/* * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "powerhal-adaptivecpu" #define ATRACE_TAG (ATRACE_TAG_POWER | ATRACE_TAG_HAL) #include "AdaptiveCpuStats.h" #include <utils/Trace.h> #include "AdaptiveCpu.h" using std::chrono_literals::operator""ns; namespace aidl { namespace google { namespace hardware { namespace power { namespace impl { namespace pixel { void AdaptiveCpuStats::RegisterStartRun() { ATRACE_CALL(); mNumStartedRuns++; mLastRunStartTime = mTimeSource->GetTime(); if (mStartTime == 0ns) { mStartTime = mLastRunStartTime; } } void AdaptiveCpuStats::RegisterSuccessfulRun(ThrottleDecision previousThrottleDecision, ThrottleDecision throttleDecision, WorkDurationFeatures workDurationFeatures, const AdaptiveCpuConfig &config) { ATRACE_CALL(); mNumSuccessfulRuns++; mNumThrottles[throttleDecision]++; const auto runSuccessTime = mTimeSource->GetTime(); mTotalRunDuration += runSuccessTime - mLastRunStartTime; // Don't update previousThrottleDecision entries if we haven't run successfully before. if (mLastRunSuccessTime != 0ns) { mThrottleDurations[previousThrottleDecision] += std::min(runSuccessTime - mLastRunSuccessTime, std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(config.hintTimeout)); mNumDurations[previousThrottleDecision] += workDurationFeatures.numDurations; mNumMissedDeadlines[previousThrottleDecision] += workDurationFeatures.numMissedDeadlines; } mLastRunSuccessTime = runSuccessTime; } void AdaptiveCpuStats::DumpToStream(std::ostream &stream) const { stream << "Stats:\n"; stream << "- Successful runs / total runs: " << mNumSuccessfulRuns << " / " << mNumStartedRuns << "\n"; stream << "- Total run duration: " << FormatDuration(mTotalRunDuration) << "\n"; stream << "- Average run duration: " << FormatDuration(mTotalRunDuration / mNumSuccessfulRuns) << "\n"; stream << "- Running time fraction: " << static_cast<double>(mTotalRunDuration.count()) / (mTimeSource->GetTime() - mStartTime).count() << "\n"; stream << "- Number of throttles:\n"; size_t totalNumThrottles = 0; for (const auto &[throttleDecision, numThrottles] : mNumThrottles) { stream << " - " << ThrottleString(throttleDecision) << ": " << numThrottles << "\n"; totalNumThrottles += numThrottles; } stream << " - Total: " << totalNumThrottles << "\n"; stream << "- Time spent throttling:\n"; std::chrono::nanoseconds totalThrottleDuration; for (const auto &[throttleDecision, throttleDuration] : mThrottleDurations) { stream << " - " << ThrottleString(throttleDecision) << ": " << FormatDuration(throttleDuration) << "\n"; totalThrottleDuration += throttleDuration; } stream << " - Total: " << FormatDuration(totalThrottleDuration) << "\n"; stream << "- Missed deadlines per throttle:\n"; size_t totalNumDurations = 0; size_t totalNumMissedDeadlines = 0; for (const auto &[throttleDecision, numDurations] : mNumDurations) { const size_t numMissedDeadlines = mNumMissedDeadlines.at(throttleDecision); stream << " - " << ThrottleString(throttleDecision) << ": " << numMissedDeadlines << " / " << numDurations << " (" << static_cast<double>(numMissedDeadlines) / numDurations << ")\n"; totalNumDurations += numDurations; totalNumMissedDeadlines += numMissedDeadlines; } stream << " - Total: " << totalNumMissedDeadlines << " / " << totalNumDurations << " (" << static_cast<double>(totalNumMissedDeadlines) / totalNumDurations << ")\n"; } std::string AdaptiveCpuStats::FormatDuration(std::chrono::nanoseconds duration) { double count = static_cast<double>(duration.count()); std::string suffix; if (count < 1000.0) { suffix = "ns"; } else if (count < 1000.0 * 1000) { suffix = "us"; count /= 1000; } else if (count < 1000.0 * 1000 * 100) { suffix = "ms"; count /= 1000 * 1000; } else { suffix = "s"; count /= 1000 * 1000 * 1000; } return std::to_string(count) + suffix; } } // namespace pixel } // namespace impl } // namespace power } // namespace hardware } // namespace google } // namespace aidl