jjpprrrr 8f32dbc780
sdm710-common: Update all common blobs
ADSP, CDSP, charger, CNE, Configstore, Display, DPM, DRM,
ESE, Adreno, Vulkan, IMS, Media, Peripheral, Power-off Alarm, QMI,
RIL, SCVE, Soter, Time services, TEE, TUI, VPP, Widevine
2021-08-16 21:59:11 +02:00

23 lines
659 B

# Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
# Create the directories used by DPM subsystem
on post-fs-data
mkdir /data/dpm 0771 system system
chown system system /data/dpm
#start dpmd service
service dpmd /system/system_ext/bin/dpmd
class late_start
socket dpmd stream 660 root radio
socket tcm stream 660 root inet
socket dpmwrapper stream 660 root inet
group system readproc inet radio wakelock oem_2901
on property:persist.vendor.dpm.feature=*
start dpmd
on property:persist.vendor.dpm.feature=0
stop dpmd