::optional<bool> PowerSessionManager::isAnySessionActive() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mLock); bool active = false; for (PowerHintSession *s : mSessions) { // session active and not stale is actually active. if (s->isActive() && !s->isStale()) { active = true; break; } } if (active == mActive) { return std::nullopt; } else { mActive = active; } return active; } void PowerSessionManager::handleMessage(const Message &) { auto active = isAnySessionActive(); if (!active.has_value()) { return; } if (active.value()) { disableSystemTopAppBoost(); } else { enableSystemTopAppBoost(); } } void PowerSessionManager::enableSystemTopAppBoost() { if (mHintManager) { ALOGV("PowerSessionManager::enableSystemTopAppBoost!!"); mHintManager->EndHint(kDisableBoostHintName); } } void PowerSessionManager::disableSystemTopAppBoost() { if (mHintManager) { ALOGV("PowerSessionManager::disableSystemTopAppBoost!!"); mHintManager->DoHint(kDisableBoostHintName); } } // =========== PowerHintMonitor implementation start from here =========== void PowerHintMonitor::start() { if (!isRunning()) { run("PowerHintMonitor", ::android::PRIORITY_HIGHEST); } } bool PowerHintMonitor::threadLoop() { while (true) { mLooper->pollOnce(-1); } return true; } sp<Looper> PowerHintMonitor::getLooper() { return mLooper; } } // namespace pixel } // namespace impl } // namespace power } // namespace hardware } // namespace google } // namespace aidl