2025-01-13 14:41:14 -05:00
import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.gradle.CloudstreamExtension
2023-02-15 01:54:28 -05:00
import com.android.build.gradle.BaseExtension
buildscript {
dependencies {
2025-02-14 18:11:46 -05:00
2023-02-15 01:54:28 -05:00
2025-02-14 18:11:46 -05:00
plugins {
alias(libs.plugins.android.application) apply false
alias(libs.plugins.android.library) apply false
alias(libs.plugins.kotlin) apply false
2023-02-15 01:54:28 -05:00
fun Project.cloudstream(configuration: CloudstreamExtension.() -> Unit) = extensions.getByName<CloudstreamExtension>("cloudstream").configuration()
fun Project.android(configuration: BaseExtension.() -> Unit) = extensions.getByName<BaseExtension>("android").configuration()
subprojects {
apply(plugin = "com.android.library")
apply(plugin = "kotlin-android")
apply(plugin = "com.lagradost.cloudstream3.gradle")
cloudstream {
// when running through github workflow, GITHUB_REPOSITORY should contain current repository name
// you can modify it to use other git hosting services, like gitlab
2024-07-30 14:29:24 -04:00
setRepo("CakesTwix", "cloudstream-extensions-uk", "gitea-git.cakestwix.com")
2025-01-13 14:41:14 -05:00
authors = listOf("CakesTwix")
2023-02-15 01:54:28 -05:00
android {
2025-01-13 14:41:14 -05:00
namespace = "ua.CakesTwix"
defaultConfig {
minSdk = 21
targetSdk = 35
2023-02-15 01:54:28 -05:00
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
tasks.withType<org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile> {
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = "1.8" // Required
// Disables some unnecessary features
freeCompilerArgs = freeCompilerArgs +
2025-01-13 14:41:14 -05:00
"-Xno-call-assertions" +
"-Xno-param-assertions" +
2023-02-15 01:54:28 -05:00
dependencies {
2025-02-14 18:11:46 -05:00
val apk by configurations
2023-02-15 01:54:28 -05:00
val implementation by configurations
2025-02-14 18:11:46 -05:00
val libs = rootProject.libs
2025-02-15 11:14:54 -05:00
val apkTasks = listOf("deployWithAdb", "build", "makePluginsJson")
2025-02-14 18:11:46 -05:00
val useApk = gradle.startParameter.taskNames.any { taskName ->
apkTasks.any { apkTask ->
taskName.contains(apkTask, ignoreCase = true)
// If the task is specifically to compile the app then use the stubs, otherwise us the library.
if (useApk) {
// Stubs for all Cloudstream classes
} else {
// For running locally
2023-02-15 01:54:28 -05:00
// these dependencies can include any of those which are added by the app,
// but you dont need to include any of them if you dont need them
// https://github.com/recloudstream/cloudstream/blob/master/app/build.gradle
implementation(kotlin("stdlib")) // adds standard kotlin features, like listOf, mapOf etc
2025-02-14 18:11:46 -05:00
implementation(libs.nicehttp) // http library
implementation(libs.jsoup) // html parser
2023-02-15 01:54:28 -05:00
2025-02-14 18:11:46 -05:00
tasks.register<Delete>("clean") {
2025-02-15 04:30:56 -05:00
2023-02-15 01:54:28 -05:00