/* Copyright (c) 2017 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "LocSvc_LocationAPI" #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef void* (getLocationInterface)(); typedef struct { // bit mask of the adpaters that we need to wait for the removeClientCompleteCallback // before we invoke the registered locationApiDestroyCompleteCallback LocationAdapterTypeMask waitAdapterMask; locationApiDestroyCompleteCallback destroyCompleteCb; } LocationAPIDestroyCbData; // This is the map for the client that has requested destroy with // destroy callback provided. typedef std::map LocationClientDestroyCbMap; typedef std::map LocationClientMap; typedef struct { LocationClientMap clientData; LocationClientDestroyCbMap destroyClientData; LocationControlAPI* controlAPI; LocationControlCallbacks controlCallbacks; GnssInterface* gnssInterface; GeofenceInterface* geofenceInterface; FlpInterface* flpInterface; } LocationAPIData; static LocationAPIData gData = {}; static pthread_mutex_t gDataMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static bool gGnssLoadFailed = false; static bool gFlpLoadFailed = false; static bool gGeofenceLoadFailed = false; static bool needsGnssTrackingInfo(LocationCallbacks& locationCallbacks) { return (locationCallbacks.gnssLocationInfoCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.gnssSvCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.gnssNmeaCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.gnssDataCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.gnssMeasurementsCb != nullptr); } static bool isGnssClient(LocationCallbacks& locationCallbacks) { return (locationCallbacks.gnssNiCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.trackingCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.gnssLocationInfoCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.gnssMeasurementsCb != nullptr); } static bool isFlpClient(LocationCallbacks& locationCallbacks) { return (locationCallbacks.trackingCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.batchingCb != nullptr); } static bool isGeofenceClient(LocationCallbacks& locationCallbacks) { return (locationCallbacks.geofenceBreachCb != nullptr || locationCallbacks.geofenceStatusCb != nullptr); } static void* loadLocationInterface(const char* library, const char* name) { LOC_LOGD("%s]: loading %s::%s ...", __func__, library, name); if (NULL == library || NULL == name) { return NULL; } getLocationInterface* getter = NULL; const char *error = NULL; dlerror(); void *handle = dlopen(library, RTLD_NOW); if (NULL == handle || (error = dlerror()) != NULL) { LOC_LOGW("dlopen for %s failed, error = %s", library, error); } else { getter = (getLocationInterface*)dlsym(handle, name); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { LOC_LOGW("dlsym for %s::%s failed, error = %s", library, name, error); getter = NULL; } } if (NULL == getter) { return (void*)getter; } else { return (*getter)(); } } void LocationAPI::onRemoveClientCompleteCb (LocationAdapterTypeMask adapterType) { bool invokeCallback = false; locationApiDestroyCompleteCallback destroyCompleteCb; LOC_LOGd("adatper type %x", adapterType); pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); auto it = gData.destroyClientData.find(this); if (it != gData.destroyClientData.end()) { it->second.waitAdapterMask &= ~adapterType; if (it->second.waitAdapterMask == 0) { invokeCallback = true; destroyCompleteCb = it->second.destroyCompleteCb; gData.destroyClientData.erase(it); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); if ((true == invokeCallback) && (nullptr != destroyCompleteCb)) { LOC_LOGd("invoke client destroy cb"); (destroyCompleteCb) (); LOC_LOGd("finish invoke client destroy cb"); delete this; } } void onGnssRemoveClientCompleteCb (LocationAPI* client) { client->onRemoveClientCompleteCb (LOCATION_ADAPTER_GNSS_TYPE_BIT); } void onFlpRemoveClientCompleteCb (LocationAPI* client) { client->onRemoveClientCompleteCb (LOCATION_ADAPTER_FLP_TYPE_BIT); } void onGeofenceRemoveClientCompleteCb (LocationAPI* client) { client->onRemoveClientCompleteCb (LOCATION_ADAPTER_GEOFENCE_TYPE_BIT); } LocationAPI* LocationAPI::createInstance(LocationCallbacks& locationCallbacks) { if (nullptr == locationCallbacks.capabilitiesCb || nullptr == locationCallbacks.responseCb || nullptr == locationCallbacks.collectiveResponseCb) { return NULL; } LocationAPI* newLocationAPI = new LocationAPI(); bool requestedCapabilities = false; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (isGnssClient(locationCallbacks)) { if (NULL == gData.gnssInterface && !gGnssLoadFailed) { gData.gnssInterface = (GnssInterface*)loadLocationInterface("libgnss.so", "getGnssInterface"); if (NULL == gData.gnssInterface) { gGnssLoadFailed = true; LOC_LOGW("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available", __func__, __LINE__); } else { gData.gnssInterface->initialize(); } } if (NULL != gData.gnssInterface) { gData.gnssInterface->addClient(newLocationAPI, locationCallbacks); if (!requestedCapabilities) { gData.gnssInterface->requestCapabilities(newLocationAPI); requestedCapabilities = true; } } } if (isFlpClient(locationCallbacks)) { if (NULL == gData.flpInterface && !gFlpLoadFailed) { gData.flpInterface = (FlpInterface*)loadLocationInterface("libflp.so", "getFlpInterface"); if (NULL == gData.flpInterface) { gFlpLoadFailed = true; LOC_LOGW("%s:%d]: No flp interface available", __func__, __LINE__); } else { gData.flpInterface->initialize(); } } if (NULL != gData.flpInterface) { gData.flpInterface->addClient(newLocationAPI, locationCallbacks); if (!requestedCapabilities) { gData.flpInterface->requestCapabilities(newLocationAPI); requestedCapabilities = true; } } } if (isGeofenceClient(locationCallbacks)) { if (NULL == gData.geofenceInterface && !gGeofenceLoadFailed) { gData.geofenceInterface = (GeofenceInterface*)loadLocationInterface("libgeofence.so", "getGeofenceInterface"); if (NULL == gData.geofenceInterface) { gGeofenceLoadFailed = true; LOC_LOGW("%s:%d]: No geofence interface available", __func__, __LINE__); } else { gData.geofenceInterface->initialize(); } } if (NULL != gData.geofenceInterface) { gData.geofenceInterface->addClient(newLocationAPI, locationCallbacks); if (!requestedCapabilities) { gData.geofenceInterface->requestCapabilities(newLocationAPI); requestedCapabilities = true; } } } gData.clientData[newLocationAPI] = locationCallbacks; pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return newLocationAPI; } void LocationAPI::destroy(locationApiDestroyCompleteCallback destroyCompleteCb) { bool invokeDestroyCb = false; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); auto it = gData.clientData.find(this); if (it != gData.clientData.end()) { bool removeFromGnssInf = (isGnssClient(it->second) && NULL != gData.gnssInterface); bool removeFromFlpInf = (isFlpClient(it->second) && NULL != gData.flpInterface); bool removeFromGeofenceInf = (isGeofenceClient(it->second) && NULL != gData.geofenceInterface); bool needToWait = (removeFromGnssInf || removeFromFlpInf || removeFromGeofenceInf); LOC_LOGe("removeFromGnssInf: %d, removeFromFlpInf: %d, removeFromGeofenceInf: %d, need %d", removeFromGnssInf, removeFromFlpInf, removeFromGeofenceInf, needToWait); if ((NULL != destroyCompleteCb) && (true == needToWait)) { LocationAPIDestroyCbData destroyCbData = {}; destroyCbData.destroyCompleteCb = destroyCompleteCb; // record down from which adapter we need to wait for the destroy complete callback // only when we have received all the needed callbacks from all the associated stacks, // we shall notify the client. destroyCbData.waitAdapterMask = (removeFromGnssInf ? LOCATION_ADAPTER_GNSS_TYPE_BIT : 0); destroyCbData.waitAdapterMask |= (removeFromFlpInf ? LOCATION_ADAPTER_FLP_TYPE_BIT : 0); destroyCbData.waitAdapterMask |= (removeFromGeofenceInf ? LOCATION_ADAPTER_GEOFENCE_TYPE_BIT : 0); gData.destroyClientData[this] = destroyCbData; LOC_LOGe("destroy data stored in the map: 0x%x", destroyCbData.waitAdapterMask); } if (removeFromGnssInf) { gData.gnssInterface->removeClient(it->first, onGnssRemoveClientCompleteCb); } if (removeFromFlpInf) { gData.flpInterface->removeClient(it->first, onFlpRemoveClientCompleteCb); } if (removeFromGeofenceInf) { gData.geofenceInterface->removeClient(it->first, onGeofenceRemoveClientCompleteCb); } gData.clientData.erase(it); if ((NULL != destroyCompleteCb) && (false == needToWait)) { invokeDestroyCb = true; } } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: Location API client %p not found in client data", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); if (invokeDestroyCb == true) { (destroyCompleteCb) (); delete this; } } LocationAPI::LocationAPI() { LOC_LOGD("LOCATION API CONSTRUCTOR"); } // private destructor LocationAPI::~LocationAPI() { LOC_LOGD("LOCATION API DESTRUCTOR"); } void LocationAPI::updateCallbacks(LocationCallbacks& locationCallbacks) { if (nullptr == locationCallbacks.capabilitiesCb || nullptr == locationCallbacks.responseCb || nullptr == locationCallbacks.collectiveResponseCb) { return; } pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (isGnssClient(locationCallbacks)) { if (NULL == gData.gnssInterface && !gGnssLoadFailed) { gData.gnssInterface = (GnssInterface*)loadLocationInterface("libgnss.so", "getGnssInterface"); if (NULL == gData.gnssInterface) { gGnssLoadFailed = true; LOC_LOGW("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available", __func__, __LINE__); } else { gData.gnssInterface->initialize(); } } if (NULL != gData.gnssInterface) { // either adds new Client or updates existing Client gData.gnssInterface->addClient(this, locationCallbacks); } } if (isFlpClient(locationCallbacks)) { if (NULL == gData.flpInterface && !gFlpLoadFailed) { gData.flpInterface = (FlpInterface*)loadLocationInterface("libflp.so", "getFlpInterface"); if (NULL == gData.flpInterface) { gFlpLoadFailed = true; LOC_LOGW("%s:%d]: No flp interface available", __func__, __LINE__); } else { gData.flpInterface->initialize(); } } if (NULL != gData.flpInterface) { // either adds new Client or updates existing Client gData.flpInterface->addClient(this, locationCallbacks); } } if (isGeofenceClient(locationCallbacks)) { if (NULL == gData.geofenceInterface && !gGeofenceLoadFailed) { gData.geofenceInterface = (GeofenceInterface*)loadLocationInterface("libgeofence.so", "getGeofenceInterface"); if (NULL == gData.geofenceInterface) { gGeofenceLoadFailed = true; LOC_LOGW("%s:%d]: No geofence interface available", __func__, __LINE__); } else { gData.geofenceInterface->initialize(); } } if (NULL != gData.geofenceInterface) { // either adds new Client or updates existing Client gData.geofenceInterface->addClient(this, locationCallbacks); } } gData.clientData[this] = locationCallbacks; pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } uint32_t LocationAPI::startTracking(TrackingOptions& trackingOptions) { uint32_t id = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); auto it = gData.clientData.find(this); if (it != gData.clientData.end()) { if (NULL != gData.flpInterface && trackingOptions.minDistance > 0) { id = gData.flpInterface->startTracking(this, trackingOptions); } else if (NULL != gData.gnssInterface && needsGnssTrackingInfo(it->second)) { id = gData.gnssInterface->startTracking(this, trackingOptions); } else if (NULL != gData.flpInterface) { id = gData.flpInterface->startTracking(this, trackingOptions); } else if (NULL != gData.gnssInterface) { id = gData.gnssInterface->startTracking(this, trackingOptions); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No gnss/flp interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: Location API client %p not found in client data", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return id; } void LocationAPI::stopTracking(uint32_t id) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); auto it = gData.clientData.find(this); if (it != gData.clientData.end()) { // we don't know if tracking was started on flp or gnss, so we call stop on both, where // stopTracking call to the incorrect interface will fail without response back to client if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { gData.gnssInterface->stopTracking(this, id); } if (gData.flpInterface != NULL) { gData.flpInterface->stopTracking(this, id); } if (gData.flpInterface == NULL && gData.gnssInterface == NULL) { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No gnss/flp interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: Location API client %p not found in client data", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } void LocationAPI::updateTrackingOptions( uint32_t id, TrackingOptions& trackingOptions) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); auto it = gData.clientData.find(this); if (it != gData.clientData.end()) { // we don't know if tracking was started on flp or gnss, so we call update on both, where // updateTracking call to the incorrect interface will fail without response back to client if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { gData.gnssInterface->updateTrackingOptions(this, id, trackingOptions); } if (gData.flpInterface != NULL) { gData.flpInterface->updateTrackingOptions(this, id, trackingOptions); } if (gData.flpInterface == NULL && gData.gnssInterface == NULL) { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No gnss/flp interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: Location API client %p not found in client data", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } uint32_t LocationAPI::startBatching(BatchingOptions &batchingOptions) { uint32_t id = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (NULL != gData.flpInterface) { id = gData.flpInterface->startBatching(this, batchingOptions); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No flp interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return id; } void LocationAPI::stopBatching(uint32_t id) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (NULL != gData.flpInterface) { gData.flpInterface->stopBatching(this, id); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No flp interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } void LocationAPI::updateBatchingOptions(uint32_t id, BatchingOptions& batchOptions) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (NULL != gData.flpInterface) { gData.flpInterface->updateBatchingOptions(this, id, batchOptions); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No flp interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } void LocationAPI::getBatchedLocations(uint32_t id, size_t count) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.flpInterface != NULL) { gData.flpInterface->getBatchedLocations(this, id, count); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No flp interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } uint32_t* LocationAPI::addGeofences(size_t count, GeofenceOption* options, GeofenceInfo* info) { uint32_t* ids = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.geofenceInterface != NULL) { ids = gData.geofenceInterface->addGeofences(this, count, options, info); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No geofence interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return ids; } void LocationAPI::removeGeofences(size_t count, uint32_t* ids) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.geofenceInterface != NULL) { gData.geofenceInterface->removeGeofences(this, count, ids); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No geofence interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } void LocationAPI::modifyGeofences(size_t count, uint32_t* ids, GeofenceOption* options) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.geofenceInterface != NULL) { gData.geofenceInterface->modifyGeofences(this, count, ids, options); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No geofence interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } void LocationAPI::pauseGeofences(size_t count, uint32_t* ids) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.geofenceInterface != NULL) { gData.geofenceInterface->pauseGeofences(this, count, ids); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No geofence interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } void LocationAPI::resumeGeofences(size_t count, uint32_t* ids) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.geofenceInterface != NULL) { gData.geofenceInterface->resumeGeofences(this, count, ids); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No geofence interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } void LocationAPI::gnssNiResponse(uint32_t id, GnssNiResponse response) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { gData.gnssInterface->gnssNiResponse(this, id, response); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available for Location API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } LocationControlAPI* LocationControlAPI::createInstance(LocationControlCallbacks& locationControlCallbacks) { LocationControlAPI* controlAPI = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (nullptr != locationControlCallbacks.responseCb && NULL == gData.controlAPI) { if (NULL == gData.gnssInterface && !gGnssLoadFailed) { gData.gnssInterface = (GnssInterface*)loadLocationInterface("libgnss.so", "getGnssInterface"); if (NULL == gData.gnssInterface) { gGnssLoadFailed = true; LOC_LOGW("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available", __func__, __LINE__); } else { gData.gnssInterface->initialize(); } } if (NULL != gData.gnssInterface) { gData.controlAPI = new LocationControlAPI(); gData.controlCallbacks = locationControlCallbacks; gData.gnssInterface->setControlCallbacks(locationControlCallbacks); controlAPI = gData.controlAPI; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return controlAPI; } void LocationControlAPI::destroy() { delete this; } LocationControlAPI::LocationControlAPI() { LOC_LOGD("LOCATION CONTROL API CONSTRUCTOR"); } LocationControlAPI::~LocationControlAPI() { LOC_LOGD("LOCATION CONTROL API DESTRUCTOR"); pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); gData.controlAPI = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } uint32_t LocationControlAPI::enable(LocationTechnologyType techType) { uint32_t id = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { id = gData.gnssInterface->enable(techType); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available for Location Control API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return id; } void LocationControlAPI::disable(uint32_t id) { pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { gData.gnssInterface->disable(id); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available for Location Control API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); } uint32_t* LocationControlAPI::gnssUpdateConfig(GnssConfig config) { uint32_t* ids = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { ids = gData.gnssInterface->gnssUpdateConfig(config); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available for Location Control API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return ids; } uint32_t* LocationControlAPI::gnssGetConfig(GnssConfigFlagsMask mask) { uint32_t* ids = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (NULL != gData.gnssInterface) { ids = gData.gnssInterface->gnssGetConfig(mask); } else { LOC_LOGe("No gnss interface available for Control API client %p", this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return ids; } uint32_t LocationControlAPI::gnssDeleteAidingData(GnssAidingData& data) { uint32_t id = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&gDataMutex); if (gData.gnssInterface != NULL) { id = gData.gnssInterface->gnssDeleteAidingData(data); } else { LOC_LOGE("%s:%d]: No gnss interface available for Location Control API client %p ", __func__, __LINE__, this); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&gDataMutex); return id; }