klontv: done
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 331 additions and 0 deletions
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
// use an integer for version numbers
version = 1
cloudstream {
language = "uk"
// All of these properties are optional, you can safely remove them
description = "Команда Klon.TV створила безкоштовний онлайн-сервіс, щоб кожен наш глядач з легкістю та без зайвих суперечок вибрав цікавий фільм, або одразу продовжив дивитися улюблений серіал. Минула та пора, коли треба стежити за афішами твого міста, і вгадувати якість майбутньої стрічки. Також вже можна забути про трату часу на довгу дорогу в кінотеатр, півгодинного перегляду трейлерів перед показом, сусідами, що чавкають, яким не зрозуміти, що фільм треба іноді й слухати, а не тільки дивитися. Вибравши наш сервіс для перегляду фільмів онлайн безкоштовно, ви будете приємно здивовані: українське озвучення, перегляд без реєстрації, ніякої реклами на весь екран, і багато інших цікавих можливостей. Klon.TV - цінує кожного глядача, і зробить все можливе, щоб Ви до нас повернулися:)."
authors = listOf("CakesTwix")
* Status int as the following:
* 0: Down
* 1: Ok
* 2: Slow
* 3: Beta only
* */
status = 1 // will be 3 if unspecified
tvTypes = listOf(
iconUrl = "https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=klon.tv&sz=%size%"
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest package="com.lagradost"/>
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package com.lagradost
import android.util.Log
import com.lagradost.models.PlayerJson
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.*
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addAniListId
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.LoadResponse.Companion.addMalId
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.AppUtils.tryParseJson
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.ExtractorLink
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.M3u8Helper
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element
class KlonTVProvider : MainAPI() {
// Basic Info
override var mainUrl = "https://klon.tv"
override var name = "KlonTV"
override val hasMainPage = true
override var lang = "uk"
override val hasDownloadSupport = true
override val supportedTypes = setOf(
// Sections
override val mainPage = mainPageOf(
"$mainUrl/serialy/page/" to "Серіали",
"$mainUrl/anime/page/" to "Аніме",
"$mainUrl/filmy/page/" to "Зарубіжні фільми",
"$mainUrl/multfilmy/page/" to "Мультфільми",
"$mainUrl/multserialy/page/" to "Мультсеріали",
// Main Page
private val animeSelector = ".short-news__slide-item"
private val titleSelector = ".card-link__style, .text-module__main"
private val hrefSelector = titleSelector
private val posterSelector = ".card-poster__img, .cover-image, .owl-carousel .owl-item img"
// Load info
private val titleLoadSelector = ".seo-h1__position"
private val genresSelector = ".table-info__link"
private val yearSelector = ".table-info__link a"
private val playerSelector = "div.film-player iframe"
private val descriptionSelector = ".info-clamp__hid"
private val recommendationsSelector = ".related-news__small-card"
// private val ratingSelector = ".pmovie__subrating img"
override suspend fun getMainPage(
page: Int,
request: MainPageRequest
): HomePageResponse {
val document = app.get(request.data + page).document
val home = document.select(animeSelector).map {
return newHomePageResponse(request.name, home)
private fun Element.toSearchResponse(): AnimeSearchResponse {
val title = this.selectFirst(titleSelector)?.text()?.trim().toString()
val href = this.selectFirst(hrefSelector)?.attr("href").toString()
val posterUrl = mainUrl + this.selectFirst(posterSelector)?.attr("data-src")
val status = this.select(".poster__label").text()
return newAnimeSearchResponse(title, href, TvType.Anime) {
this.posterUrl = posterUrl
addDubStatus(isDub = true)
override suspend fun search(query: String): List<SearchResponse> {
val document = app.post(
url = mainUrl,
data = mapOf(
"do" to "search",
"subaction" to "search",
"story" to query.replace(" ", "+")
return document.select(animeSelector).map {
// Detailed information
override suspend fun load(url: String): LoadResponse {
val document = app.get(url).document
// Parse info
val title = document.selectFirst(titleLoadSelector)?.text()?.trim().toString()
val poster = mainUrl + document.selectFirst(posterSelector)?.attr("data-src")
val tags = document.select(genresSelector).map { it.text() }
val year = document.selectFirst(yearSelector)?.text()?.toIntOrNull()
val playerUrl = document.select(playerSelector).attr("data-src")
val tvType = with(tags){
contains("Серіали") -> TvType.TvSeries
contains("Фільми") -> TvType.Movie
contains("Аніме") -> TvType.Anime
contains("Мультфільми") -> TvType.Movie
contains("Мультсеріали") -> TvType.TvSeries
else -> TvType.TvSeries
val description = document.selectFirst(descriptionSelector)?.text()?.trim()
val recommendations = document.select(recommendationsSelector).map {
// Return to app
// Parse Episodes as Series
return if (tvType != TvType.Movie) {
var episodes: List<Episode> = emptyList()
val playerRawJson = app.get(playerUrl).document.select("script").html()
tryParseJson<List<PlayerJson>>(playerRawJson)?.map { dubs -> // Dubs
for(season in dubs.folder){ // Seasons
for(episode in season.folder){ // Episodes
episodes = episodes.plus(
"${season.title}, ${episode.title}, $playerUrl",
season.title.replace(" Сезон ","").toIntOrNull(),
episode.title.replace("Серія ","").toIntOrNull(),
newAnimeLoadResponse(title, url, tvType) {
this.posterUrl = poster
this.year = year
this.plot = description
this.tags = tags
this.rating = rating
this.recommendations = recommendations
addEpisodes(DubStatus.Dubbed, episodes)
} else { // Parse as Movie.
newMovieLoadResponse(title, url, tvType, "$title, $playerUrl") {
this.posterUrl = poster
this.year = year
this.plot = description
this.tags = tags
this.rating = rating
this.recommendations = recommendations
// It works when I click to view the series
override suspend fun loadLinks(
data: String, // (Serisl) [Season, Episode, Player Url] | (Film) [Title, Player Url]
isCasting: Boolean,
subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit,
callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit
): Boolean {
val dataList = data.split(", ")
// Its film, parse one m3u8
if(dataList.size == 2){
val m3u8Url = app.get(dataList[1]).document.select("script").html()
source = dataList[0],
streamUrl = m3u8Url,
referer = "https://tortuga.wtf/"
return true
val playerRawJson = app.get(dataList[2]).document.select("script").html()
tryParseJson<List<PlayerJson>>(playerRawJson)?.map { dubs -> // Dubs
for(season in dubs.folder){ // Seasons
if(season.title == dataList[0]){
for(episode in season.folder){ // Episodes
if(episode.title == dataList[1]){
// Add as source
source = dubs.title,
streamUrl = episode.file,
referer = "https://tortuga.wtf/"
return true
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package com.lagradost
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.plugins.CloudstreamPlugin
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.plugins.Plugin
import android.content.Context
class KlonTVProviderPlugin: Plugin() {
override fun load(context: Context) {
// All providers should be added in this manner. Please don't edit the providers list directly.
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package com.lagradost
import android.util.Log
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.app
class Tracker {
suspend fun getTracker(title: String?, type: String?, year: Int?): Tracker {
val res = app.get("https://api.consumet.org/meta/anilist/$title")
.parsedSafe<AniSearch>()?.results?.find { media ->
Log.d("load-debug", media.toString())
(media.title?.english.equals(title, true) || media.title?.romaji.equals(
return Tracker(res?.malId, res?.aniId, res?.image, res?.cover)
data class Tracker(
val malId: Int? = null,
val aniId: String? = null,
val image: String? = null,
val cover: String? = null,
data class Title(
val romaji: String? = null,
val english: String? = null,
data class Results(
val aniId: String? = null,
val malId: Int? = null,
val title: Title? = null,
val releaseDate: Int? = null,
val type: String? = null,
val image: String? = null,
val cover: String? = null,
data class AniSearch(
val results: ArrayList<Results>? = arrayListOf(),
private data class Episodes(
val file: String? = null,
val title: String? = null,
val poster: String? = null,
private data class Home(
val table: String? = null,
private data class Search(
val mes: String? = null,
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package com.lagradost.models
data class PlayerJson (
val title : String,
val folder : List<Season>
data class Season (
val title : String,
val folder : List<Episode>
data class Episode (
val title : String,
val file : String,
val id : String,
val poster : String,
val subtitle : String,
Reference in a new issue