/* Copyright (c) 2017-2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #define LOG_TAG "QCameraBokeh" // System dependencies #include #include #include #include // Camera dependencies #include "QCameraBokeh.h" #include "QCameraTrace.h" extern "C" { #include "mm_camera_dbg.h" } #ifdef ENABLE_QC_BOKEH #include "dualcameraddm_wrapper.h" #endif //ENABLE_QC_BOKEH const char* SCALE_CROP_ROTATION_FORMAT_STRING[] = { "Sensor Crop left = %d\n", "Sensor Crop top = %d\n", "Sensor Crop width = %d\n", "Sensor Crop height = %d\n", "Sensor ROI Map left = %d\n", "Sensor ROI Map top = %d\n", "Sensor ROI Map width = %d\n", "Sensor ROI Map height = %d\n", "CAMIF Crop left = %d\n", "CAMIF Crop top = %d\n", "CAMIF Crop width = %d\n", "CAMIF Crop height = %d\n", "CAMIF ROI Map left = %d\n", "CAMIF ROI Map top = %d\n", "CAMIF ROI Map width = %d\n", "CAMIF ROI Map height = %d\n", "ISP Crop left = %d\n", "ISP Crop top = %d\n", "ISP Crop width = %d\n", "ISP Crop height = %d\n", "ISP ROI Map left = %d\n", "ISP ROI Map top = %d\n", "ISP ROI Map width = %d\n", "ISP ROI Map height = %d\n", "CPP Crop left = %d\n", "CPP Crop top = %d\n", "CPP Crop width = %d\n", "CPP Crop height = %d\n", "CPP ROI Map left = %d\n", "CPP ROI Map top = %d\n", "CPP ROI Map width = %d\n", "CPP ROI Map height = %d\n", "Focal length Ratio = %f\n", "Current pipeline mirror flip setting = %d\n", "Current pipeline rotation setting = %d\n" }; const char* CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[] = { "Calibration OTP format version = %d\n", "Main Native Sensor Resolution width = %dpx\n", "Main Native Sensor Resolution height = %dpx\n", "Main Calibration Resolution width = %dpx\n", "Main Calibration Resolution height = %dpx\n", "Main Focal length ratio = %f\n", "Aux Native Sensor Resolution width = %dpx\n", "Aux Native Sensor Resolution height = %dpx\n", "Aux Calibration Resolution width = %dpx\n", "Aux Calibration Resolution height = %dpx\n", "Aux Focal length ratio = %f\n", "Relative Rotation matrix [0] through [8] = %s\n", "Relative Geometric surface parameters [0] through [31] = %s\n", "Relative Principal point X axis offset (ox) = %fpx\n", "Relative Principal point Y axis offset (oy) = %fpx\n", "Relative position flag = %d\n", "Baseline distance = %fmm\n", "Main sensor mirror and flip setting = %d\n", "Aux sensor mirror and flip setting = %d\n", "Module orientation during calibration = %d\n", "Rotation flag = %d\n", "Main Normalized Focal length = %fpx\n", "Aux Normalized Focal length = %fpx" }; #define SWAP(a, b) do { typeof(a) temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } while (0) #define DIFF(x, y) ((x-y)>0?(x-y):0) #define PMIN(a, b) ((b) > 0 ? ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) : (a)) #define DUMP(fmt, args...) \ { \ if (m_bDebug) { \ mDebugData.appendFormat(fmt, ##args); \ } \ } #define FDUMP(file, string, idx) \ { \ if (m_bDebug) { \ dumpInputParams(file, string, idx); \ } \ } namespace qcamera { /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : QCameraBokeh * * DESCRIPTION: constructor of QCameraBokeh. * * PARAMETERS : None * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ QCameraBokeh::QCameraBokeh() : QCameraHALPP() { m_dlHandle = NULL; m_pCaps = NULL; memset(&mBokehData, 0, sizeof(mBokehData)); bNeedCamSwap = false; m_bDebug = false; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : ~QCameraBokeh * * DESCRIPTION: destructor of QCameraBokeh. * * PARAMETERS : None * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ QCameraBokeh::~QCameraBokeh() { } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : init * * DESCRIPTION: initialization of QCameraBokeh * * PARAMETERS : * @bufNotifyCb : call back function after HALPP process * @getOutputCb : call back function to request output buffer * @pUserData : Parent of HALPP, i.e. QCameraPostProc * @pStaticParam : holds dual camera calibration data in an array and its size * (expected size is 264 bytes) * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraBokeh::init( halPPBufNotify bufNotifyCb, halPPGetOutput getOutputCb, void *pUserData, void *pStaticParam) { LOGH("E"); int32_t rc = NO_ERROR; QCameraHALPP::init(bufNotifyCb, getOutputCb, pUserData); m_pCaps = (cam_capability_t *)pStaticParam; /* we should load 3rd libs here, with dlopen/dlsym */ doBokehInit(); /* To dump debug data */ char prop[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; memset(prop, 0, sizeof(prop)); property_get("persist.vendor.camera.bokeh.debug", prop, "0"); m_bDebug = atoi(prop); LOGH("X"); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : deinit * * DESCRIPTION: de initialization of QCameraBokeh * * PARAMETERS : None * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraBokeh::deinit() { int32_t rc = NO_ERROR; LOGH("E"); m_dlHandle = NULL; QCameraHALPP::deinit(); LOGH("X"); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : start * * DESCRIPTION: starting QCameraBokeh * * PARAMETERS : * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraBokeh::start() { int32_t rc = NO_ERROR; LOGH("E"); rc = QCameraHALPP::start(); LOGH("X"); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : stop * * DESCRIPTION: stop QCameraBokeh * * PARAMETERS : * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraBokeh::stop() { int32_t rc = NO_ERROR; LOGH("E"); rc = QCameraHALPP::stop(); mDebugData.clear(); LOGH("X"); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : feedInput * * DESCRIPTION: function to feed input data. * Enqueue the frame index to inputQ if it is new frame * Also, add the input image data to frame hash map * * PARAMETERS : * @pInputData : ptr to input data * @bFeedOutput : true if ready for feeding output * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraBokeh::feedInput(qcamera_hal_pp_data_t *pInputData) { int32_t rc = NO_ERROR; LOGH("E"); if (NULL != pInputData) { mm_camera_buf_def_t *pInputSnapshotBuf = getSnapshotBuf(pInputData); if (pInputSnapshotBuf != NULL) { // Check for main and aux handles uint32_t mainHandle = get_main_camera_handle( pInputData->frame->camera_handle); uint32_t auxHandle = get_aux_camera_handle( pInputData->frame->camera_handle); LOGH("mainHandle = 0x%x, auxHandle = 0x%x", mainHandle, auxHandle); if ((!mainHandle) && (!auxHandle)) { // Both main and aux handles are not available // Return from here return BAD_VALUE; } if (mainHandle && (mBokehData.main_input == NULL)) { mBokehData.main_input = pInputData; LOGH("Update main input"); } else if (auxHandle && (mBokehData.aux_input == NULL)) { mBokehData.aux_input = pInputData; LOGH("Update aux input"); } // request output buffer only if both main and aux input data are recieved if ((mBokehData.aux_input != NULL) && (mBokehData.main_input != NULL)) { if (bNeedCamSwap) { SWAP(mBokehData.main_input, mBokehData.aux_input); } //Encode main image always mBokehData.main_input->needEncode = true; m_halPPGetOutputCB(pInputSnapshotBuf->frame_idx, m_pHalPPMgr); } } } else { LOGE("pInput is NULL"); rc = UNEXPECTED_NULL; } LOGH("X"); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : feedOutput * * DESCRIPTION: function to feed output buffer and metadata * * PARAMETERS : * @pOutput : ptr to output data * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraBokeh::feedOutput(qcamera_hal_pp_data_t *pOutputData) { int32_t rc = NO_ERROR; LOGH("E"); if (NULL == pOutputData) { LOGE("Error! pOutput hal pp data is NULL"); return BAD_VALUE; } if (mBokehData.bokeh_output != NULL) { releaseData(pOutputData); LOGE("Error!! Output data is not empty"); return BAD_VALUE; } rc = getOutputBuffer(mBokehData.main_input, pOutputData); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { LOGH("filling bokeh output %d", rc); mBokehData.bokeh_output = pOutputData; } LOGH("X rc: %d", rc); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : process * * DESCRIPTION: Start Bokeh process * * PARAMETERS : None * * RETURN : int32_t type of status * NO_ERROR -- success * none-zero failure code *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraBokeh::process() { int32_t rc = NO_ERROR; // Start the blending process when it is ready if (canProcess()) { LOGH("Start Bokeh processing"); mm_camera_buf_def_t *pAuxSnap = getSnapshotBuf(mBokehData.aux_input); mm_camera_buf_def_t *pMainSnap = getSnapshotBuf(mBokehData.main_input); if (!pAuxSnap || !pMainSnap) { releaseData(mBokehData.aux_input); releaseData(mBokehData.main_input); releaseData(mBokehData.bokeh_output); LOGE("Error!! Snapshot buffer not available"); return BAD_VALUE; } mm_camera_super_buf_t *pOutputSuperBuf = mBokehData.bokeh_output->frame; mm_camera_buf_def_t *pOutputBuf = pOutputSuperBuf->bufs[0]; //Get input and output parameter bokeh_input_params_t inParams; getInputParams(inParams); #ifdef ENABLE_QC_BOKEH rc = doBokehProcess( (const uint8_t *)pMainSnap->buffer, (const uint8_t *)pAuxSnap->buffer, inParams, (uint8_t *)pOutputBuf->buffer); #else inParams.depth.offset.num_planes = 1; inParams.depth.offset.mp[0].offset = 0; inParams.depth.offset.mp[0].width = inParams.depth.offset.mp[0].stride = inParams.depth.width = inParams.depth.stride = inParams.main.width; inParams.depth.offset.mp[0].height = inParams.depth.offset.mp[0].scanline = inParams.depth.height = inParams.depth.scanline = inParams.main.height; inParams.depth.frame_len = inParams.depth.offset.frame_len = inParams.depth.offset.mp[0].len = inParams.main.width * inParams.main.height; rc = allocateDepthBuf(inParams.depth); if(rc != NO_ERROR) { ATRACE_END(); LOGE("ERROR: Failed to allocate depth buffer, error no:%d X",rc); return rc; } memcpy(pOutputBuf->buffer, pMainSnap->buffer, mBokehData.main_input->snap_offset.frame_len); #endif //ENABLE_QC_BOKEH uint8_t * pDepthMap = (uint8_t *)mBokehData.depth_output->frame->bufs[0]->buffer; if (rc != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("Error in bokeh processing. Fallback and copy input to output"); memcpy(pOutputBuf->buffer, pMainSnap->buffer, mBokehData.main_input->snap_offset.frame_len); } if (m_bDebug) { dumpYUVtoFile((uint8_t *)pAuxSnap->buffer, inParams.aux.offset, pAuxSnap->frame_idx, "Aux"); dumpYUVtoFile((uint8_t *)pMainSnap->buffer, inParams.main.offset, pMainSnap->frame_idx, "Main"); dumpYUVtoFile((uint8_t *)pOutputBuf->buffer, inParams.bokehOut.offset, pAuxSnap->frame_idx, "BokehOutput"); dumpYUVtoFile(pDepthMap, inParams.depth.offset, pAuxSnap->frame_idx, "DepthMap"); dumpInputParams("input_params", mDebugData, pMainSnap->frame_idx); } // Clean and invalidate output buffer mBokehData.bokeh_output->snapshot_heap->cleanInvalidateCache(0); mBokehData.depth_output->snapshot_heap->cleanInvalidateCache(0); // Callback Manager to notify output buffer and return input buffers LOGH("notifying Bokeh output"); m_halPPBufNotifyCB(mBokehData.bokeh_output, m_pHalPPMgr); LOGH("CB for main input"); m_halPPBufNotifyCB(mBokehData.main_input, m_pHalPPMgr); LOGH("CB for depth map"); m_halPPBufNotifyCB(mBokehData.depth_output, m_pHalPPMgr); LOGH("CB for aux input"); m_halPPBufNotifyCB(mBokehData.aux_input, m_pHalPPMgr); // Once process is complete, reset context data // Post proc would take care of releasing the data memset(&mBokehData, 0, sizeof(mBokehData)); } LOGH("X"); return rc; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : canProcess * * DESCRIPTION: function to release internal resources * RETURN : If Bokeh module can process *==========================================================================*/ bool QCameraBokeh::canProcess() { LOGD("E"); bool ready = false; //Check if we have all input and output buffers if (mBokehData.main_input && mBokehData.aux_input && mBokehData.bokeh_output) { ready = true; LOGH("ready: %d", ready); } LOGD("X"); return ready; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getInputParams * * DESCRIPTION: Helper function to get input params from input metadata *==========================================================================*/ void QCameraBokeh::getInputParams(bokeh_input_params_t& inParams) { mm_camera_buf_def_t *pAuxSnap = getSnapshotBuf(mBokehData.aux_input); mm_camera_buf_def_t *pMainSnap = getSnapshotBuf(mBokehData.main_input); mm_camera_buf_def_t *pAuxMeta = getMetadataBuf(mBokehData.aux_input); mm_camera_buf_def_t *pMainMeta = getMetadataBuf(mBokehData.main_input); if (!pAuxSnap || !pMainSnap || !pAuxMeta || !pMainMeta) { LOGH("NULL pointer pAuxSnap: %p, pMainSnap: %p pAuxMeta: %p, pMainMeta: %p", pAuxSnap, pMainSnap, pAuxMeta, pMainMeta); return; } metadata_buffer_t *pAuxMetaBuf = (metadata_buffer_t *)pAuxMeta->buffer; metadata_buffer_t *pMainMetaBuf = (metadata_buffer_t *)pMainMeta->buffer; // main frame size cam_frame_len_offset_t offset = mBokehData.main_input->snap_offset; inParams.main.width = offset.mp[0].width; inParams.main.height = offset.mp[0].height; inParams.main.stride = offset.mp[0].stride; inParams.main.scanline = offset.mp[0].scanline; inParams.main.frame_len = offset.frame_len; inParams.main.offset = offset; DUMP("Primary width: %d height: %d stride[0]:%d scanline[0]:%d " "stride[1]:%d, scanline[1]:%d frame_len: %d", inParams.main.width, inParams.main.height, offset.mp[0].stride, offset.mp[0].scanline, offset.mp[1].stride, offset.mp[1].scanline, inParams.main.frame_len); // aux frame size offset = mBokehData.aux_input->snap_offset; inParams.aux.width = offset.mp[0].width; inParams.aux.height = offset.mp[0].height; inParams.aux.stride = offset.mp[0].stride; inParams.aux.scanline = offset.mp[0].scanline; inParams.aux.frame_len = offset.frame_len; inParams.aux.offset = offset; DUMP("\nAuxiliary width: %d height: %d stride[0]:%d scanline[0]:%d " "stride[1]:%d, scanline[1]:%d frame_len: %d\n", inParams.aux.width, inParams.aux.height, offset.mp[0].stride, offset.mp[0].scanline, offset.mp[1].stride, offset.mp[1].scanline, inParams.aux.frame_len); inParams.bokehOut = inParams.main; //will be filled up in doBokehProcess memset(&inParams.depth, 0, sizeof(inParams.depth)); inParams.sAuxReprocessInfo = extractReprocessInfo(pAuxMetaBuf); inParams.sMainReprocessInfo = extractReprocessInfo(pMainMetaBuf); FDUMP("primary", inParams.sMainReprocessInfo, pMainSnap->frame_idx); FDUMP("auxiliary", inParams.sAuxReprocessInfo, pMainSnap->frame_idx); inParams.sCalibData = extractCalibrationData(); FDUMP("otp", inParams.sCalibData, pMainSnap->frame_idx); IF_META_AVAILABLE(cam_rtb_blur_info_t, blurInfo, CAM_INTF_PARAM_BOKEH_BLUR_LEVEL, pMainMetaBuf) { inParams.blurLevel = (float) blurInfo->blur_level / blurInfo->blur_max_value; DUMP("\nBlurLevel = %f", inParams.blurLevel); } IF_META_AVAILABLE(cam_rect_t, hAfRegions, CAM_INTF_META_AF_DEFAULT_ROI, pMainMetaBuf) { inParams.afROI = *hAfRegions; DUMP("\nAF ROI : (%d, %d, %d, %d)", inParams.afROI.left, inParams.afROI.top, inParams.afROI.width, inParams.afROI.height); } IF_META_AVAILABLE(cam_stream_crop_info_t, ispCropInfo, CAM_INTF_META_SNAP_CROP_INFO_ISP, pMainMetaBuf) { inParams.afROIMap = ispCropInfo->roi_map; DUMP("\nAF ROI map: (%d, %d, %d, %d)", inParams.afROIMap.left, inParams.afROIMap.top, inParams.afROIMap.width, inParams.afROIMap.height); } memset(&inParams.zoomROI, 0, sizeof(inParams.zoomROI)); IF_META_AVAILABLE(cam_crop_data_t, crop, CAM_INTF_META_CROP_DATA, pMainMetaBuf) { if (0 < crop->num_of_streams) { cam_rect_t streamCrop = crop->crop_info[0].crop; inParams.zoomROI = streamCrop; DUMP("Zoom ROI : (%d, %d, %d, %d)", streamCrop.left, streamCrop.top, streamCrop.width, streamCrop.height); } } return; } int32_t QCameraBokeh::doBokehInit() { LOGH("E"); int rc = NO_ERROR; if (!m_pCaps || !m_pCaps->aux_cam_cap || !m_pCaps->main_cam_cap) { return BAD_VALUE; } //Main is wide and Aux is Tele. Set primary as Tele and auxiliary as Wide to library. if (m_pCaps->aux_cam_cap->focal_length > m_pCaps->main_cam_cap->focal_length) { bNeedCamSwap = true; LOGH("Need to swap main and aux cams"); } LOGH("X"); return rc; } int32_t QCameraBokeh::doBokehProcess( const uint8_t* pMain, const uint8_t* pAux, bokeh_input_params_t &inParams, uint8_t* pOut) { #ifdef ENABLE_QC_BOKEH LOGD(":E"); ATRACE_BEGIN("doBokehProcess"); int32_t rc = NO_ERROR; uint32_t focusX,focusY; qrcp::DualCameraDDMEffects *effectObj = NULL; qrcp::DualCameraDDMEffects::EffectType type = qrcp::DualCameraDDMEffects::REFOCUS_CIRCLE; char prop[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; //1. get depth map size from lib cam_dimension_t dmSize; qrcp::getDepthMapSize(inParams.main.width, inParams.main.height, dmSize.width, dmSize.height); unsigned int depthStride = dmSize.width; uint32_t depthLen = dmSize.width * dmSize.height; inParams.depth.offset.num_planes = 1; inParams.depth.offset.mp[0].offset = 0; inParams.depth.offset.mp[0].width = inParams.depth.offset.mp[0].stride = inParams.depth.width = inParams.depth.stride = dmSize.width; inParams.depth.offset.mp[0].height = inParams.depth.offset.mp[0].scanline = inParams.depth.height = inParams.depth.scanline = dmSize.height; inParams.depth.frame_len = inParams.depth.offset.frame_len = inParams.depth.offset.mp[0].len = depthLen; rc = allocateDepthBuf(inParams.depth); if(rc != NO_ERROR) { ATRACE_END(); LOGE("ERROR: Failed to allocate depth buffer, error no:%d X",rc); return rc; } uint8_t * pDepthMap = (uint8_t *)mBokehData.depth_output->frame->bufs[0]->buffer; DUMP("\nDepth map W %d H %d ", dmSize.width, dmSize.height); //2. generate depth map const uint8_t* primaryY = pMain; uint32_t main_uv_offset = inParams.main.offset.mp[0].len; const uint8_t* primaryVU = pMain + main_uv_offset; unsigned int primaryWidth = inParams.main.width; unsigned int primaryHeight = inParams.main.height; unsigned int primaryStrideY = inParams.main.stride; unsigned int primaryStrideVU = inParams.main.offset.mp[1].stride; const uint8_t* auxiliaryY = pAux; uint32_t aux_uv_offset = inParams.aux.offset.mp[0].len; const uint8_t* auxiliaryVU = pAux + aux_uv_offset; unsigned int auxiliaryWidth = inParams.aux.width; unsigned int auxiliaryHeight = inParams.aux.height; unsigned int auxiliaryStrideY = inParams.aux.stride; unsigned int auxiliaryStrideVU = inParams.aux.offset.mp[1].stride; cam_rect_t goodRoi = {0,0,0,0}; const float focalLengthPrimaryCamera = MAX(m_pCaps->main_cam_cap->focal_length, m_pCaps->aux_cam_cap->focal_length); uint8_t dualCamConfig = DUAL_CAM_CONFIG; memset(prop, 0, sizeof(prop)); property_get("persist.vendor.camera.ddm.config", prop, ""); if (strlen(prop) > 0) { dualCamConfig = atoi(prop); } qrcp::SensorConfiguration config = (qrcp::SensorConfiguration) dualCamConfig; qrcp::DepthMapMode ddmMode = qrcp::DepthMapMode::ENHANCED_MODE; if (QCameraCommon::is_target_SDM630()) ddmMode = qrcp::DepthMapMode::NORMAL_MODE; memset(prop, 0, sizeof(prop)); property_get("persist.vendor.camera.bokeh.ddmmode", prop, ""); if (strlen(prop) > 0) { if (!strcmp(prop, "normal")) ddmMode = qrcp::DepthMapMode::NORMAL_MODE; else if (!strcmp(prop, "enhanced")) ddmMode = qrcp::DepthMapMode::ENHANCED_MODE; } DUMP("\nDepthStride = %d \nfocalLengthPrimaryCamera = %f \n" "SensorConfiguration = %d", depthStride, focalLengthPrimaryCamera, config); DUMP("\nDepthmap mode = %s ", (ddmMode == qrcp::DepthMapMode::NORMAL_MODE) ? "normal" : "enhanced"); LOGI("[KPI Perf]: PROFILE_BOKEH_PROCESS : E"); qrcp::DDMWrapperStatus status = qrcp::dualCameraGenerateDDM( primaryY, primaryVU, primaryWidth, primaryHeight, primaryStrideY, primaryStrideVU, auxiliaryY, auxiliaryVU, auxiliaryWidth, auxiliaryHeight, auxiliaryStrideY, auxiliaryStrideVU, pDepthMap, depthStride, goodRoi.left, goodRoi.top, goodRoi.width,goodRoi.height, inParams.sMainReprocessInfo.c_str(), inParams.sAuxReprocessInfo.c_str(), inParams.sCalibData.c_str(), focalLengthPrimaryCamera, config, ddmMode); if (!status.ok()) { LOGE("depth map generation failed: %s, errorcode %d", status.getErrorMessage().c_str(), status.getErrorCode()); rc = BAD_VALUE; goto done; } LOGH("Depth map generated successfully"); DUMP("\nGood ROI : (%d, %d, %d, %d)", goodRoi.left, goodRoi.top, goodRoi.width,goodRoi.height); //3. Bokeh processing using above depth map if ((inParams.afROIMap.width != 0) && (inParams.afROI.width != 0) && (inParams.afROIMap.height != 0) && (inParams.afROI.height != 0)) { //get center of AF ROI and scale it from sensor coordinates (ROImap) to goodROI. focusX = inParams.afROI.left + inParams.afROI.width/2; focusX = focusX * primaryWidth / inParams.afROIMap.width; focusX = (focusX - goodRoi.left) * goodRoi.width / primaryWidth; focusY = inParams.afROI.top + inParams.afROI.height/2; focusY = focusY * primaryHeight / inParams.afROIMap.height; focusY = (focusY - goodRoi.top) * goodRoi.height / primaryHeight; } else { LOGE("Error in getting ROI information from meta, default to center ROI"); focusX = goodRoi.width / 2; focusY = goodRoi.height / 2; } DUMP("\nFocusPoint = (%d, %d)", focusX,focusY); DUMP("\nDestination W %d H %d ", goodRoi.width,goodRoi.height); effectObj = new qrcp::DualCameraDDMEffects( primaryY, primaryVU, primaryWidth, primaryHeight, primaryStrideY, primaryStrideVU, pDepthMap, dmSize.width, dmSize.height, depthStride, goodRoi.left, goodRoi.top, goodRoi.width,goodRoi.height, goodRoi.width, goodRoi.height); if (effectObj) { qrcp::DDMWrapperStatus status = effectObj->renderEffect( type, focusX, focusY, inParams.blurLevel, pOut, pOut + main_uv_offset, primaryStrideY, primaryStrideVU); if (!status.ok()) { LOGE("render failed: %s", status.getErrorMessage().c_str()); rc = BAD_VALUE; goto done; } LOGH("Blur rendering successful"); } LOGI("[KPI Perf]: PROFILE_BOKEH_PROCESS : X"); //Bokeh output size will be goodROI.width X goodROI.height. //set stream crop info so that jpeg will crop and upscale to original image size. //Take into account any zoom applied. cam_rect_t bokeh_out_dim; bokeh_out_dim.top = DIFF(inParams.zoomROI.top, goodRoi.top); bokeh_out_dim.left = DIFF(inParams.zoomROI.left, goodRoi.left); bokeh_out_dim.width = PAD_TO_SIZE(PMIN(goodRoi.width, inParams.zoomROI.width), CAM_PAD_TO_2); bokeh_out_dim.height = PAD_TO_SIZE(PMIN(goodRoi.height, inParams.zoomROI.height), CAM_PAD_TO_2); DUMP("\nBokeh Crop Left %d Top %d Width %d Height %d ", bokeh_out_dim.left, bokeh_out_dim.top, bokeh_out_dim.width,bokeh_out_dim.height); mBokehData.bokeh_output->is_crop_valid = true; mBokehData.bokeh_output->outputCrop = bokeh_out_dim; //setting crop values in main also, to do zoom while JPEG encoding (HAL3). if(mBokehData.main_input->jpeg_settings != NULL) { mBokehData.main_input->is_crop_valid = true; mBokehData.main_input->outputCrop.top = inParams.zoomROI.top; mBokehData.main_input->outputCrop.left = inParams.zoomROI.left; mBokehData.main_input->outputCrop.width = PAD_TO_SIZE(PMIN(goodRoi.width, inParams.zoomROI.width), CAM_PAD_TO_2); mBokehData.main_input->outputCrop.height = PAD_TO_SIZE(PMIN(goodRoi.height, inParams.zoomROI.height), CAM_PAD_TO_2); DUMP("\nMain Crop left %d Top %d Width %d Height %d",mBokehData.main_input->outputCrop.left, mBokehData.main_input->outputCrop.top, mBokehData.main_input->outputCrop.width, mBokehData.main_input->outputCrop.height); } //apply zoom, if any, on depth map cam_rect_t depthCrop; depthCrop.top = inParams.zoomROI.top * dmSize.height / primaryHeight; depthCrop.left = inParams.zoomROI.left * dmSize.width / primaryWidth; depthCrop.width = PAD_TO_SIZE((inParams.zoomROI.width * dmSize.width / primaryWidth), CAM_PAD_TO_2); depthCrop.height = PAD_TO_SIZE((inParams.zoomROI.height * dmSize.height / primaryHeight), CAM_PAD_TO_2); mBokehData.depth_output->is_crop_valid = true; mBokehData.depth_output->outputCrop = depthCrop; DUMP("\nDepth Crop Left %d Top %d Width %d Height %d ", depthCrop.left, depthCrop.top, depthCrop.width,depthCrop.height); //modify bokeh offset inParams.bokehOut.width = inParams.bokehOut.offset.mp[0].width = goodRoi.width; inParams.bokehOut.height = inParams.bokehOut.offset.mp[0].height = goodRoi.height; inParams.bokehOut.offset.mp[1].width = goodRoi.width; inParams.bokehOut.offset.mp[1].height = goodRoi.height/2; done: if (effectObj) { delete effectObj; } ATRACE_END(); LOGD("X"); return rc; #else (void) pMain; (void) pAux; (void) &inParams; (void) pOut; return -1; #endif //ENABLE_QC_BOKEH } void QCameraBokeh::dumpYUVtoFile( const uint8_t* pBuf, cam_frame_len_offset_t offset, uint32_t idx, const char* name_prefix) { char filename[256]; snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), QCAMERA_DUMP_FRM_LOCATION"%s_%dx%d_%d.yuv", name_prefix, offset.mp[0].width, offset.mp[0].height, idx); int file_fd = open(filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0777); ssize_t written_len = 0; if (file_fd >= 0) { void *data = NULL; fchmod(file_fd, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < offset.num_planes; i++) { uint32_t index = offset.mp[i].offset; if (i > 0) { index += offset.mp[i-1].len; } for (int j = 0; j < offset.mp[i].height; j++) { data = (void *)(pBuf + index); written_len += write(file_fd, data, (size_t)offset.mp[i].width); index += (uint32_t)offset.mp[i].stride; } } close(file_fd); } } String8 QCameraBokeh::buildCommaSeparatedString(float array[], size_t length) { String8 str; str.appendFormat("%.4f", array[0]); for(size_t i = 1; i < length; i++) { str.appendFormat(",%.4f", array[i]); } return str; } String8 QCameraBokeh::flattenCropInfo(cam_stream_crop_info_t* crop, uint8_t index) { String8 cropInfo; cropInfo.appendFormat(SCALE_CROP_ROTATION_FORMAT_STRING[index + 0], crop->crop.left); cropInfo.appendFormat(SCALE_CROP_ROTATION_FORMAT_STRING[index + 1], crop->crop.top); cropInfo.appendFormat(SCALE_CROP_ROTATION_FORMAT_STRING[index + 2], crop->crop.width); cropInfo.appendFormat(SCALE_CROP_ROTATION_FORMAT_STRING[index + 3], crop->crop.height); cropInfo.appendFormat(SCALE_CROP_ROTATION_FORMAT_STRING[index + 4], crop->roi_map.left); cropInfo.appendFormat(SCALE_CROP_ROTATION_FORMAT_STRING[index + 5], crop->roi_map.top); cropInfo.appendFormat(SCALE_CROP_ROTATION_FORMAT_STRING[index + 6], crop->roi_map.width); cropInfo.appendFormat(SCALE_CROP_ROTATION_FORMAT_STRING[index + 7], crop->roi_map.height); return cropInfo; } String8 QCameraBokeh::extractReprocessInfo(metadata_buffer_t *metadata) { String8 reprocBlob; uint8_t index = 0; IF_META_AVAILABLE(cam_stream_crop_info_t, sensorCropInfo, CAM_INTF_META_SNAP_CROP_INFO_SENSOR, metadata) { reprocBlob.append(flattenCropInfo(sensorCropInfo, index)); } index += 8; IF_META_AVAILABLE(cam_stream_crop_info_t, camifCropInfo, CAM_INTF_META_SNAP_CROP_INFO_CAMIF, metadata) { reprocBlob.append(flattenCropInfo(camifCropInfo, index)); } index += 8; IF_META_AVAILABLE(cam_stream_crop_info_t, ispCropInfo, CAM_INTF_META_SNAP_CROP_INFO_ISP, metadata) { reprocBlob.append(flattenCropInfo(ispCropInfo, index)); } index += 8; IF_META_AVAILABLE(cam_stream_crop_info_t, cppCropInfo, CAM_INTF_META_SNAP_CROP_INFO_CPP, metadata) { reprocBlob.append(flattenCropInfo(cppCropInfo, index)); } index += 8; IF_META_AVAILABLE(cam_focal_length_ratio_t, ratio, CAM_INTF_META_AF_FOCAL_LENGTH_RATIO, metadata) { reprocBlob.appendFormat(SCALE_CROP_ROTATION_FORMAT_STRING[index], ratio->focalLengthRatio); } index++; int flipValue = 0; IF_META_AVAILABLE(int32_t, flip, CAM_INTF_PARM_FLIP, metadata) { flipValue = *flip; } else { flipValue = m_pCaps->sensor_rotation; } reprocBlob.appendFormat(SCALE_CROP_ROTATION_FORMAT_STRING[index], flipValue); index++; IF_META_AVAILABLE(cam_rotation_info_t, rotationInfo, CAM_INTF_PARM_ROTATION, metadata) { uint8_t orientation = rotationInfo->rotation; int rotation = 0; if (orientation == ROTATE_0) { rotation = 0; } else if (orientation == ROTATE_90) { rotation = 90; } else if (orientation == ROTATE_180) { rotation = 180; } else if (orientation == ROTATE_270) { rotation = 270; } reprocBlob.appendFormat(SCALE_CROP_ROTATION_FORMAT_STRING[index], rotation); } return reprocBlob; } String8 QCameraBokeh::extractCalibrationData() { String8 calibData; cam_related_system_calibration_data_t calib_data = m_pCaps->related_cam_calibration; calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[0], calib_data.calibration_format_version); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[1], calib_data.main_cam_specific_calibration.native_sensor_resolution_width); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[2], calib_data.main_cam_specific_calibration.native_sensor_resolution_height); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[3], calib_data.main_cam_specific_calibration.calibration_sensor_resolution_width); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[4], calib_data.main_cam_specific_calibration.calibration_sensor_resolution_height); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[5], calib_data.main_cam_specific_calibration.focal_length_ratio); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[6], calib_data.aux_cam_specific_calibration.native_sensor_resolution_width); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[7], calib_data.aux_cam_specific_calibration.native_sensor_resolution_height); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[8], calib_data.aux_cam_specific_calibration.calibration_sensor_resolution_width); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[9], calib_data.aux_cam_specific_calibration.calibration_sensor_resolution_height); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[10], calib_data.aux_cam_specific_calibration.focal_length_ratio); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[11], buildCommaSeparatedString(calib_data.relative_rotation_matrix, RELCAM_CALIB_ROT_MATRIX_MAX).c_str()); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[12], buildCommaSeparatedString(calib_data.relative_geometric_surface_parameters, RELCAM_CALIB_SURFACE_PARMS_MAX).c_str()); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[13], calib_data.relative_principle_point_x_offset); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[14], calib_data.relative_principle_point_y_offset); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[15], calib_data.relative_position_flag); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[16], calib_data.relative_baseline_distance); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[17], calib_data.main_sensor_mirror_flip_setting); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[18], calib_data.aux_sensor_mirror_flip_setting); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[19], calib_data.module_orientation_during_calibration); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[20], calib_data.rotation_flag); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[21], calib_data.main_cam_specific_calibration.normalized_focal_length); calibData.appendFormat(CALIB_FMT_STRINGS[22], calib_data.aux_cam_specific_calibration.normalized_focal_length); return calibData; } void QCameraBokeh::dumpInputParams(const char* file, String8 str, uint32_t idx) { char filename[256]; snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), QCAMERA_DUMP_FRM_LOCATION"%s_%d.txt",file, idx); int file_fd = open(filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0777); if (file_fd > 0) { fchmod(file_fd, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); write(file_fd, str.c_str(), str.size()); close(file_fd); } } int32_t QCameraBokeh::allocateDepthBuf(cam_frame_size_t depthSize) { int32_t rc = NO_ERROR; mm_camera_super_buf_t *pInputFrame = mBokehData.aux_input->frame; mm_camera_buf_def_t *pInputSnapshotBuf = getSnapshotBuf(mBokehData.aux_input); if(!pInputSnapshotBuf) { releaseData(mBokehData.aux_input); LOGE("Error!! Snapshot buffer not available"); return BAD_VALUE; } qcamera_hal_pp_data_t *output_data = (qcamera_hal_pp_data_t*) malloc(sizeof(qcamera_hal_pp_data_t)); if (output_data == NULL) { LOGE("No memory for qcamera_hal_pp_data_t output data"); return NO_MEMORY; } memset(output_data, 0, sizeof(qcamera_hal_pp_data_t)); mm_camera_super_buf_t* output_frame = (mm_camera_super_buf_t *)malloc(sizeof(mm_camera_super_buf_t)); if (output_frame == NULL) { LOGE("No memory for mm_camera_super_buf_t frame"); free(output_data); return NO_MEMORY; } memset(output_frame, 0, sizeof(mm_camera_super_buf_t)); output_data->frame = output_frame; // Copy main input frame info to output frame output_frame->camera_handle = pInputFrame->camera_handle; output_frame->ch_id = pInputFrame->ch_id; output_frame->num_bufs = 1;//depth output_data->bufs = (mm_camera_buf_def_t *)malloc(sizeof(mm_camera_buf_def_t)); if (output_data->bufs == NULL) { LOGE("No memory for output_data->bufs"); free(output_frame); free(output_data); return NO_MEMORY; } memset(output_data->bufs, 0, sizeof(mm_camera_buf_def_t)); output_data->halPPAllocatedBuf = true; output_data->snapshot_heap = new QCameraHeapMemory(QCAMERA_ION_USE_CACHE); if (output_data->snapshot_heap == NULL) { LOGE("Unable to new heap memory obj for image buf"); free(output_frame); free(output_data->bufs); free(output_data); return NO_MEMORY; } uint32_t depthLen = depthSize.width * depthSize.height; rc = output_data->snapshot_heap->allocate(1, depthLen); if (rc < 0) { LOGE("Unable to allocate heap memory for image buf"); releaseData(output_data); return NO_MEMORY; } mm_camera_buf_def_t *pOutputBufDefs = output_data->bufs; output_frame->bufs[0] = &pOutputBufDefs[0]; memcpy(&pOutputBufDefs[0], pInputSnapshotBuf, sizeof(mm_camera_buf_def_t)); output_data->snapshot_heap->getBufDef(depthSize.offset, pOutputBufDefs[0], 0); output_data->pUserData = mBokehData.aux_input->pUserData; if(mBokehData.aux_input->metadata != NULL) { output_data->metadata = mBokehData.aux_input->metadata; } if(mBokehData.aux_input->output_jpeg_settings != NULL) { output_data->jpeg_settings = mBokehData.aux_input->output_jpeg_settings; } if(mBokehData.aux_input->src_reproc_frame != NULL && output_data->jpeg_settings != NULL) { output_data->src_reproc_frame = (mm_camera_super_buf_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(mm_camera_super_buf_t)); if (output_data->src_reproc_frame == NULL) { LOGE("No memory for src frame"); free(output_data); return NO_MEMORY; } memcpy(output_data->src_reproc_frame, mBokehData.aux_input->src_reproc_frame, sizeof(mm_camera_super_buf_t)); } mBokehData.depth_output = output_data; //set depth map dimensions cam_dimension_t depth_dim; depth_dim.width = depthSize.width; depth_dim.height = depthSize.height; mBokehData.depth_output->is_dim_valid = true; mBokehData.depth_output->outputDim = depth_dim; //set depth map offset info mBokehData.depth_output->is_offset_valid = true; mBokehData.depth_output->snap_offset = depthSize.offset; //set depth map format mBokehData.depth_output->is_format_valid = true; mBokehData.depth_output->outputFormat = CAM_FORMAT_Y_ONLY; return rc; } } // namespace qcamera