/* Copyright (c) 2011-2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation, nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #define LOG_NDDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "LocSvc_EngAdapter" #include #include "loc_eng_msg.h" #include "loc_log.h" using namespace loc_core; LocInternalAdapter::LocInternalAdapter(LocEngAdapter* adapter) : LocAdapterBase(adapter->getMsgTask()), mLocEngAdapter(adapter) { } void LocInternalAdapter::setPositionModeInt(LocPosMode& posMode) { sendMsg(new LocEngPositionMode(mLocEngAdapter, posMode)); } void LocInternalAdapter::startFixInt() { sendMsg(new LocEngStartFix(mLocEngAdapter)); } void LocInternalAdapter::stopFixInt() { sendMsg(new LocEngStopFix(mLocEngAdapter)); } void LocInternalAdapter::setUlpProxy(UlpProxyBase* ulp) { struct LocSetUlpProxy : public LocMsg { LocAdapterBase* mAdapter; UlpProxyBase* mUlp; inline LocSetUlpProxy(LocAdapterBase* adapter, UlpProxyBase* ulp) : LocMsg(), mAdapter(adapter), mUlp(ulp) { } virtual void proc() const { LOC_LOGV("%s] ulp %p adapter %p", __func__, mUlp, mAdapter); mAdapter->setUlpProxy(mUlp); } }; sendMsg(new LocSetUlpProxy(mLocEngAdapter, ulp)); } LocEngAdapter::LocEngAdapter(LOC_API_ADAPTER_EVENT_MASK_T mask, void* owner, MsgTask::tCreate tCreator) : LocAdapterBase(mask, LocDualContext::getLocFgContext( tCreator, LocDualContext::mLocationHalName)), mOwner(owner), mInternalAdapter(new LocInternalAdapter(this)), mUlp(new UlpProxyBase()), mNavigating(false), mAgpsEnabled(false) { memset(&mFixCriteria, 0, sizeof(mFixCriteria)); LOC_LOGD("LocEngAdapter created"); } inline LocEngAdapter::~LocEngAdapter() { delete mInternalAdapter; LOC_LOGV("LocEngAdapter deleted"); } void LocEngAdapter::setUlpProxy(UlpProxyBase* ulp) { delete mUlp; LOC_LOGV("%s] %p", __func__, ulp); if (NULL == ulp) { ulp = new UlpProxyBase(); } mUlp = ulp; } void LocInternalAdapter::reportPosition(UlpLocation &location, GpsLocationExtended &locationExtended, void* locationExt, enum loc_sess_status status, LocPosTechMask loc_technology_mask) { sendMsg(new LocEngReportPosition(mLocEngAdapter, location, locationExtended, locationExt, status, loc_technology_mask)); } void LocEngAdapter::reportPosition(UlpLocation &location, GpsLocationExtended &locationExtended, void* locationExt, enum loc_sess_status status, LocPosTechMask loc_technology_mask) { if (! mUlp->reportPosition(location, locationExtended, locationExt, status, loc_technology_mask )) { mInternalAdapter->reportPosition(location, locationExtended, locationExt, status, loc_technology_mask); } } void LocInternalAdapter::reportSv(GpsSvStatus &svStatus, GpsLocationExtended &locationExtended, void* svExt){ sendMsg(new LocEngReportSv(mLocEngAdapter, svStatus, locationExtended, svExt)); } void LocEngAdapter::reportSv(GpsSvStatus &svStatus, GpsLocationExtended &locationExtended, void* svExt) { // We want to send SV info to ULP to help it in determining GNSS // signal strength ULP will forward the SV reports to HAL without // any modifications if (! mUlp->reportSv(svStatus, locationExtended, svExt)) { mInternalAdapter->reportSv(svStatus, locationExtended, svExt); } } inline void LocEngAdapter::reportStatus(GpsStatusValue status) { sendMsg(new LocEngReportStatus(mOwner, status)); } inline void LocEngAdapter::reportNmea(const char* nmea, int length) { sendMsg(new LocEngReportNmea(mOwner, nmea, length)); } inline bool LocEngAdapter::reportXtraServer(const char* url1, const char* url2, const char* url3, const int maxlength) { if (mAgpsEnabled) { sendMsg(new LocEngReportXtraServer(mOwner, url1, url2, url3, maxlength)); } return mAgpsEnabled; } inline bool LocEngAdapter::requestATL(int connHandle, AGpsType agps_type) { if (mAgpsEnabled) { sendMsg(new LocEngRequestATL(mOwner, connHandle, agps_type)); } return mAgpsEnabled; } inline bool LocEngAdapter::releaseATL(int connHandle) { if (mAgpsEnabled) { sendMsg(new LocEngReleaseATL(mOwner, connHandle)); } return mAgpsEnabled; } inline bool LocEngAdapter::requestXtraData() { if (mAgpsEnabled) { sendMsg(new LocEngRequestXtra(mOwner)); } return mAgpsEnabled; } inline bool LocEngAdapter::requestTime() { if (mAgpsEnabled) { sendMsg(new LocEngRequestXtra(mOwner)); } return mAgpsEnabled; } inline bool LocEngAdapter::requestNiNotify(GpsNiNotification ¬if, const void* data) { if (mAgpsEnabled) { notif.size = sizeof(notif); notif.timeout = LOC_NI_NO_RESPONSE_TIME; sendMsg(new LocEngRequestNi(mOwner, notif, data)); } return mAgpsEnabled; } inline bool LocEngAdapter::requestSuplES(int connHandle) { sendMsg(new LocEngRequestSuplEs(mOwner, connHandle)); return true; } inline bool LocEngAdapter::reportDataCallOpened() { sendMsg(new LocEngSuplEsOpened(mOwner)); return true; } inline bool LocEngAdapter::reportDataCallClosed() { sendMsg(new LocEngSuplEsClosed(mOwner)); return true; } inline void LocEngAdapter::handleEngineDownEvent() { sendMsg(new LocEngDown(mOwner)); } inline void LocEngAdapter::handleEngineUpEvent() { sendMsg(new LocEngUp(mOwner)); }