Merge "HAL handshake with XTRA"
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 106 additions and 198 deletions
@ -57,6 +57,12 @@ using namespace loc_core;
#define LOG_TAG "LocSvc_XSSO"
bool XtraSystemStatusObserver::updateLockStatus(uint32_t lock) {
mGpsLock = lock;
if (!mReqStatusReceived) {
return true;
stringstream ss;
ss << "gpslock";
ss << " " << lock;
@ -64,13 +70,34 @@ bool XtraSystemStatusObserver::updateLockStatus(uint32_t lock) {
bool XtraSystemStatusObserver::updateConnectionStatus(bool connected, int32_t type) {
if (connected) {
} else {
if (-1 == type) { // -1 for disconnecting all connections
} else {
if (!mReqStatusReceived) {
return true;
stringstream ss;
ss << "connection";
ss << " " << (connected ? "1" : "0");
ss << " " << type;
return ( send(LOC_IPC_XTRA, ss.str()) );
bool XtraSystemStatusObserver::updateTac(const string& tac) {
mTac = tac;
if (!mReqStatusReceived) {
return true;
stringstream ss;
ss << "tac";
ss << " " << tac.c_str();
@ -78,6 +105,12 @@ bool XtraSystemStatusObserver::updateTac(const string& tac) {
bool XtraSystemStatusObserver::updateMccMnc(const string& mccmnc) {
mMccmnc = mccmnc;
if (!mReqStatusReceived) {
return true;
stringstream ss;
ss << "mncmcc";
ss << " " << mccmnc.c_str();
@ -85,16 +118,67 @@ bool XtraSystemStatusObserver::updateMccMnc(const string& mccmnc) {
bool XtraSystemStatusObserver::updateXtraThrottle(const bool enabled) {
mXtraThrottle = enabled;
if (!mReqStatusReceived) {
return true;
stringstream ss;
ss << "xtrathrottle";
ss << " " << (enabled ? 1 : 0);
return ( send(LOC_IPC_XTRA, ss.str()) );
static inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, CONNECTIONS& data) {
for (auto elem : data) {
os << elem << ' ';
return os;
inline bool XtraSystemStatusObserver::onStatusRequested(int32_t xtraStatusUpdated) {
mReqStatusReceived = true;
if (xtraStatusUpdated) {
return true;
stringstream ss;
ss << "respondStatus" << endl;
(mGpsLock == -1 ? ss : ss << mGpsLock) << endl << mConnections << endl
<< mTac << endl << mMccmnc;
return ( send(LOC_IPC_XTRA, ss.str()) );
void XtraSystemStatusObserver::onReceive(const std::string& data) {
if (!strncmp(data.c_str(), "ping", sizeof("ping") - 1)) {
LOC_LOGd("ping received");
#ifdef USE_GLIB
} else if (!strncmp(data.c_str(), "connectBackhaul", sizeof("connectBackhaul") - 1)) {
} else if (!strncmp(data.c_str(), "disconnectBackhaul", sizeof("disconnectBackhaul") - 1)) {
} else if (!strncmp(data.c_str(), "requestStatus", sizeof("requestStatus") - 1)) {
int32_t xtraStatusUpdated = 0;
sscanf(data.c_str(), "%*s %d", &xtraStatusUpdated);
struct HandleStatusRequestMsg : public LocMsg {
XtraSystemStatusObserver& mXSSO;
int32_t mXtraStatusUpdated;
inline HandleStatusRequestMsg(XtraSystemStatusObserver& xsso,
int32_t xtraStatusUpdated) :
mXSSO(xsso), mXtraStatusUpdated(xtraStatusUpdated) {}
inline void proc() const override { mXSSO.onStatusRequested(mXtraStatusUpdated); }
mMsgTask->sendMsg(new (nothrow) HandleStatusRequestMsg(*this, xtraStatusUpdated));
} else {
LOC_LOGw("unknown event: %s", data.c_str());
@ -191,129 +275,3 @@ void XtraSystemStatusObserver::notify(const list<IDataItemCore*>& dlist)
mMsgTask->sendMsg(new (nothrow) HandleOsObserverUpdateMsg(this, dlist));
#ifdef USE_GLIB
bool XtraSystemStatusObserver::connectBackhaul()
return mSystemStatusObsrvr->connectBackhaul();
bool XtraSystemStatusObserver::disconnectBackhaul()
return mSystemStatusObsrvr->disconnectBackhaul();
// XtraHalListenerSocket class
// TBD - this will be removed once bidirectional socket changes in
// xtra-daemon will be implemented
void XtraHalListenerSocket::receiveData(const int socketFd) {
string data;
array<char, 128> buf;
const char* bin_msg_conn_backhaul = "connectBackhaul";
const char* bin_msg_disconn_backhaul = "disconnectBackhaul";
while (true) {
ssize_t len = recv(socketFd,, buf.size(), 0);
if (len > 0) {
LOC_LOGd("received %lu bytes", len);
data.append(, len);
size_t pos = data.find("\n");
if (pos == string::npos) {
if (!strncmp(data.c_str(), bin_msg_conn_backhaul,
sizeof(bin_msg_conn_backhaul) - 1)) {
} else if (!strncmp(data.c_str(), bin_msg_disconn_backhaul,
sizeof(bin_msg_disconn_backhaul) - 1)) {
else {
LOC_LOGw("unknown event: %s", data.c_str());
} else {
LOC_LOGd("XtraHalListenerSocket connection broken.");
void XtraHalListenerSocket::startListenerThread() {
mThread = new (std::nothrow) LocThread();
if (!mThread) {
LOC_LOGe("create thread failed");
mRunning = true;
if (!mThread->start("XtraHalListenerSocketThread", this, true)) {
delete mThread;
mThread = NULL;
LOC_LOGd("Create listener socket in XtraHalListenerSocket");
// create socket
int socketFd;
if ((socketFd = ::socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
LOC_LOGe("create socket error. reason:%s", strerror(errno));
const char* socketPath = "/data/vendor/location/xtra/socket_xtra_locnetiface";
struct sockaddr_un addr = { .sun_family = AF_UNIX };
snprintf(addr.sun_path, sizeof(addr.sun_path), "%s", socketPath);
if (::bind(socketFd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
LOC_LOGe("bind socket error. reason:%s", strerror(errno));
// set up connection
if (::listen(socketFd, 5/*backlog*/) < 0) {
LOC_LOGe("cannot bind socket. reason:%s", strerror(errno));
mSocketFd = socketFd;
bool XtraHalListenerSocket::run() {
// infinite while loop till mRunning is false when stopListenXtraDaemon
// is called
while (mRunning) {
int clientFd = -1;
LOC_LOGd("XtraHalListenerSocket - waiting for msg...");
if ( (clientFd = ::accept(mSocketFd, NULL, NULL)) < 0) {
LOC_LOGe("connection error. reason:%s", strerror(errno));
} else {
LOC_LOGd("XtraHalListenerSocket - receiving data ...");
if (::close(clientFd)) {
LOC_LOGe("close connection fail.");
clientFd = -1;
// return false once we reach there
return false;
void XtraHalListenerSocket::stopListenXtraDaemon() {
if (mSocketFd >= 0) {
if (::close(mSocketFd)) {
LOC_LOGe("close hal connection fail.");
mSocketFd = -1;
mRunning = false;
@ -31,81 +31,27 @@
#include <cinttypes>
#include <MsgTask.h>
#ifdef USE_GLIB
#include <LocThread.h>
#include <LocIpc.h>
#include <LocTimer.h>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
using loc_core::IOsObserver;
using loc_core::IDataItemObserver;
using loc_core::IDataItemCore;
using loc_util::LocIpc;
#ifdef USE_GLIB
// XtraHalListenerSocket class
// listener socket for getting msgs from xtra-daemon in LE for invoking
// LocNetIface functions
// TBD - this will be removed once bidirectional socket changes in
// xtra-daemon will be implemented
class XtraHalListenerSocket: public LocRunnable {
public :
// constructor & destructor
XtraHalListenerSocket(IOsObserver* sysStatObs) :
mRunning(false) {
mSystemStatusObsrvr = sysStatObs;
mRunning = true;
// create listener socket in a thread
XtraHalListenerSocket() {}
inline virtual ~XtraHalListenerSocket() {
if (mThread) {
delete mThread;
mThread = NULL;
// Overrides of LocRunnable methods
// This method will be repeated called until it returns false; or
// until thread is stopped.
virtual bool run();
// The method to be run before thread loop (conditionally repeatedly)
// calls run()
inline virtual void prerun() {}
// The method to be run after thread loop (conditionally repeatedly)
// calls run()
inline virtual void postrun() {}
IOsObserver* mSystemStatusObsrvr;
int mSocketFd;
LocThread* mThread;
bool mRunning;
void startListenerThread();
void stopListenXtraDaemon();
void receiveData(const int socketFd);
using CONNECTIONS = set<int32_t>;
class XtraSystemStatusObserver : public IDataItemObserver, public LocIpc{
public :
// constructor & destructor
inline XtraSystemStatusObserver(IOsObserver* sysStatObs, const MsgTask* msgTask):
#ifdef USE_GLIB
mSystemStatusObsrvr(sysStatObs), mMsgTask(msgTask) {
mSystemStatusObsrvr(sysStatObs), mMsgTask(msgTask),
mGpsLock(-1), mXtraThrottle(true), mReqStatusReceived(false), mDelayLocTimer(*this) {
mDelayLocTimer.start(100 /*.1 sec*/, false);
inline XtraSystemStatusObserver() {
inline virtual ~XtraSystemStatusObserver() {
@ -115,12 +61,6 @@ public :
inline virtual void getName(string& name);
virtual void notify(const list<IDataItemCore*>& dlist);
#ifdef USE_GLIB
// IFrameworkActionReq functions reqd
virtual bool connectBackhaul();
virtual bool disconnectBackhaul();
bool updateLockStatus(uint32_t lock);
bool updateConnectionStatus(bool connected, int32_t type);
bool updateTac(const string& tac);
@ -134,13 +74,23 @@ public :
IOsObserver* mSystemStatusObsrvr;
const MsgTask* mMsgTask;
#ifdef USE_GLIB
// XtraHalListenerSocket class
// TBD - this will be removed once bidirectional socket changes in
// xtra-daemon will be implemented
XtraHalListenerSocket mHalListenerSocket;
int32_t mGpsLock;
CONNECTIONS mConnections;
string mTac;
string mMccmnc;
bool mXtraThrottle;
bool mReqStatusReceived;
class DelayLocTimer : public LocTimer {
XtraSystemStatusObserver& mXSSO;
DelayLocTimer(XtraSystemStatusObserver& xsso) : mXSSO(xsso) {}
void timeOutCallback() override {
mXSSO.send(LOC_IPC_XTRA, "halinit");
} mDelayLocTimer;
bool onStatusRequested(int32_t xtraStatusUpdated);
Reference in a new issue