<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- * Copyright (c) 2019 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. --> <!-- This is PerfConfigsStore file which returns the value when a particular property name is invoked --> <!-- This file supports only Prop tag, which has the following fields * Name, to identify the name of the property. The names of the properties have been classified into Vendor and System property. * Value, the new value to be returned as string when respective property Name is called. --> <PerfConfigsStore> <PerfConfigs> <!--Vendor Properties --> <Prop Name="vendor.iop.enable_iop" Value="0" /> <Prop Name="vendor.iop.enable_uxe" Value="0" /> <Prop Name="vendor.perf.iop_v3.enable" Value="0" /> <Prop Name="vendor.perf.iop_v3.enable.debug" Value="0" /> <Prop Name="vendor.enable.prefetch" Value="0" /> <Prop Name="vendor.iop.enable_prefetch_ofr" Value="0" /> <!--System Properties --> <Prop Name="ro.vendor.qti.sys.fw.bg_apps_limit" Value="38" /> <Prop Name="ro.vendor.at_library" Value="libqti-at.so" /> <Prop Name="ro.lmk.enable_userspace_lmk" Value="false" /> <Prop Name="vendor.perf.gestureflingboost.enable" Value="true" /> </PerfConfigs> </PerfConfigsStore>